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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Doesn't look THAT low poly to me, ofcourse some adjustment for mobile games is obvious but I think it looks very good, though F-5 is quite a clean shape but...for example AI Fishbeds in game I would say are lower poly than this F-5A
  2. In a state of war I don't think it would be unreasonable to assume planes would enter service sooner...
  3. Ohhh didn't know that I thought engine does damage maps...well if that's the case then those can indeed be bumped...
  4. LOL that ain't gonna happen Try checking your graphics settings and set it to highest detail...
  5. Hmm mine looks quite good not perfect but quite good, although main texture being Steel2.bmp is 2048x2048 here
  6. MTA Certification anyone?

    Hey guys I've got an opportunity to attend an exam for Microsoft Technology Associate certificate It's Windows 7 Fundamentals exam is 98-349 Now I never attended anything similar, I found a list of 155 questions and I'm running it in the specialized program for such exams and pretty much killing it now(consistently over 90% hihihi). Must say I'm a bit surprised with all the networking questions, wonder how the freakin server 2008 certification looks like if these are "fundamentals" Anyway I've got a guide in *.pdf and that wagon-load of questions I mentioned so even though I only just barely passed the pre-exam(was rushing it, made it in 20 mins and sent it, I should be less arrogant I know) I think I'm well covered in the matter(although I accept advices and recommendations just keep in mind I'm scheduled for Saturday morning so no time for 800pg. reads) But anyway if anybody ever took one I wonder if there is something special I should take notice of or something you wished you knew before attending one. If nobody ever took one then, well, at least you will know you can ask me those questions if you ever attend such an exam lol
  7. Time for my Grand Slam :D Sure but first NATO wouldn't count that as air-policing sufficient and second killing the tradition of educating and training jet pilots would be a completely retarded move as re-building and creating from scratch is insanely more expensive and challenging than maintaining the existing one. Absolutely agree not just JF-17 and J-10 for example but Russians offer some pretty cool hardware for a very small price however politics is a MAJOR issue here. True, but realistically, it really shouldn't be... I really like the L159 idea, for training, light strike, etc. But it's no interceptor 1000kph is the speed of commercial flights so you can't even intercept those with the L-159, at least 12 true M1.0+ interceptors are needed, at least. Also keep in mind that while total surface of Croatia is small we have a really F'ed up shape. What do you do? Well when friends come I usually offer some coffee or something like that, also B-1B will not come at M2.0 that's for sure, I think 1.6 max? Joking aside I understand your point and agree. Gripen rocks, I love it, offer is great and the offset is awsome, fact is that even in this time I'm pretty sure we have the money, had the money before but may not have it later when stupid *ss politicians spend it on stupidity and own well-being. And when we speak about money, I ask what is the price of sovereignty?
  8. MTA Certification anyone?

    Well since I opened the topic I think it would be ok to share experience for those that may encounter something like that in the future. Anyway test is 36 questions, you have 50 minutes point and shoot style meaning you just click the correct answer. I can tell you it was no "cakewalk" and mind you I use Windows 7 since public beta so it's not like I'm not familiarized with it, not too hard but not so easy as one would assume for something that is basically entry-level although; I must say a bit of the problems came simply from the fact that I(don't we all) use 3rd party software for some stuff I do on my PC so questions about Windows Media Player/Center interface produced some WTF moments... Also I didn't expect so many network administration questions, nothing too advanced mind you but still for a single PC user with no network experience whatsoever that may be an issue though the fact is that all this I came through was without any lessons or materials provided so if you take it organized in HS or college it may be much easier. I passed btw.
  9. MTA Certification anyone?

    Yeah it's probably more common in the States not many people have that here however entry-level it may be so I hope it may open some doors for me and ofcourse I plan to go further than that with some other courses and certificates the biggest thing about this being that's it's actually free for me through some initiative so I definitely want to get it(usually it's around 100$ here)...
  10. To further clarify thing(as I've read A LOT on the subject lol)... The first pit I made was for Lot's up to Lot25 which is initial SuperHornet or as we in SF world call those babies - early :D However already around 2003 people at Boeing spiced it up and made BlockII SuperHornets with AESA radar, and tons of new electronics, systems and gadgets those Hornets are Lot26 and up and this new pit will feature those SuperHornets. I suspect their IOC was early 2004 although I have no real data EA-18G will also get the new cockpit as their IOC was late 2009
  11. img00023

    From the album Brain32 Album

    Newest lot, SH pit

    © Brain32

  12. the Iranian threat...........

    I'm not supporting that idiotic demagogy of Iran's(as I really find all that political BS in any country silly) but truth be told: When was the last time Iranian secret agency organized a coup to overthrow legally elected democratic government of the USA(or UK for that matter)? Now don't get me wrong I think it's time for them to get over that and carry on but you have to admit that this and other involvements are really easy to exploit and enrage a crowd against your country...especially in these days where tensions simply don't wear off...
  13. the Iranian threat...........

    Yup, everything but the radar, it was Zubak's job to obtain it but they didn't pay him anything, even for the missiles...
  14. the Iranian threat...........

    We kinda half-faked it as we really had every part of the system except the radar(I know what's the point without radar but still) anyway, radar was not delivered due to some money issues, most probably corruption or something along those lines...might even be that the whole thing was stopped due to pressure from the West...
  15. As it says in the readme, it's more of a development kit, there are no terrains associated with it.
  16. Arrrrrrrrrgh you should have asked me, that one can be freely downloaded online, I got it that way...
  17. Version 1.0


    ****************************************** *****KOREA - TILESET ONLY****** ******************************************* 1. This is a tileset only, meaning a full set of 512x512 resolution textures based on satellite imagery with custom trees and object made by Stary all that made a long time ago even before CA KAW project started in todays form. Over the time this tileset showed it's age and was abandoned and never released. Since I think this is still a good tileset and can be used for other stuff I decided to release it but originally in an attempt to find a modder who would accept it and do something from it I failed so now I decided to let it fly to wider audience. FULL DESCRIPTION: Tileset decipts Korea in autumn with dominant brown/light brown colours, samples were taken from areas of South Korea, city is Pusan IIRC and some from Japan, few were custom made and can really be used to feature land in the general area wherever it may be. Like I said tileset comes with full tree and object work by Stary which means top quality guys. Basically all you have to do is make a terrain for it or apply it to the existing one, everything else is sorted for you. TERMS OF USE(freeware use only, otherwise contact both me and Stary via PM): Simply put me and Stary in credits like this(you can even copy paste lol): *********************************** Terrain textures by Brain32 Trees and objects by Stary *********************************** In the end I hope somebody might find some use for it. SPECIAL NOTE: Tileset uses specific naming convention AND WILL NOT WORK WITH EXISTING TERRAINS out of the box.
  18. Actually each of the 256 colors represents a height, I think that for TE difference between each height is 50m so that gives you 50*256=12800m height that being more than enough for any part of the Earth...
  19. Hmm I think Iran-Iraq might be a weee-bit controversial considering the planeset, player would be Iran Air Force pilot, don't know how popular that might be right now lol If it will really be EXP3 and not just MF1 DLC, I think we need to think about the Mirage in a bit different role, maybe Chad-Libyan war or something like that...
  20. ***NEW**** 08. Feb. 2013 Small cockpit update, first releasing it here as the pack is big and update is small while installation is simple so you don't have to re-download the whole pack again if you already have it. Here is the picture of what is changed/improved: As you can see, lights and screens are much easier to read now, for those that are into modeling - I forgot to add self-illuminate and that's why they turned out so dull. Installation: Since we have a gazillion of variants and there's no point in me duplicating all that now I packed just the basic 4 different cockpit versions: HornetA - put that one in all versions of A Hornet + B Hornet HornetCe - early Hornet C version, intended for early C's and D's HornetC_94 - intended for 94 variants both C and D HornetC - intended for 03 variants again for both, C and D Basically just keep an eye on the lod names in respective variants and you should be ok. Update for E Hornet is also done but I will handle that with master SuperHornet manager - EricJ HornetPitUpdate.7z
  21. HornetChanges

    From the album Brain32 Album

    Picture showing hornet cockpit updates 08022013

    © Brain32

  22. OK after this interesting discussion I tried some dissimilar stuff in game too. In all cases targets were 2xF-14B, merge was at 3km, GUNS ONLY Flight#1 - F-15C Immediately after the merge I went vertical, AI responded by dumping all energy in a tight low speed turn, I applied some boom and zoom and quickly dispatched one. As that was way too easy I decided to dump some energy too and come down to play, here we ended up in rolling scissors AI again dumped speed too soon and after some barrel roll with pronounced vertical component from my part he quickly ended up ripped apart I had energy advantage at all time and complete control of the engagement. Conclusion - In a gunfight AI is completely hopeless in vertical Flight#2 - F-18C Again after the merge I went sharply up again(this should be common sense right?) and made a split S on the closer one which ended up in a corkscrew where I quickly put him out. AI didn't bother to use speed advantage but just kept high alpha diving corkscrew which works like a charm for a Hornet. But hey I left the other one up there right? He should just BnZ me to death right? Nope. He dived down and I quickly drove him into rolling scissors on the edge of a stall, few secs later - trrrrrrrr Conclusion - A-what-I? No seriously they really don't understand vertical or even I would say basic advantages of their planes. Flight#3 - F-16C blk30 Merge, bla,bla,some same ol stuff, noticed that F-16's roll rate totally kills it, fastest mission yet. Flight#4 - MiG-29A Basically applied same technique as in the Eagle but here something weird happened, last Tomcat actually went up - at worst possible moment as I was coming at him at vastly superior speed AI is just totally hopeless in vertical fights I didn't eve know how much Flight#5 - Su-27 Played out pretty similar to the F-18 mission except here I bested him in strait out tail chasing turn and burn fight. Further explanations: Notice one thing however the fight evolved all this success is based on the fact that AI responded extremely poorly to my initial vertical move, you notice how after the merge I always get in a position of advantage pretty quickly right? Well basically it's all about grabbing the E advantage after the merge as AI can not respond to that... Note#1 - Fuel was kinda an issue in a Fulcrum Note#2 - Russian cockpits are kind of cramped and gunnery is harder for some reason Note#3 - Not that I'm bragging but I'm a really good shot with a gun which helps handling those 2vs1 situations.

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