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Everything posted by macelena

  1. Noticias Militares

    Con la modificación a F1M, todos pueden llevar la percha, a veces la llevan, a veces no, segun se quiera instalar para la misión o no. Junto con los motores y radares y demás, fue como si pasaran de ser F1C a F-1E200 a F1CT de golpe
  2. Apparently, it is pretty hard to kill instantly a guy with light firearms. I just read a related article about a guy who got shot 14 times with a 45 cal pistol, stood still, took 3 to the head and still made it alive to the hospital. Domestic, international, what´s the difference? Some of them say they do it to keep the government at bay, others to fight imperialism, to spread Islam, for communism, to free their homeland...there is no difference in those who slaughter innocents and hide whatever their goals or origins may be
  3. Bandit 6 o'clock

    I brake an break and let them pass by...then i try to recover the Phantom from the spin. With some luck, he will die of laughter. Now seriously, depending of the bandit. Maybe dive and run, maybe turn into him, maybe just light the burners while he lags behind shouting in bad vietnamese-arab-russian. I´m not turning into a MiG-17 in a Phantom, neither will i try to outrun a MiG-21 with a Mystere
  4. Noticias Militares

    Si hay ventajas importantes que destacaría del F1M sobre el A-4AR, serian su velocidad y su capacidad para emplear misiles de largo alcance. Con respecto de los Mirage empleados hasta ahora son mucho más capaces en cuanto a maniobrabilidad , alcance, sistema de armas, capacidad de repostaje en vuelo, etc. Personalmente, creo que deberían haberse modernizado los mirage argentinos hace tiempo a algo como los Mirage 50, con radar CyranoIV, aletas canard, sonda de reabastecimiento...hubiesen podido tenerse en esa configuración incluso para la época de Malvinas, con todas las ventajas que les hubieran supuesto en aquella epoca.
  5. Noticias Militares

    Los Super530 si estuvieron en servicio, pero se retiraron. En principio, se les dio capacidad de utilizar AIM-7P, pero dado que como interceptores en tiempo de paz solo llevaban Sidewinders (un trato con los vecinos, por evitar sustos) y luego estaban más orientados a una mision de ataque a tierra, no se han llegado a emplear. En realidad son una version mejorada respecto al Mirage F1CT. Dieron buen resultado como interceptores en la misión de policia aérea en el báltico, y en los TLP, fueron los que, tras los F-15E armados con JDAM, más precisión alcanzaron con mal tiempo usando su aviónica de ataque y bombas convencionales. La razón de su retirada no es la fatiga estructural, pues la modernización a M supuso practicamente fabricar un avion nuevo, el problema es que ya no son necesarios, hace falta recortar gastos, y ya han sido reemplazados por Typhoon y Hornet. Ojala pudieramos hacer como los franceses y mantenerlos en servicio más tiempo, de hecho, hubiesen podido ser útiles en Afghanistán con sus capacidades. Lo curioso es que la Fuerza Aérea peruana tambien quiere comprarnos aviones de segunda mano, EF2000 de las primeras versiones, pero parece ser que se van a mantener en servicio aqui y mejorar al nivel de los nuevos modelos.
  6. Post random things thread

  7. With a Phantom, full power just makes it worse. Best solution in game is engines to 0% rudder in the opposite direction of turn, nose down* and use the ailerons to put the direction of spin below the aircraft, so lift helps counter spin. Jettison tanks would have been madness in real life, but would help ingame, those outer tanks specially act as pendulums adding momentum. I have confidence in taking the aircraft out of a spin unless it starts under 3k ft ingame. In real life, you had to punch out if you couldn´t get it straight before going below 10k ft. Anyway, with a Phantom, the best solution is to avoid them if you can´t control them. Keep speed up, below 400 knots a full G maneuver makes the aircraft tumble, around 300 or less you spin. Also, with high AoA, it is better to turn using rudder yaw than ailerons. An Spanish Air Force Phantom pilot commented how, flying against Mirage F1s in DACT, he decided to change direction abruptly to follow another one, and ailerons did not push down the wing, but dragged it, causing the spin. Also, he was flying at 30k ft, wich made the Mirage be at an advantage. *or towards the direction of flight. Sometimes i spin while the aircraft general direction is horizontal. Either way, you must let the plane regain speed to fly straight. Tomcats, however, require nose up. Once i entered a spin with one, and followed the same procedures as with the Phantom, wich just made it worse. Later Caesar corrected me.If i got it right, nose down was worse, and nose up helped it out, i guess it is a different balance of lift and airspeed.
  8. Explosion at the Finish Line of Boston Marathon

    May the casualties remain as low as possible. I hope LE gets their hand on the sorry asses of whoever did it
  9. Noticias Militares

    Lo que acojona es ver a uno pasarte por encima cuando estas tan tranquilo tomando el sol en una colchoneta en la playa. Menos mal que ya tenia el bañador mojado, si no, hubiese sido muy, muy vergonzoso...
  10. Uh...translation?

    Vlad´s thumbs up and face means the same in all languages
  11. ...and i´ll tell you who you are" I never gave much credit to it, but given the amount of nutters, psycophants and insane people in the site, and how i feel at home here, i´m started to be concerned...and strangely proud. Hail the patrons of CA!
  12. War is very serious business....

    UDTs...masters of trolling.
  13. NK in state of war with the South?

    When i saw that vid, i remembered how the South Korean Frigate was sunk. They would loose a war, but at a price wich would make it be anything but a victory.
  14. "Tell me who are you walking with...

    Specially you, Stary, you lovely dumbass. And i´ll better stop typing before the thread gets too homoerotic lol
  15. Noticias Militares

    Me parece que hace unos años ya se hablo de vender nuestros "Abuelas" a Argentina, y fueron retirados de los escuadrones hace dos meses al recibir los EF2000, pero siguen en servicio y recien modernizados. Aun asi, creo que habria más opciones, como los Mirage 2000 de segunda mano de Qatar.
  16. The drone stuff is quite cool indeed, i´m just saying that, agility wise, others i mentioned are superior. And the MiG-29 too, thanks Guifon. I am fully aware of the might and ingenuity of a nation whose traditional dominance bloats the sun in the skies of their enemies, while magnanimously letting Israel exist and such. Jeez, i was saying that is was a cool paint scheme, you Iranians are quite sensitive. But the Tomcat is not the most agile fighter, and it isn´t even Iran´s fault. It is Grumman´s fault that it is, if anything. But i like it and will be the first thing i´ll try when the mod is out. Btw, did Osprey Iranian Tomcats PDF files get thru? I think i got them somewhere
  17. The "Iron Lady" is gone...

    If i´m right about that freudian slip, it is not such thing. The position about the Argentine claims to the Falklands are different to the position about the War. I agree with the Argentines that they had a right over the Islands wich has never, and will never be compensated in any form. However, i doubt the British had any other option than to reply strongly to the invasion. Even if the UK was thinking of give them back the day before the invasion, you can´t let anybody to get something out of you by force. That´s what could have justified Operation Corporate more than any other thing. If anything, the British servicemen are the ones the UK is to owe, not Thatcher, however i don´t think many other people would have made the right decision.
  18. Well, other than the EF2000, the F-16, Mirage2000, F-5Es and (prepares to run away before being raped by turkey fanatics) the F-15s! Cool camo, indeed. I remember seeing a VF-1 picture with the ferris scheme and it looked quite badass
  19. I´m worse, i feel like it is my girlfriend who mods me. I pick different skins (clothes), have a different dive attack AI (no longer getting drunk) edited FM (drive like a granny), 3D modelling (lost weight), got non exported (for unknown reasons, my female friends don´t talk to me anymore) and had new mission types added (MALL_SWEEP, DINNER_RECON, PARTY_ESCORT)
  20. Tornados were not discarded for any political reason, in fact, i have the article in wich it scored, over trials, 17% the A-A capability of the Hornet and 85% of its A-G capacity. In fact, the only political pressure was to reevaluate the Mirage 2000 against F-16s and F-18s. When only the Falcon and the Hornet remaind, it was determined that a lower amount of hornets could do the same job as more Falcons, due to greater capabilities (then, avionics and weapons systems of the Hornet were quite better, and air refueling system compatible with our KC-130s) despite the longer range and lower cost per unit of the F-16 Back on topic, it would have been great to be a part of the program as we would be later with EF2000. Besides, Tornados may not be the most practical aircraft in the scenarios it met, but it is a badass classic low level mud mover.
  21. That was really creepy, i should admit lol
  22. F-22 - Worth It?

    Nevermind, sometimes you say something, it is misunderstood and then the wrong idea spreads like the Spanish Flu, and you end having the Spanish Inquisition up your ...oh, FML double selfkill.
  23. F-22 - Worth It?

    We don´t have Anti-American sentiments in Europe. We are too busy with Anti-European sentiments
  24. relacion skins-avion

    es parte del modelo 3D, creo que en el archivo out es donde se especifica cada cual, pero no sabría decirlo con certeza EDIT: Lo que diga Enoc

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