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Everything posted by macelena

  1. I doubt there is anything i could be able to do with it, but just out of curiosity, what is missing? Animations, FM, textures? Everything but the 3d model?
  2. They used F-86Hs, IIRC, to stand in for Vietnamese MiG-17s, i wish we had some of these available.
  3. North Vietnam, 1967 "I know SAMs are taking a toll on newer aircraft, but this seems a little bit too desperate" "Remember when i told you it was suspicious for these broads with funny accents to be that interested in how the electronics of our B-52 worked?" "Sure" "Well, that's about it"
  4. Which aircraft did it come from? Test, demonstrator or something?
  5. If you have it with higher res, i think you can just cut them out with Paint 3D, then turn them into TGA. I did so with a Cobra for the Aussie Sabres before i noticed there was one already by Paulo Panz, but it was quite easy to get it working compared to, say, making one from scratch or waiting for someone with one to read this.
  6. If anything ever flew, Spinners has put a cool skin with a British roundel on it with a nice backstory. He is doing the same with other roundels, and soon enough he will do invented roundels as well. Heck, I'm Spanish and not too long ago i was screaming Rule Britannia while playing with RAF Avro Arrows escorting TSR2s hammering Port Said for Imperial reasons.
  7. I think the terrain main ini could have been missing the line NavalMap=TRUE at the first paragraph [Terrain] from the terrain main ini, mods could do stuff like that
  8. As Willem Dafoe once said "Don't worry. The only difference is a couple of black boxes and they are all mine. So just...follow steering and...flow with it. You see, Iron Hand is my thing."
  9. I would suggest campaign packs, something set in the 90s. They might require a separate install for the campaign so files dont overwrite each other, so read the instructions carefully.
  10. Oh, not so hard, i go below ground level more often than not when those are around. "Yeah, it is 1979 and we have F-15s, but i would rather be back in 1962, when it was F-100s vs MiG-19s. They could fly circles around us, but there were no SAMs. Not like these at least"
  11. Depending on the era, just switching SA-8 from MOBILE_SAM to MOBILE_AAA can spice things a bit
  12. 1979, with the US Navy stretched all over the world, and the Soviets in Iceland and West Germany, Lady Lex, the Last Gunfighters and VSF-3 make a comeback Edit: And now after they bothered to paint something for the Squadron Edit 2: Made the pony a little less opaque, would gladly take suggestions regarding CAG letters.
  13. I scrounged chunks from one (or several i guess) just a couple of weeks ago. Was on an exercise with some EOD guys, they IDed it but didn't let me keep it. Meanwhile, La Royale checks out Beirut
  14. Swedish Hunters deployed with UN patrol by Port Said, 1964
  15. I love these games, and could never replace them since they are so good. However, i lost all hope for new TW content after the move to mobile. If the game isn't profitable, there is no way more work will be put, or i could even say wasted on it. I would love to have more stuff, and i drool everytime i go through the ini files and see references to things that never came, but the way i've seen it for the last 8 years is that the game is finished on TWs part and it is the modding community that keeps it alive.
  16. Turns out you can't really have it done in advance
  17. I was thinking about some aircraft which the VPAF could have used to launch raids into US/RVN bases, either in South Vietnam, Thailand, or even Yankee Station. Il-28s seemed OKish, except for the speed, and i'm not sure Su-7s had the range for flying all the way and back fast and low enough to make it through in daylight. Yak-28s sprang to mind, could have been deemed "less sensitive" once one crashed in West Berlin in 1966.
  18. I had read about the attack on USS Higbee and the An-2 shoot down, I mean how could they have undertaken those kind of attacks more consistently, kind of like Bedcheck Charlie. I'm not sure it have been worth the losses, it is more about how to pull something like that off.
  19. "Old, not obsolete" PS: Right after this picture was taken, i couldn't catch up (as i would have been able to, easily, with a Crusader or a Phantom) with a couple of MiG-17s that proceeded to do target practice with the A-4s i was meant to be escorting. So it turns out it was obsolescent, at least
  20. Don't pick the R.530, they said They are not worth the extra weight and drag, they said.
  21. Nah, you were better off this way. They would never do anything if they didn't get the better side of the deal.
  22. I used to be a paratrooper but then i took a...bull to the shoulder. That's another story. The ramp is actually better, objectively speaking, in terms of safety. You just drop, the canopy opening is smoother, fewer odds of entanglement and so on. The issue is i was (am) an smart ass and volunteered knowing full well I was (am) afraid of heights. It is more neurological than psychological actually, as perspective can make your instincts rebel against it like with say, putting out a match with your bare fingers. I had no issue standing in the door to the side, but for some reason, the view from the ramp triggered me, literally made my legs weak. You just swallow your feelings and carry on, but your reflexes betray you.
  23. I'm not sure the actual combat record can be, ironically, a reflection of the real capabilities of those missiles, there are way too many variables. Compared with, say, Vietnam, the US had a much better situation in terms of "situational awareness" compared to the Iraqi forces than it had in Vietnam, and that would favour the shots being taken within more favourable parameters. Had the Iraqis been able to use GCI and the US been restricted as much as in Vietnam into BVR, i wouldn't be surprised if events like the MiG-25 that slipped and shot down an F-18 were much more common. Also, having better, all aspect Sidewinders might make them the choice for many shots that B-D-E-G-H-Js wouldn't have been able to perform, such as close range head-on shots, and would have been harder to achieve with AIM-7s

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