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Everything posted by TeargasHorse

  1. GEDC0169

    From the album FiFi comes to Vegas

  2. GEDC0168

    From the album FiFi comes to Vegas

  3. GEDC0167

    From the album FiFi comes to Vegas

  4. So, the Soviets were using Ki-43 Oscars in the early 50s, or was it the North Koreans? Is that what's up?
  5. Tupolev Tu-16 Badger Collection

  6. AV-8B Harrier II Plus 2010 modernization

    Makes me wanna do bad stuff to badder stuff. Colors remind me of WWII Marine Aviation! Thanks!!
  7. Anyone else feeling nostalgic?

    I have my old 386 in storage, and was told that I gotta get it out soon. F-15, Chuck Yeager's Air Combat, Star Wars X-Wing and Tie Fighter series. LucasFilms BOB, and SWOTL. Microprose F-19 and Dynamix A-10....all running in DOS (I will have to reach deep to remember the commands to run em.. C:CD\SWOTL....SWOTL). I know where all the 5 1/4 and 3.5" disks are, whether they still work or not is a question. They will probly disintegrate as soon as the write hed touches them.
  8. USAFM virtual hi-res cockpit App for free

    Yeah, I didn't read about the free part. Anyway it's a very cool place, too bad it's so far from here. Hopefully I'll go check it out one day.
  9. USAFM virtual hi-res cockpit App for free

    At least they coulda dusted before the photo shoots. I don't think a case of swiffer dusters and pledge should be so much. Man hours is free-time, a pit a week shouldn't be so hard, but the commute to the museum......
  10. USAFM virtual hi-res cockpit App for free

    I'm not a modder, but this is freakin AWESOME, thank you!! And then I gotta a question. The planes are museum pieces, they need to be cleaned. Man the dust on that Sabre is crazy! Where can I volunteer?? "Ask not what your warbird can do for you, ask the museum what you can do for your warbird."
  11. Strike Fighters 2: War For Israel V3.0 + Sandbox

    I am getting SMOKED by invisibles! I finished the MiG-31 Syrian campaign though, in 3 missions, but it took 5 tries. I wanna add the object folders and Speech packs to my other (7) installs. good work
  12. EASD Mako

    That's a kick, looks like some Jules Verne Aeroplane...cool. OCTOPUS, LOOKOUT!!!
  13. Arma 3 Alpha Available on Steam

    Stary, Arma 3 is a closed engine, or OFP DR/RR is closed, which it is because it was made for consoles?
  14. f-35 Fighter

    Ill be driving by Nellis in about an hour, eyes will be peeled!
  15. Arma 3 Alpha Available on Steam

    It's always been an open engine, except for Dragon Rising/Red River, so the modders will go nuts, again. I'm in.
  16. I am obliged to agree with Blackbird, the grey skins are very nice, good work. Greece didn't have F-100s but that's why these are in the "What if" files.
  17. SF2 WW2 ETO B-26B/G Marauder Pak

  18. Making Some Moves

    Vegas is tough, man. Keep that positive attitude. Good luck.
  19. So, I didn't know what "Skoshi" meant, and looked it up. A small space or time, from Japanese. Sometimes Mo Skosh. Read more: http://www.answers.com/topic/skoshi#ixzz2M3FVEjxh From http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/aircraft/f-5c.htm : "In October 1965, the USAF borrowed 12 combat-ready F-5As from MAP supplies (5 F-5A-15s and seven F-5A-20s) and turned them over to the 4503rd Tactical Fighter Wing for operational service trials. The 4503rd TFS (Provisional) was formed on July 29, 1965 to conduct the evaluation. It was an all volunteer group with pilots and ground crew selected from Project Sparrow Hawk at Eglin AFB. The pilots underwent training at Williams AFB while Northrop modified the aircraft for duty in Southeast Asia. The aircraft were modified to have inflight refuelling probes on the port sides of their noses, 90 pounds of armor plate on their bellies, and jettisonable pylons underneath their wings. Instruments and flight controls were modified and the standered Norsight fixed optical sight was replaced by a lead-computing gunsight. The rudder travel limiter was removed, and the aircraft were camouflaged in tan and two-tone green, with light grey undersides. They were redesignated F-5C for their service with the USAF." Thanks for the info, Spinners, it made me more smart.
  20. [Fictional] SEA Camo for the TMF/ Mod Mafia Hornet

    Cool. I've been using D&D dice to mix it up in campaigns. If the Hornet shows up in the Nam, this will work nicely, thanks!
  21. An interesting novelty for fans of flight simulators.

    Use a multi function joystick, and you won't EVER need the keyboard (in game)!
  22. Starting missions, the HUD is in Nav mode, switching to weapons changes the mode, how do I switch back to Nav? I can't see a bind for it in options.
  23. shift + ' thanks fellas. So there are hidden control options, nice. Why it doesn't show in options, the world wonders?

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