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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Merlin FRS.3 of 899 Naval Air Squadron, Operation Desert Storm, 1991. To The Vark Team - Good work on the F-111B
  2. OK this might not be the best solution but it works (trust me I'm a doctor). Create a Decals folder in your objects folder and put your decals in there (don't put a folder inside inside this folder - sprinkle them in ) My SF2 decals folder looks like this; C:\Users\Spinners\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2\Objects\Decals Then take out any file path references on your decal.ini by effectively pointing straight to the decal name Example [Decal001] MeshName=fuselage_middle DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=26RoundelBars Position=-2.750,0.050 Rotation=0.0 Scale=2.6 DecalMaxLOD=3 Basically, the game engine will go straight to the Decals folder. What I like about doing things this way is that you've then got a nice collection of decals for modding and having fun with.
  3. Forgive me if this is very basic* but for add-ons that have no engine sound you need to edit the data.ini by finding the following section (found quite close to the top) [sound] EngineSoundName=JetEngine AfterburnerSoundName=JetBurner Under 45's will not get this * For you see, I was that soldier...
  4. Hi Jush and welcome to CombatACE. For the moment we can't add in any effects but for afterburners you can use stock afterburner effects by doing a simple edit to the data.ini of your add-on aircraft open up the data.ini and find the engine(s) and, for example, alter the Afterburner lines to read; AfterburnerNodeName=afterburner AfterburnerEmitterName=F100AfterburnerEmitter If it's a twin-enginned aeroplane then remember to do both engines! I think F4AfterburnerEmitter gives an alternative (I'm doing this from memory) Anyway, it's a quick fix but will get you up and running!
  5. Super Sabre FGA.1 of No.66 squadron, RAF Middle East Command - en route to Dhimar.
  6. The conflicting requirements of BOTH sides, via McNamara of course, handicapped the F-111 programme. In particular, the Navy's requirement for side-by-side seating and a very wide radar dish, a throw back to the cancelled Missileer perhaps? The USAF definitely wanted tandem seating and a fairly small radar dish. Each to their own but I find the F-111 a really good looking aeroplane.
  7. It's hard to believe that the 'B' survived until well into 1968 before the axe fell.
  8. That's a good point. I seem to remember the Putnam's book saucily referring to them as 'bosum' tanks. Just thought I'd keep you abreast of such matters.
  9. If I were you I'd reinstall your WOE, patch it up and add ODS.
  10. Merlin GR.2 of No.6 squadron, RAF South East Asia Command.
  11. ODS

    I've had one mission in each of the following; F-117 Nighthawk F-111F Aardvark Jaguar Tornado Tomcat Awesome skins on all of them. Every mission was outstanding - I'm gobsmacked at the quality of this FREE add-on. Even the medal screen has a touch of class!
  12. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this fantastic add-on! Chapeau!
  13. I've tried it in SF2 and WOE and had no problems. Can you be more specific? Can you post a picture?
  14. Merlin GR.1A of No.9 squadron, Royal Air Force.
  15. Brilliant news on the harmonious drag master Gloster Javelin
  16. F-111K of No.14 squadron, Operation Desert Storm 1991 (skin by Syrinx)
  17. Merlin GR.1's of No.617 'Dambusters' squadron
  18. Craig - there's some good info on decals from TK himself available here http://www.bobsyouruncle.net/StrikeFighterHome.htm Look just under the RAF B-57 - bloomin' 'what ifs' get everywhere don't they?
  19. Agreed. Making a decals folder (in the objects folder) works like a charm but means that for most imports you have to move the decals from the skin folder to this decals folder.
  20. The 'B' is a most welcome surprise and fantastic news. The Gulf of Sidra incident might have had a slightly different outcome to it! Dave/FastCargo - The 'A' LOD is fine for the 'K' - I think we need to have a design freeze!

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