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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Aeritalia G.91Y - No.42 squadron, Belgian Air Force, 1972
  2. MiG-23-11 Flogger Prototype

    Awesome. Flying this in 1968 I took out four F-4E's.
  3. Just checking in to say thank you for this mod and also to say that Photo Number 6 is possibly the greatest ever SF screenshot! Stunning!
  4. Mikoyan MiG-29A 'Fulcrum' - Mongolian Air Force, 1999
  5. Lockheed F-19A Sniper - VMFT-401, United States Marine Corps, 1985 Only during the mid-1980's was it revealed that an unexpected outcome of President Nixon's historic visit to China in 1972 was the purchase of 30 Shenyang J-6 fighters for use as Aggressor aircraft. The aircraft were clandestinely delivered early in 1974 with the US Navy taking 22 aircraft and the US Marine Corps taking the balance of 8 which entered service with VMFT-401 in April 1976. In service, the aircraft were supported by specialist teams from Lockheed and were eventually designated F-19A with the unofficial name of 'Sniper'.
  6. Started in the mid-1980's the PZL-230 'Skorpion Projekt' was an ambitious attempt to provide the Polish Air Force with an affordable modern attack aircraft but in 1990 the Polish Air Force cranked in further requirements for speed, range and payload leading to a heavier and ultimately more expensive aircraft. By 1991 Poland was enduring a difficult transition from a communist to a capitalist economy and the project appeared to be heading for cancellation but the management team at PZL Okęcie were convinced that a sizeable market existed for the 'Skorpion Projekt' and actively sought a partner to develop their design eventually approaching several aerospace companies in Europe, the US and former USSR but to no avail. However, in January 1992 representatives from the state-owned Parani Aviation Company (PAC - who had developed the indigenous Piranha jet fighter in the late 1950's) contacted PZL to propose a collaboration to develop and produce the Skorpion for their respective air forces and for export. At an early stage it was agreed to have two assembly lines with PZL to be responsible for all Polish orders and subsequent European exports and PAC to be responsible for all Parani orders and all exports outside of Europe. It is understood that Paran agreed to accept a higher split on development costs because of the wider export market open to them. With heavy financial backing from oil-rich Paran the design and development moved quickly and the prototype Skorpion took to the skies in October 1995 and was soon joined by the first of a pre-production batch of 8 Skorpions eventually forming a bi-service development squadron based in Paran and taking advantage of the clear skies over the Parani desert. Paran claimed priority for deliveries and formed the first Skorpion squadron in 1998 with Poland deferring deliveries for their own air force until 2001 due to financial pressures but by this time the Skorpion had become a modest export success with PZL securing exports to many of the former Soviet Union client states but with PAC only exporting a few Skorpions to Syria. [/url]http://combatace.com/files/file/8772-pzl-230-f-skorpion/ http://combatace.com...ion-co-piranha/
  7. I heard that he was running one of the largest cannabis farms in California. I feel the need... The need for weed!
  8. Hawker Siddeley Buccaneer S.56 - No.2 Squadron, Belgian Air Force, 1972 Skin Credit: Sheriff001
  9. Seems to be stuck on 60 contributers now. A real shame!
  10. ^ TK could do no worse than use that screenshot to advertise the series on his own store. Cancel that as it is, indeed, from his own store!
  11. Now that I've retired money is a bit tighter (I'm still 9 years away from getting state pension) but I'll have this wonderful lite sim to help occupy my time so I've donated.
  12. Sukhois

    They'll be here in time for SF3
  13. In the UK it often makes sense to pay for stuff by credit card as the credit card company will normally fight on behalf of the purchaser in this type of clear-cut case. In fact, after listening to the purchaser's complaint (if valid/plausible) they will often refund and then do battle with the retailer behind the scenes.
  14. If anyone is shopping for a lite flight sim then the Third Wire store will be disappointing to anyone with W10 as it only has two simple games plus a space sim with all three requiring an Xbox controller. Perusing around the store further they will then see exactly what they are looking for (SF2 series) but for W7 and earlier. Surely, it is the storekeeper's decision to upgrade these to W10 and recoup the costs with fresh sales - no different to the normal risk/reward of any entreprenneur and, indeed, what TK famously did 'back in the day' with his beat-up compact car and $0.99 hamburgers. I've supported TK and Third Wire by buying everything for SF1 and SF2 (all games and all DLC) with a few SF1 titles twice (discs then downloads) but I'm struggling with this.
  15. That's the whole point of my post. Imagine this... TK announces a new title, let's call it SF2:Libya with the F-111 as the centrepiece. The modding community then announces a revamp of the F-111. Is that fair on TK?
  16. You missed my point. I did not say anything like "stop modding and they will start doing their job". It was specifically the two aircraft I mentioned. To repeat, I felt the timing was unfair on TK.
  17. I seem to remember that TK announced SF2:North Atlantic with the F-14 as the showpiece and then TMF revamped their F-14 which must have cost TK some sales especially with some unkind comparisons. After that, TK announces a proposed Expansion No.3 showing us screenshots of the Mirage F.1 and then, guess what? The existing (BPAO) Mirage F.1 suddenly gets a revamp and we never heard about Expansion No.3 after that... There's nothing wrong with revamping an older model but the timing was harsh on TK.
  18. Thank you! They are essentially 'quickie' skins without proper panel lines but I can release them AS IS - both use stock decals. Edit: Now attached here. Backfin_Skins.7z

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