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Files posted by ShrikeHawk
The Continuation War Pt. C
By ShrikeHawk in User Made Campaigns
The Continuation War Pt. C (see Pt. A for a complete description).
- continuation war
- ww2
- (and 2 more)
The Continuation War Pt. B
By ShrikeHawk in User Made Campaigns
The Continuation War Pt. B (see part A for a complete description).
The Continuation War Pt. A
By ShrikeHawk in User Made Campaigns
Admin: This is complete install without any Campaigns. I didn't know where else to put it.
The Continuation War was fought between 25 June 1941 and 19 September 1944 between Finland and the USSR. This was a true David and Goliath battle. Finland cobbled together a small airforce from the obsolete aircraft of other countries and faced a colossal Soviet Sir Force. Finland should have been overrun within weeks, but that's not how it worked out... This is a tribute to the tenacity of the Finnish armed forces.
This is a complete install of the Continuation War. It is built for the benefit of those "without access" to the more diverse ww2 resources of the Development A-Team (DAT), though anyone is welcome to use this Continuation War install. In no way is this intended as a competing product for the A-Team's Winter War. Rather, it is an alternative for those unable to access DAT. This is an informal install. It is not offered as a final product, merely as something to get you flying in the region until further resources are available at CA. If some brave soul will make a Karelian Isthmus terrain, I'd be eternally grateful.
In this install you get:
- New skins
- Skins "adapted" for use over the battlefield.
- New Flight Models (FMs) with Aggressive AI.
- Sounds from AvHistory and others.
- New Menu screens and sounds.
Finnish Aircraft Include:
- Hawker Hurricane Mk I
- Curtiss Hawk 75A-8
- Morane Saulnier Ms.406
- VL Myrsky II
- Messerschmidt Bf-109G-2
- Messerschmidt Bf-109G-6
- Junkers Ju-88A-4
- Dornier Do-17Z
Soviet Aircraft Include:
- Hawker Hurricane Mk IIa
- Polikarpov I-16 Type 10
- Polikarpov I-16 Type 24
- Bell P-39N Airacobra
- Curtiss Kittyhawk Mk III
- Tupolev Tu-2
- North American B-25C
- Yakolev Yak-1B
- Yakolev Yak-9T
- Yakolev Yak-9D
- Yakolev Yak-9U
Awesome Terrain: gillg (JonathanRL's TSF team)
Models: Veltro2K, Raven, Pasko, MontyCZ, Cocas, Wolf257, and Others
Cockpits: Stary, Kesselbrut, and Others
Sounds: AvHistory, and Others
FlightModels: Baffmeister, Charles, ShrikeHawk, and Others
Skins: Charles, Raven, ShrikeHawk, Spinners and Many Others
EnvironmentSystem.ini: Stary
3-D Clouds & EnvironmentSystem mods: ShrikeHawk
Guns & Weapons compiled by: Wrench
Thanks to Wrench in general. He had a hand in a lot of this stuff. He keeps the props flames burning, and answers a LOT of questions. Much appreciated Wrench.
* This compiles so many different projects over so many years and so many missing readme's, that there are many more people deserving credit than are listed. If you've been missed, I apologize profusely. Please let me know and I'll put your name in.
A few comprises were made to get this going. The Swedish terrain (produced by JonathanRL's TSF team) is modern Sweden. However it has an old world feel to it that plays well in a ww2 install. Pasko's Yak-9P stands in for the Yak-1B, Yak-9T, Yak-9D, and Yak-9U. There are minor differences between the versions so visually, the Yak-9P is an excellent stand-in. There is one "What If" included. The Fiat G.55 did not fly for Finland. In reality, Germany was very impressed with the G.55 and collected up to 42 examples for study. What happened to them after that? Well, they might easily have been donated to Finland like so many other aircraft.
- Download all three parts
- Create a new Theater-Specific install. Best choice is SF2:Europe.
Create it with this name exactly: StrikeFighters2 ContinuationWar
Good instructions on this are available here:
- Go to your new Mods Folder main directory.
- From download Copy & paste the folders: Flight, Menu, Sounds, Terrains.
- Go to mod folder's Objects Folder. Empty the Aircraft Folder, and the GroundObjects Folder.
- From your download, copy & paste the aircraft in the Aircraft folder into your mod folder's Aircraft folder. Do the same with GroundObjects.
- From your download, copy & paste the folders: Decals, Guns, Pilots, Weapons into your mod folder's Object folder.
This install should not include any A-Team files or assets per agreement. If it does, this is a mistake. Let me know and I will remove those files.
- finland
- complete install
- (and 2 more)
CloudScape v3: Two Skies
By ShrikeHawk in Environmental Mods
Cloudscape v3 09/22/2010 by ShrikeHawk
Here's two cloud mods for the price of one. You get a cloud mod for Wings over Israel2 and Wings over Vietnam2. Each uses two cloud images: cloud1.tga and cloud2.tga. These images are different in both, but are interchangeable between the two mods. With just a simple file renaming you can try out any of the clouds in CloudSkins 1,2,or 3 in these mods. Experiment, play with it, and see what kind of skies you can build.
The WOI2 mod is a variation of the new Widesky. The WoV2 mod is a variation of the default environmentsystem.ini.
Thanks to Cellinski and Insky Group for the original WideSky mod and the updated version for Thirdwire's 2nd Gen Sims.
Thanks to Stick for trying it out and for the support.
Thanks to TK for a fabulous sim and the wisdom to make it so moddable.
CloudSkins3: Clouds For Days
By ShrikeHawk in Environmental Mods
CloudSkins3: Clouds For Days by ShrikeHawk 09/08/2010
Here's a huge collection of cloud images. I've used all of these off and on for most of 2010. Many are closely related having only a slightly different paintjob from another. Others are very different, using a completely different alpha channel (dictates the shape of the cloud.)
You can use these in any cloud setting you like in any way you like. They will work in any version of SF1 or SF2 or any version of First Eagles.
This is NOT a complete mod. It is images only. Use these clouds only if you are minimally comfortable with modding.
See you in the clouds!
CloudSkins Too: PaintedClouds
By ShrikeHawk in Environmental Mods
CloudSkins Too:PaintedClouds - Mar 14, 2010 by ShrikeHawk
Here is another set of CloudSkins for your amusement. In this set, I used a different technique to create the clouds. This method gives me far more control over their look, because it allows me to actually "paint" in the details. Thus the "Painted" subtitle for this set. Additionally, I've played with larger images (768x768 instead of the usual 512x512). There is a slight framerate hit (2-8FPS) in using these clouds, but if your system can handle it, they're worth it. I have included three 512x512 images if you prefer the standard size.
The idea of CloudSkins has been to only supply the images and let the users supply their own sky settings. In this set you can still do that. But this time I am supplying an environmentsystem.ini file that I use in all my installs.
This was primarily created by ASRAAM. He combined the features of Widesky, CloudScape, and the sky settings of NF4+. So I believe, but have not confirmed, this file will work in SF2 as well as SF1. Most of the work is ASRAAM's and he deserves a lot of credit for it. In turn, I have changed some of the cloud settings to suit my tastes. I have tested this out in WoV,WoE, and WoI. To use it, simply copy the environmentsystem.ini file into your Flight folder.
I have added a folder named "CloudBurst." This contains a different environmentsystem.ini file with a trick I learned from Stick. It overloads the cloud counts and produces a striking cloudscape full of many cloud layers. I used this file to create the screenshot for CloudSkins Too. It uses a lot of framerates so it's preferred for more powerful systems. To use it, just copy the environmentsystem.ini file only (NOT the whole CloudBurst folder) and place it into your Flight folder.
Much thanks go out to Stick and ASRAAM for technical support, and Piecemeal, suhsjake, NeverEnough, Haukka81, Dogzero1, Icarus999, and Dude27 for their enthusiasm and encouragement. Greatest thanks to TK for an awesome sim.
By ShrikeHawk in Environmental Mods
CloudSkins by ShrikeHawk, Jan 10 2010
Here is a set of six different cloud images to use as you see fit.
If you can have a huge variety of skins for your F4 Phantom, why can't you have many choices of "skins" for clouds as well? This is the thrust of this mod. New images to change the look of your clouds and use them any way you want.
Just copy a cloud1.tga from any one of the six folders included in the mod and paste it (just the file, not the folder) into your Flight folder. Always back up your originals! These images will work with SF1, SF2, Widesky, Cloudscape, or any modded environmentsystem.ini you have developed yourself. It will also work if you have no modded skies at all.
I have included a cloudguide.jpg with screenshots, labeled to match the folders, so you can get an idea of what each cloud looks like.
Much thanks to Derk, Stick, Spinners, GrinchWSLG. swanbast. Stary, DWCAce, and Silverbolt for their feedback and encouragement.
CloudScape v2
By ShrikeHawk in Environmental Mods
CloudScape V2 09/03/2009 by ShrikeHawk
This has been successfully tested in WoV, WoE, WoI and also limited testing in the SFP2 sims (thanks to silverbolt). Framerates were minimally affected by this mod during testing.
Since clouds vary widely in their appearance from day to day, it seems to me that the WoX games should have a greater variety in the appearance of their clouds. I notice the clouds a lot and after a while I begin to see too much repetition in the cloud patterns. So I frequently wish for more variety.
As it turns out, you "can" have greater variation. It is possible to use as many as four different clouds in a single installation - one each for scattered, broken, overcast, and inclement clouds. I have capitalized on this to create a wider array of cloud images. In this mod, I have created two sets of four clouds. Each set of four comprises a single install.
Cheers and Happy Flying!
CloudScape v1
By ShrikeHawk in Environmental Mods
CloudScape Mod for Strike Fighters Gold, Wings over Europe, and Wings over Israel
This mod has been tested in all the above listed sims. I have every reason to believe it will work in Wings over Vietnam and Strike Fighters Project 1 as well.
For me, an essential part of the immersion in a flight sim is just watching the clouds go by. In real life, I watch clouds often and commonly photograph them. I like clouds that form into interesting and complex shapes.
My intent here was to create cloudscapes that are appealing to the eye and thus increase the immersion into the game.
In 2007, I created a cloud mod for First Eagles with the same idea in mind. When I placed the same mod into WoI and SFG, I felt the image didn't fit with the bluer skies of the modern era sims.
Tweaking the colors didn't work well enough. So I kept the same alpha channel (mask), modded it a lot, and created a completely new image with it. I think this one works better. This new image, on first glance, doesn't look nearly as nice as the default. Don't be put off. Most of the cloud's appearance is managed by the alpha channel embedded into the image.
Of the over 60 different clouds I tried, I couldn't decide which one I liked best, so I am including just two and letting you decide which you like best.
If you already have an edited environmentsystem.ini file or a cloud1.tga file you can opt to use just the cloud1.tga file. Always be sure to BACK UP YOUR ORIGINALS! I have tested the image alone with the Widesky mod and it works just fine.
--More information available in the README.txt
Happy Flying!
Eric Wicklund
aka ShrikeHawk
Voss Skin Pak
By ShrikeHawk in Fokker Skins
Voss skinpak for the Fokker Dr.1
10/13/2007 by ShrikeHawk
Original model and skin by the A-Team of:
Capun, Gramps, Charles, Kesselbrut & The Wrench
We had a lengthy debate about what the true colors and
streak pattern should be for Werner Voss' triplane. Everyone
could find examples on the internet somewhere from a good source.
But very often these sources conflicted with one another.
So I could never decide on exactly how Voss' skin should
look. I made many examples. These are four of my favorites.
I will leave it up to the users to decide which one they Like best.
The download is pretty chunky (24mg). Sorry about that, but it does
include four different skins. The archive is highly compressed. Let me
know via PM if you have any trouble with it.
Good hunting!
Udet Dr.1
By ShrikeHawk in Fokker Skins
Udet skin for the Fokker Dr.1
10/07/2007 by ShrikeHawk
Original model and skin by the A-Team of:
Capun, Gramps, Charles, Kesselbrut & The Wrench
Questions or comments? Please PM ShrikeHawk at combatace.com
Have Fun!
Camo Skin for Nieuport17a
By ShrikeHawk in Nieuport Skins
Camouflage skin for the Nieuport 17a with a single wing-mounted Lewis gun,
August 12, 2007 by ShrikeHawk
This is posted with permission from Monty CZ and whiteknight06604 who are the authors of the
original skins. The really good-looking details (wood, engine, fixtures, etc.) in the skin are
entirely their work.
I wanted a skin for at least one of my Nieuport 17s (I have three) that has camouflage paint.
This skin is for the N3 Escadrille 'Cigogne' in 1916. The camo is standard two-tone for French fighters
at the time. I didn't make it pilot specific so I omitted any text on the side.
I found the profile here:
Worn Airfield for Flanders
By ShrikeHawk in First Eagles - WWI and Early Years - Terrain and Environmental Mods
Worn Airfield texture for Flanders Terrain.
August 12, 2007 by ShrikeHawk
First of all, kudos and credit to Tailspin for coming up with the idea for a "worn" airbase
and also for finding the right file to edit.
I had 3 objectives in mind when making this texture.
1. Create a used, rutted look for the airfield that has yellowish-looking grass and muddy, exposed earth
patches where planes have repeatedly landed.
2. When close to, or sitting on the ground, the texture must look more complex with details to
give the flyer a greater sense of motion near the ground. But this should not be too prominent at
altitude. This was achieved using filter effects and applying graphic "noise" to the texture.
3. Lastly, I wanted the texture to "blend in" more with the background. This was difficult because the
surrounding tiles are not the same at every airbase. So I attempted to visually breakup the edges of the
texture a la camouflage so that the edge of the airbase is not readily discernable. On close
inspection, you can still see the edges. But not so clearly when viewed at an oblique angle.
Note: I expect this will not look so good with the standard Verdun terrain. In my Verdun terrain, I am
using Edward's replacement tiles, which I highly recommend. This texture works well with Edward's
Anti-Slip FM for SE5a
By ShrikeHawk in SE5a
Alternative FM for the default SE5a
07/30/07 by ShrikeHawk
I love flying the SE5a in a dogfight. So nimble and quick!
But...in slow-speed maneuvers and actions that require good
rudder control (i.e., landing, strafing) the plane is waaaayy
too squirrely. After rudder input the plane oscillates terribly
and it's very hard to keep the gunsight on target. Also, on
landing, the slideslip is extreme! The plane does not sink to
the ground as it should even when the engine is a 0%. At least
this is my experience.
So after endless tinkering, I finally have the SE5a flying the
way I expect it to. Now the plane lands much as the other
aircraft do. The landing requires more area but it is reasonable
now. It still responds a lot to yaw input, although moderately,
but will not oscillate at all after counter rudder input.
You can actually hold the gunsight on target with minimal effort.
This mod addresses other concerns than what peter01 is doing with
his alternative FMs. But when he posts it, I would highly
recommend using his FM. If you want to use this mod "and" peter01's
at the same time, please PM me and I will post a combination.
p.s. Thanks to Peter01 for the tip about the cnb parameter. That was
the last bit of info I was looking for.
Thicker, Fuller Clouds for FE
By ShrikeHawk in First Eagles - WWI and Early Years - Terrain and Environmental Mods
Thicker, Fuller Clouds for FE
07/30/07 by ShrikeHawk
I felt that the default in FE looked too much like faded white blobs
and not nearly enough like clouds. So I set about to change it.
My intention here was to make more robust-looking clouds with a higher
density and a greater "presence". I also wanted to create the more
complex shapes that clouds can form. The kind that makes you lay in
the grass and imagine what animal shape the cloud is.
I increased the random factor for the clouds as well, so scattered
clouds can be almost as dense as the default broken clouds and then
again the clouds could be very sparse. So you never quite know what
you're going to get. I like that better.
I wanted to fix Inclement Clouds too. Realistic or not, I felt that it
was too featureless and too muddy gray. I thought the cloudlayerbottom
didn't match the stormy gray of the horizon clouds. So I created a new
CLOUDLAYERBOTTOM5.bmp that I think fits the look of a stormy sky better.
I have increased the particle count in the clouds a lot. This is a big
reason for the thicker clouds. In defense of TK, I think he had the
default clouds the way he did because it would keep the framerates high
for most machines. This is a guess. I have not seen a framerate hit on
my machine (2.80Ghz CPU, @750Mb RAM, GeForce 6800GT 256Mb VRAM), but it
is possible that some machines may get an FPS degrade with this mod.
Have fun!
Breaking part sound for FE v2
By ShrikeHawk in First Eagle - General Files - Sound Mods
This is an update to my previous sound. It begins with an explosion sound
and empahasizes the cracking of wood more. I like this one better.
This is only a replacement for the previous sound. If you need the .ini
files to install it, please download the original.
Have fun!
Breaking part sound for FE
By ShrikeHawk in First Eagle - General Files - Sound Mods
Addon Breaking Sound by ShrikeHawk
My intent here was to create a very distinctive ww1 sound for
breaking aircraft parts. I wanted to hear a wood-crunching,
canvas-ripping, "uh-oh!" kind of sound to accompany a part
breaking my own (or better yet, the other guy's) aircraft.