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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Su-39 SuperGrach SF2



    *************Su-39 SF2*************** 1.CREATORS *********************************************************************************************************************** Su-39 Super Grach Skins by YEYEYE and 101tfs 3D Model by 101tfs Flight Model by Lindr2,Erwin_hans and 101tfs Avionics by Lindr2,Erwin_hans INI work by Lindr2,Erwin_hans and 101tfs Effects by Erwin_hans and 101tfs Weapons by YEYEYE,Lindr2,Erwin_hans ----------------Inksy Group 2008---------------------- *********************************************************************************************************************** 2.INSTALL Simply extract the contents of "Super-Grach" folder into your MODS folder, everything else is already set up *********************************************************************************************************************** 3. NOTES Keep in mind that I only converted this fine mod into "out of the box" SF2 compatible add-on and uploaded it to help reduce the conversion workload! The guys above did all the hard work! 12/07/2009
  2. MiG-31M & BM Foxhound SF2



    ****************MiG-31 Foxhound M/BM for SF2******************** 1.NOTE, original BM came without the creators ReadMe so I included the ReadMe from latest mod version and that's MiG-31M since creators are basically the same I see no problem 2.CREDITS; ------- Credits ------- MiG-31M Model - Jv44kt,Erwin_Hans FM by Lindr2,Erwin_Hans Sound by MarcFighter,Erwin_Hans Cockpit by - Jv44kt,YEYEYE,Erwin_Hans HUD by Lindr2,Erwin_Hans Radar Screen by Lindr2,Erwin_Hans Skin by Jv44kt Also,special thanks to Lindr2's datebase. And Thanks to all CAer's help! ******** EVERYONE CAN USE THESE MODELS for all Third Wire projects, as you want.************************ Erwin_Hans and jv44kt. ----------------Inksy Group 2009 3.INSTALLATION Simply uncompress the file into your MOD's folder :) If you are new to the series then your MOD folder is either; C:\Documents and Settings\<Name>\My Documents\ThirdWire\ if you are using WinXP or; C:\Users\<Name>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\ if you are using Vista/Win7 4.NOTHING REALLY I think that's it, did I forget anything?
  3. Version


    *****High Resolution PR ANW Terrain Tiles***** by Brain32 This is a set of high resolution (1024x1024) tiles for America North West terrain. Installation is simple, just unrar all the *.BMP's into your ANW terrain. Tiles were as usual made with help of satelite imagery, and are actually taken more from mid West USA than North West, but I think they still fit into general terrain idea. Dont get too concerned with high resolution or the size of the tiles, ANW terrain has only 6 tile types so this mod will not have any performance impact whatsoever, I tested it personally under WOI on my aged system and it went super smooth.
  4. View File MiG-31M & BM Foxhound SF2 ****************MiG-31 Foxhound M/BM for SF2******************** 1.NOTE, original BM came without the creators ReadMe so I included the ReadMe from latest mod version and that's MiG-31M since creators are basically the same I see no problem 2.CREDITS; ------- Credits ------- MiG-31M Model - Jv44kt,Erwin_Hans FM by Lindr2,Erwin_Hans Sound by MarcFighter,Erwin_Hans Cockpit by - Jv44kt,YEYEYE,Erwin_Hans HUD by Lindr2,Erwin_Hans Radar Screen by Lindr2,Erwin_Hans Skin by Jv44kt Also,special thanks to Lindr2's datebase. And Thanks to all CAer's help! ******** EVERYONE CAN USE THESE MODELS for all Third Wire projects, as you want.************************ Erwin_Hans and jv44kt. ----------------Inksy Group 2009 3.INSTALLATION Simply uncompress the file into your MOD's folder :) If you are new to the series then your MOD folder is either; C:\Documents and Settings\<Name>\My Documents\ThirdWire\ if you are using WinXP or; C:\Users\<Name>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\ if you are using Vista/Win7 4.NOTHING REALLY I think that's it, did I forget anything? Submitter Brain32 Submitted 07/17/2009 Category MiG-31  
  5. Mirage F1C-200

  6. 435th TFS skin for F-100C

  7. F-101A/C Voodoo for SF2


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