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About mehlhorndirk

  1. Thanks for releasing the Static Aircraft-Mod. I realy apprechiate it.
  2. If you never mind, I would like to use the "Static Aircrafts" for me modded campaign.
  3. Hello, concerning the incident over Syrte in the year1981 it is not clear if the Su-22 or Su-22M were armed with either the R-3S or the more advanced R-13M. It can be that an R-3s was fired by mistake or that an R-13M was fired with an “limited” head-on look. If the seek of an R-13M were close to the heat source it could be possible to look on head-on. But the distance was normally too close as that the missile could guide properly. Therefore, the term “Limited” Head-On capability. To solve the problem in game I propose: a Give the missile an all-aspect capability, reduce the "max. Launch Range" and/or the "max Seeker Range", reduce the "Seeker Gimble Limit", reduce the "Max Turn Rate" & reduce the "Seek Track Rate". The exact values must be determined by “try and error”. Since the Su-22 and the Su-22M don’t have a proper aiming system for air-to-air combat with missiles, you have to archive an look-on via PKI (boresight). Attached may some additional information about the FON over Syrte.
  4. Please be so kind to download and install the "F-5E Early version Pack" created by "By Centurion-1". It should help to solve the problem.
  5. way 1: Load your "Terrain.TFD"- file with the "TFDtool" and go with your mouse over your desired position on the map. On the upper right corner, behind the note "Mouse xy:" you will find the position data. way 2: Open the file "your Terrain"_TARGETS.ini in your Terrain - folder with an editor. There you will find all your targets areas with their position. If you like to avoid your nodes/positions being inside the target area, just increase/descrease slightly the value by 50 or 100. You have to find it out (try & error). :-) That's the way I'm defining the position but may others have a better way. Have fun!
  6. Hi, below attached my "Ogaden War" Campaign I creaated years ago for my pleasure. May it helps you for the beginning. Have fun! Ogaden War_DATA.INI Ogaden War.INI
  7. Need your prayers

    Wish you & your family all the best! Hope it will turns to good.
  8. Hello, the two file I sent to you are modified. Therefore, CTD doesn`t occur anymore at my system. Just save your old files & replace it with my new files. May it will solve your problem. Kind regards …
  9. Okay ... here are the both files ... :-) EasterOffensive.INI EasterOffensive_DATA.INI
  10. Hello, as requested please find below two files with some changes. Still some "fine tuning" are needed. Good luck ... EasterOffensive.INI
  11. Scenarios of Iran's war on the Arabs

    Hi, Do we still have Terrain or do someone can create a terrain covering: Saudi Arabia (complete area) Yemen (complete area) UAE (complete area) Bahrain (complete area) Oman (complete area) Katar (complete area) Iran (full, if possible, otherwise just the coast line)? It would be great if we can create campaigns once such a terrain would be available.

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