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Everything posted by macelena

  1. I won't be able to let this game go and get into DCS or Il-2 if you guys keep doing stuff like this
  2. Sorry, I'm a caveman and can't help, but, in the first pick of the last post, taken from below, are those droptanks in the centerline and inner wing pylons? I don't think I've ever seen anything like that
  3. 1979, West Germany, On my nth mission in a row as a bomb truck in a Phantom without seeing any MiGs before F-15s eat them up "That Shilka is looking at me funny, how about i go for a head on strafing run?"
  4. Then i would suggest you try with what daddyairplanes and Gatling20 said. It might still be something else, keep telling about it if so.
  5. I hope this game went on Steam years ago and got a cult following which allowed it to get all the stuff referenced in the files, or all the stuff available to the War Thunder guys without having to spend half my life and mortgaging my sister's long gone virginity to a Gulf Sheik to pay for bonuses to unlock aircraft. They remind me of these guys who spend their lives on gyms and get all buffed up. I envy them for their bodies, but then i imagine what they went through, then i think of doing it myself, I feel sorry about them and then I go back to my usual life of laziness and procastrination. I don't remember the last time i did any exercise i wasn't paid to do.
  6. Su-17s vs MiG-27?

    I had the gutfeeling that Su-17/20/22s seemed better for CAS and the MiG-23BN/27 looked more suited for interdiction and attacking targets beyond the front, thanks a lot for your replies
  7. Check a couple of things Is it on all aircraft or some? If so, which, and are these mods? When you are on the loadout screen before the mission, does it allow you to change the gun ammo o is it greyed out? Does it allow you to select the gun in flight or does it just go to "no weapon selected" (or something like that)
  8. Making a new historical record

    I think Ace Combat is owed an apology. Surprised the aircraft could lift the man's tungsten balls.
  9. Got a promotion.

    Well, the Spanish Army has endured my shortcomings long enough that as of this morning, I made Sargeant (E6 here, it works differently than in the US) Just bragging to be honest.
  10. at first, i thought it was the Duffel Blog....

    It is weird, but for the last few years I've got to expect anything that would have been considered non-sensical perfectly possible and just enjoy the ride. I guess China will help them to keep them under control, more or less.
  11. Coming soon-ish, update to the PC version of SFMC

    This has been wished for since even when it seemed like new content was coming, however i guess SF2 sits right where TK can still get some moderate revenue and wants to keep it safe from, say, having a potentially improved competing option, but not enough to spend any more time/money (the same when you think of it) on the original PC SF/WoX series.
  12. Coming soon-ish, update to the PC version of SFMC

    I'm not very optimistic. If i were him, and the full arcade games are what brings him money, instead of SF2, I wouldn't invest much if anything on SF2. I don't like it or agree on how it is handled, but I understand it.
  13. Universe size comparison in 3d 

    Something i feel kind of "split" regarding how ET life could be is what would they be like. Our definition, or rather our concept of life is based on what we've seen on Earth, so whatever we might eventually encounter, and I feel it is quite unlikely we get to meet them, could be too different...too "alien" to even identify it. What i mean is, life developed under such a different environment could be quite detached from what we might expect, and I still feel like it could be an spectrum of beings that might fit an open minded definition of sentient life. Taking SciFi works for reference, I think it could go from "Solaris" like stuff to humanoid species we might see in "light" science fiction (Star Trek, Star Wars, Mass Effect) through convergent/parallel evolution, and in between something like the aliens from "Starship Troopers", "Forever War" or "Ender's Game" with so many differences we could barely reach any understanding or communication with before we start slugging it out. Think of the different takes on warfare of different cultures here on Earth, and how different does it evolve. Some might go for kill counts, others for gaining ground, showing off, putting up a good fight according to their concept of honor...you name it. But if warfare is hardly understood the same way by, say, Spanish vs Aztecs, US vs Imperial Japan, Afghans and everybody else and so on, imagine that with alien species. And i would apply that to society, trade, religion, science, language, trade and economy, diplomacy...
  14. The thing is, while they are challenging, they never felt like they spoil anything, on the contrary. If anything, it is more about flying with them against the blue side. I could try flying them in 1982 against Israel, though. Not even Tomcats do that well there.
  15. They feel a little bit too good, which i think it was in real life, but having them outfly F-16s seems a bit too much. Also, while the challenge is interesting, the next time i encounter one while playing with a Hun chances are my laptop is going out the window.
  16. Universe size comparison in 3d 

    Will try, although lately i can't get into books as much as i wish i could. Not long ago found some short stories about the trope "Humans are Space Orcs" and to be honest I got interested.
  17. Universe size comparison in 3d 

    Smug green/grey wimps...we don't have that many wars, pandemics, or nuclear incidents. What's the worst we could do with their tech, ram a planet at relativistic velocity, or tear space-time with a gravity powered drive?
  18. Does anyone here know Trigrinya (Language)

    I can't help, but you got me curious, what are you working on?
  19. I don't know that one, but I know this one was James Bond Stockdale
  20. Curbing the Taliban push?

    I doubt i will be the most pissed about it here compared to people who got to deploy there, but after the withdrawal, is there anything doable to help the ANA keep the Taliban at bay? Allied Carriers, Bombers, Drones? I would guess they are capable of working with NATO CAS after 20 years but I don't think we can assume anything here.
  21. With a little help from the almighty modders, this game is gorgeous Even when NV air defense makes me piss off the ground crew.
  22. Along with Crusaders and MiG-17s...As soon as i settle down and can afford the time and cash, I think I'm diving on to DCS. Still think i will keep going back to SF2
  23. Is it possible that these were dumbed down for the AI not to crash them? The stock F-104 FM is incredibly more forgiving than the modded ones, and still they go stupid sometimes. One of the things that frustrate me the most is how sometimes we get AI F-100s fly like they are in a MiG-17s against...MiG-17s, turning and dumping speed until they are sitting ducks.
  24. Curbing the Taliban push?

    We've sent 2 A-400Ms and a Security Forces detachment to bring back 25 Spanish citizens and 600 Afghans. I'm completely confident in our government's management, and have no doubts that the 25 Spanish already got out in another plane, and we are bringing back the wrong 600 Afghans along with a herd of goats to be granted refugee status out of concern for their sexual integrity.
  25. Now that you mention it, i remember blowing up a mod of "Stealth"s F-37 Talon back in the day. It was still not as hot as Jessica Biel in that movie, though.

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