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Everything posted by ironroad

  1. R.I.P. Muhammad Ali

    He is back in Allah's bosom One of the greatest fighters that ever lived and had some of the most memorable drag-out and knock-down fights with the likes of Ken Norton, Ernie Shavers, and Joe Frazier. Unfortunately his body paid the price for all those speculator moments but I'm sure they will go down as some of the greatest moments ever witnessed by mankind.
  2. In light of recent unfortunate events involving US service personnel across all branches of the military, I figured would post something that might help lighten the mood. Some clips of Blue Angel and Thunderbird performances and training from the early 1980s. God be with the families of those who were recently lost. And continue to be with those who have served and continue to serve doing dangerous, dirty, and tedious work so that others can be safe and free.
  3. FINALLY. Got DCS after all these years.

    In DCS the AI knows where everything is relative to everything else. There are just parameters and limits to how the AI can act on that information. Now if I could just get my X65F working again, I would hop in and fly around some. But until I figure out what is wrong, I'm stuck watching from the sidelines. Hopefully I will get things working before the F-5E is released
  4. Gaming has been helping my keep my sanity with the goings on... As of late I have been playing Battlefield 4 until I can get my X65Fs USB drivers working again. *Warning strong language
  5. A-10 and F-16 Elephant Walk

    The framerates! Someone think of the framerates!
  6. OMFG! Nothing I have ever made can or will compare to this. My stuff looks like a pile of wet dog stools in comparison to this. They had friggin animated safety flags! MY GOD! Man I have a lot to learn!
  7. Because the A-10 doesn't come with a "golden parachute" and there are no Warthog factories in "safe" Congressional districts. In all honesty what it really comes down to is are the services currently getting the best value for their money. And please note that the "value" also includes training, spare parts, manpower, logistics, etc. Yes there is often some "hanky panky" that goes on with defense contracts (money under the table, back slapping, job-trading, excessive spending, etc). But the feasibility has to be weighed in if it worth reopening production lines for a particular type of aircraft (almost never feasible unless there is some sort of emergency situation) and if are there enough "bone yard" parts to keep it flying effectively and safely. Aircraft, weapons, systems, and components do have a self-life. Just because someone can get a P-51, F-100, or Spitfire to fly at an airshow does not mean said type can be safely used in a combat environment.
  8. Really Getting Kicked in the Ass

    For a few days my father has been in the hospital after losing consciousness at home. He is a tough old street kid, having done over 20 years in law enforcement and prior to that an air force enlistment. He has seen a lot of stuff from drugs, shootouts, citywide riots, to the time he was sitting on a remote mountaintop waiting for the Soviets to come steamrolling through (thankfully the Cold War stayed cold in his sector). I have done this dance before with other relatives, but these trips back and fourth are really starting to wear on me.
  9. Really Getting Kicked in the Ass

    Thanks for all the replies. Wrench I wish you and your family the best as well.
  10. Prince Dead at 57

    I loved how he stuck it to Warner Brothers. When he couldn't get his contract settled he would just showed up to staff meetings, acted normal, but had the word "slave" written across his face. He got tired of all the record BS, so he started his own label, recorded/produced his tracks, and sold his music on ther internet (being one of the first major artist to embrace the internet). All these great musicians and artists are dying, acts like Mikey Cyrus are still making records...smh
  11. I just finished another round of DCS media. This go round I focus on the Su-24 (MR variant) in a short DCS movie and a piece of screenshot art from the movie. Original can be seen here: http://ironroad.deviantart.com/art/FENCER-Fandom-604263996?ga_submit_new=10%253A1461199639
  12. Maybe the air to ground radar is the current limitation? Would be pretty cool though, I wouldn't mind doing a low level penetration.
  13. Oyster Flight Loadout on May 10, 1972

    I have heard and read as such. Ritchie and DeBellevue got two of their kills together in an F-4E, all of "Chuck's" remaining kills were in a F-4D, two more with Ritchie and two more with John A. Madden Jr. It also was not uncommon for USAF F-4s during the early to mid part of SEA to have different "tail codes" in the same squadron because there was no organized standard wing/base tailcode system for F-4s in country. I believe that system may have begun to get worked out by the early 70s and Linebacker days. Complete difference where all Navy/USMC birds had the tail code of their assigned air wings/group. Also for a good chunk of the war (at least during part of Flaming Dart and Rolling Thunder) the air force did not want to openly identify that they were operating from bases in Thailand, hence why some of the tail codes and even serial numbers may be wonky in photos from that period.
  14. Holy Crap That's Nice: Oregon ANG

    http://theaviationist.com/2016/04/05/take-a-look-at-this-commemorative-f-15-eagle-eagle-for-the-75th-anniversary-of-the-oregon-ang/ Just realized I posted in the wrong forum........
  15. Some training films from the early 70s, might provide some insight
  16. US Coast Guard drug interdiction

    Law enforcement mission creep... this is my surprised face
  17. Eye in the Sky Trailer

    Omfg, not another one...
  18. In my latest DCS short film installment titled: Jacksonville Jackin' Part of my DCS "Go Guard" series which features the current Air National Guard units that operate the F-15.
  19. That man has balls of steel Not just because of what he survived, but his humility to be able to meet back up with his torturers and talk to them with a smile. I don't know what that man is made of, but I could never be on his level.
  20. Final Super Etendard launch

    I did not know that they still used the bridle
  21. Enough Rope

    I am a firm believer in giving people enough rope Also, the loudest and most combative person in the room is also the weakest...
  22. I have good news and bad news...

    I thought you were going to say you forgot to take your pill and might be late...wait, why did I just have a flash back to my early 20s...
  23. New Ghostbusters trailer

    Yeah, if they really wanted to be successful with their agenda they would write/create original movies instead rewriting or trying to rehash old classics. *Insert favorite whoa is me group power has been around for decades, how about create something refreshing, new, and innovative with GOOD story that doesn't depend on CGI to sell it. I'd gladly pay to see that type of movie, regardless if a man, woman, or mule is the main character.
  24. Rocket only interceptors were nothing unique for time period, the early models of the F-8 were equipped with "rocket trays" similar to the interceptor variants of the F-86. The F-89, F-94, and F-102 were initially designed as "rocket" only interceptors. The VOODOO was supposed to be a guns only long range escort platform, but when the F-101B came online it was a long range missile/rocket only interceptor. Interceptors was were the US put most of its stock in during those years as the backbone of North America's air defense, while the Warsaw Pac tended to focus on more on integrating large numbers of guns and SAM systems. The key was to knock the bombers out as far away from the continent as they could where as the Russian doctrine was to make NATO aircraft have to fight through rings of guns through "buffer countries" before mother Russia herself was threatened. The game changed with ballistic missiles and the refinement of the SA-1 what later became the SA-2. As for screw up aircraft, I say the Vought Cutless, wtf were they thinking!?

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