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Files posted by quack74

  1. "Battle of Caporetto" Ver 1.0 Part 1

    This is ONLY Part 1 of the "Battle of Caporetto" Campaign, Version 1.0, made by quack74
    Part2 is a necessary download for it carries ALL the ENEMY (Austrian) aircraft files
    This Campaign takes place in Northern Italy in the Fall of 1917. Austria vs Italy.
    All info is in the readme files
    The Vogesen terrain ( by Gepard ) is needed to run this campaign.
    I highly recommend Jan Tuma's visual upgrade pack as well.
    I would like to thank ***** and the skunworks A team for many of the WWI models
    I would like to thank sinbad for allowing me to repost some of his Hanriot HD-1 Italian skins
    I also would like to thank Gepard for the terrain and the help he gave me
    And thanks to JanTuma for the beautiful terrain upgrade.
    Thanks especially to all those guys that took the time to build all the aircraft and ground objects.
    Without them this campaign wouldnt have come to mind. Actually Laton's Austrian and Italian planes triggered it.
    They needed a place to fly. So thanks Laton.
    Enjoy, quack74


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  2. Nieuport.28's of the USAS 1rst Pursuit Group

    =-=-=-=-= Nieuport.28 skin and data pack for the 1rst Pursuit Group =-=-=-=-=
    All Skin work and all decal work done by Quack74.
    Feel free to add to these skins as you please. If reposting any of these parts with your new work, just throw a little credit my way. It took a long time to make these. Thanks.
    I would like to thank EmlD for creating the N.28 model some years ago and posting it for us at CombatAce.com.
    I have created a completely new skin for the N.28 along with numerous decals to create the 4 USAS Aero Squadrons that, together, form the USAS's 1rst Pursuit Group.
    1. 27th Aero Squadron - Flying Eagle in red circle
    2. 94th Aero Squadron - Hat In The Ring
    3. 95th Aero Squadron - Kicking Mule
    4. 147th Aero Squadron - Terrier "Who Said Rats?"
    The Nieuport.28 was the sole aircraft used by the American pursuit group from the
    Late Winter of 1918 until the first week of August 1918 when The 1rst Pursuit
    Group was re-equipped with the SPADXIII. When first delivered the N.28's were
    unarmed. Some of the first frontline flights were done with unarmed aircraft in
    March. More or less done to familiarize pilots with the type and the "Front"
    itself. It wasn't until March 28, 1918 that the Squadrons began to receive guns
    for their planes. But just enough to mount one per plane. The Nieuport.28's were
    also Notorious for shedding their upper wing fabric do to poor glue quality.
    stemming from the factory's lack of quality control. Few pilots had indeed lost their
    lives do to this defect.


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  3. "Battle of Caporetto" Version 2.0

    ********* The Battle of Caporetto **********
    *Version 2.0*
    By quack74
    November 2010
    This download contains a new campaign data.ini and Config.ini for the "Battle of Caporetto" campaign made by quack74.
    The upgrade to 2.0 contains German air units that participated in the great battle. Along with a few aces.
    Most of the markings are not historically accurate due to lack of detailed information and photographs. The names of the aces are accurate. All the units that I have included are accurate.
    **You MUST have "The Battle of Caporetto" Version 1.0 (the original download, part1 and part2) for this to work properly**
    These German units were sent to reinforce the Austrian campaign against the Italians soon after the collapse of the Eastern (Russian) Front. These units would start to appear in September of 1917 and last till the end of February 1918.
    Jagdstaffeln (fighters):
    Jasta 1 - Albatros D.V
    Jasta 31 - Albatros D.III
    Jasta 39 - Albatros D.IIIOAW
    FeldFleigerAbteilung (ground attack):
    FFA.14 - All DFWC5
    FFA.17 -
    Kampfgeschwader 4 units (bombers):
    Kagohl 19
    Kagohl 20 - All AEG G.IV
    Kagohl 21
    Also included are one more French air unit and one more Italian air unit.
    French: Escadrille N392 (N24bis) standard markings
    Italian: Squadriglia 79a (N27) Camouflage pattern with four known aces, including one ace skin.
    Enjoy everyone, quack74


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  4. Pfalz D.IIIa 25-Pack

    These are all Pfalz D.IIIa's.
    25 Jastas with generalized accurate markings.
    All info in the readme file inside.
    These are highly detailed D.IIIa's. As real looking as the model will allow.
    Thanks to the Skunkworks team for the original model and to Capun for allowing me top repost my skin work.
    If anyone notices any incorrect markings or mistakes please let me know. After doing 25 skins it's hard to catch everything.
    There are some glitchy things on the model when painted or placing decals. I cant fix those things. They are minor.
    enjoy, quack74
    Edit: Jasta 77b now has a more "Bavarian Blue".


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  5. No.60 Sqn 6-Pack

    This is a pack of No.60 Squadron S.E.5 and S.E.5a skins.
    The "Early" skins are from mid July to the 26th of August, 1917. Red=A flight, Yellow= B flight, and Blue=C flight. Markings were on the nose, wheels, and fuselage.
    The "Mid" skins are from the 26th of August, 1917 to the 22nd of March, 1918. A white disc just aft of the fuselage roundel and on the upper fuselage
    decking just behind the cockpit. The wheels displayed the flight colors. A=Red, B=White, and C=Blue


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  6. Josef Jacobs 3-Pack Dr.1's

    This is a skin pack of three more color schemes used by Josef Carl Jacobs of Jasta 7.
    Fokker Dr.1 450/17 - Early with "Winged Devil" and Iron Crosses pre April 1918.
    Fokker Dr.1 450/17 - Late all black with Baulkencruez crosses only mid summer 1918.
    Fokker Dr.1 470/17 - Late style with all white crosses and black fuselage and wings mid summer 1918.
    the numbers and the color schemes might be reversed. But no solid evidence exsists to prove otherwise.
    A lot more in the readme file.
    Enjoy, quack74


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  7. Aviatik D.1 skin

    This is a skin for the Aviatik D.1 model created by Stephen1918
    The skin represents the aircraft of Austrian Flik60J in early 1918.
    Thank you Stephen1918 for this superb model and all your effort. Also
    thank you for uploading this model here at CombatAce and allowing us all to enjoy it.


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  8. Bristol F.2B 4 pack No.11, 22, 48, and 62 Sqns

    This download includes all the files needed to create four new F.2B aircraft (not just skins). The original .LOD files must be added to each aircraft folder for this download to work. For FE2 just drop in the folders into their proper locations.
    Each F.2B aircraft uses decals to create A, B, and C Flights by the appearance of colored wheels (White, Red, and Blue respectively). Also different numbers and letters will appear aswell. No.22Sqn will have a Lewis gun on the upper wing. The FM's used are from Peter01's FM downloads.
    The markings of each flight represent F.2B squadrons from Summer of 1917 till Spring of 1918.
    Enjoy, Quack74


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  9. Ambient sounds for ground objects

    This download contains files and parametes to create ambient sounds and action sound to certain ground objects.
    Horse vocals and galluping for Geo's Wagen objects
    Wind, crows, and distant artillery for stock balloons
    Charging infantry sounds for Stephen1918's Infantry Units
    Airfield ambient sounds of birds chirping, light wind, and distant artillery
    Readme files are inside.


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  10. Pfalz D.XII 9-Pack

    These skins are as accurate as I know how to make them.
    They are generic skins with a general Jasta marking.
    I've only come up with 9 skins. I know Jasta 5 also had some D.XII's but I've not yet found a photo or rendering of the type.
    If anyone has any info on a D.XII of Jasta 5 please fill me in.
    1. Pfalz Camo 1 - Brown, light green, and green fuselage.
    2. Pfalz Camo 2 - Purple, Green, light green, and grey fuselage.
    3. Jasta17 - Blue-grey nose, wheels and tail with white cowling.
    4. Jasta23b - Purple, green, light green, and grey fuselage with black and white tail section.
    5. Jasta32b - Purple, green, light green and grey fuselage with black
    6. Jasta35b - Brown, green, light green fuselage with a white chevron on upper wings.
    7. Jasta43 - Grey fuselage with white tail and nose.
    8. Jasta49 - Grey fuselage with red stabilizers and wheels.
    9. Jasta77b - Grey fuselage with blue nose, tail, and wheels.
    All wing surfaces are covered in 4-color printed fabric.
    Enjoy, quack74
    Edit: Jasta77b is now a more Bavarian Blue.


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  11. Jasta 2 Alb DIII 8 pack

    This is an 8 pack of Albatros DIII's from Jasta Boelcke 1917.
    1. Ltn. Werner Voss.
    2. Gerhard Bassenge.
    3. Ltn. Hermann Frommherz.
    4. Ltn. Franz Pernet.
    5. Ltn. Georg Noth.
    6. Ltn. Otto Hunzinger.
    7. Ltn. Johannes Wintrath.
    8. Ltn. Wilhelm Prien.
    Pics are inside each skin folder of the planes and pilots.
    Added Ltn. von Tutschek --- Black band with white borders
    Lightened up the blue on Frommherz's D.III
    and added a stock Jasta 2 D.III.


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  12. Airfields for Bombers

    First off this is for First Eagles Gold. But I'm sure it will work with FE2.
    I figured a simple way to use heavy bombers that takeoff from airfields without changing the spacing for fighters.
    What I did was copy a terrain folder (for this example I'll use the Flanders terrain) and renamed it "Flanders_Bombers".
    And then changed the spacing in the "WWI_AIRFIELDS1 .ini" in the new terrain folder.
    Now I can select the new "Flanders_Bombers" in the terrain menu and takeoff with any of the heavy bombers. All the missions are the same and all the same aircraft will appear.
    There is a bit more to do. It's all in the Readme file inside. The new "WWI_AIRFIELDS1.ini" is also included.
    A link is also included in the readme for the heavy bombers if you dont already have them.
    Hope you like this. It's great for bombing missions.
    Enjoy, quack74


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  13. Pfalz D.III And D.IIIa of Jasta 4

    This is a Jasta 4 skin pack for the Pfalz D.III and D.IIIa.
    there is one skin template for each model. All the custom markings(colors) are all created by decals.
    There are very limited photos of Jasta4 Pfalz aircraft so I mixed some D.III and D.IIIa color schemes together.
    The end result is a nice colorful Jasta. The colors and markings are based off of original photos. So they're close.
    Now when you use (or fly against) these Jasta4 Pfalz D.III's and D.IIIa's you will see all these markings at random. All the time.
    Thanks to the SFP1 Dev A-Team for the original Pfalz D.III and D.IIIa models. And thanks to Capu1950 for permission
    to post new skin work.
    Skin and decals by quack74.
    Any problems please ONLY contact me not A-Team through PM or in the CombatAce forums.
    Enjoy quack74


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  14. Pfalz D.III 5-Pack

    This Pfalz D.III pack contains 5 accurate generic skins.
    1. Silver-Grey - All Silver-Grey (Stock)
    2. Jasta 4 - Silver-Grey with black spiral band around fuselage.
    3. Jasta 10 - Silver-Grey fuselage with yellow nose, struts, wheels and tail section.
    4 Jasta 16b - Silver-Grey fuselage with a black tail section and spinner.
    5. Jasta 21 - Silver-Grey fuselage with a black and white vertical band aft of the cockpit.
    Included in this dowload is the DATA.ini for the D.III. Install it into your Pfalz D.III aircraft folder and overwrite the original one. It contains Peter01's flight model and removed guns by Christian59. I lowered the gun muzzle and flash to fit into the painted on gun ports to simulate a real D.III. versions of these have all been posted before. But I recommend using these instead. They are higher in detail and more accurate renditions of real D.III's.
    Enjoy, quack74


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  15. Jasta 11 Ltn. Eberhardt Mohnicke

    Blue Tailed Jasta 11 Dr1
    Pilot was Ltn. Eberhardt Mohnicke and number is unknown to me
    But scheme is historically accurate.
    Just change the skin folder to J11 Mohnicke and the Textureset as well in the skin folder. Also change the
    Textureset in the fokkerDr1 Configuration Settings from J11 Blue Tail to J11 Mohnicke.
    Enjoy, quack74


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  16. New formation for Attack aircraft

    This will show you how to create a new formation for all of your attack aircraft. It will create three Squads with six elements per flight. They will appear to be in somewhat of a Vee formation with slight differences in altitude from one another. This works for FEG and FE2.
    Enjoy, Quack74


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  17. Jasta 11 D.III's

    --- For First Eagles Gold ---
    Albatros D.III's of Jasta 11.
    This download is of the Jasta 11 Albatros D.III's with the all red fuselages. Implimented late April 1917 to July 1917. The idea was to help Manfred von Richthofen's all red D.III blend in with the rest of the pack. Since there was a price on his head, his fellow airmen of Jasta 11 thought it might be a good idea if he wasn't the only "red" target. but each had an individual touch.
    So I created a decal pack to help create some of the Jasta 11 ace's aircraft of this time period. They will appear at random and even von Richthofens D.III will appear as well. He might not be the lead plane, but he'll be in there.
    Here is a list of who's planes you will encounter or use.
    1. Manfred von Richthofen "Rittmeister" of Jasta 11 - All red fuselage with over-painted markings.
    2. Karl Allmenroder - White nose and spinner with white elevators.
    3. Kurt Wolff - Green nose and spinner with green elevators and light blue wheel discs.
    4. Karl Emil Schafer - Rear fuselage and complete tail section all black.
    5. Georg Simon - A pale green band around fuselage just aft the cockpit.
    6. Hans Wolff - An orange band around fuselage just aft the cockpit.
    7. Otto Brauneck - Blue nose and spinner with blue elevators.
    8. Lothar von Richthofen - Yellow nose and spinner with yellow elevators and rudder.
    The others you might see are unknowns and made up by me.
    There will be some that appear to have no personal markings but will have the iron crosses on the fuselage sides and the tail section. I made these with crosses to make them different than Manfred von Richthofens plane. His plane will be the ONLY one with no personal markings and no fuselage and tail crosses.
    More in the readme file.
    Enjoy, quack74


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  18. "Battle of Caporetto" Ver 1.0 Part 2

    This is Part2 of the "Battle of Caporetto" campaign, Version 1.0, done by quack74
    Part2 contains all the ENEMY (Austrian and German) aircraft files. Except for the Decal folders. They are all in Part1 download.
    These files could not be included with Part1 only because of size.
    After dowloading both Part1 and Part2 you should merge the two together to keep it all organized before installing. It could be confusing if you dont. Just copy all the aircraft files in the /Objects/ Aircraft/ folder from Part2 and paste them into the / Objects/ Aircraft/ folder in Part1. It's that easy.
    Enjoy, quack74


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  19. 17-Pack of Albatros Models

    This is a mix of D.IIIOAW, D.V, and D.Va albatros skins. All with fairly accurate Jasta markings. Some models will share the same Jasta markings. This is so different planes can be used at the same time. Also they will match some of the Pfalz D.IIIa's done by me as well.
    There are 17 skins in this download. Too many to list here. But it's all in the readme file inside.
    Enjoy, quack74


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  20. MFJ.I, II, III D.VII skin pack

    Fokker D.VII 6-Pack
    Marine-FeldJagdstaffeln I, II, III (September 1918)
    a) Ltn.z.S Gothard Sachsenberg - Yellow and Black checkered fuselage
    Commander of all Marine-FeldJadgstaffeln
    b) One generic MFJ.I D.VII with single black stripe on both elevators
    a) One generic MFJ.II D.VII with two black stripes on each elevator
    a) Oblt. Franz Mayer - White fuselage with black diagonal bars along fuselage and three black stripes on elevators.
    b) Ltn. Hans Goerth - White fuselage band with large black heart. Three black bands on elevators.
    c) One generic MFJ.III D.VII with three black stripes on elevators.
    MFJ.I - One black stripe on each elevator.
    MFJ.II - Two Black stripes on each elevator.
    MFJ.III - Three black Stripes on each elevator.
    Enjoy, quack74


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  21. Jastas 20, 21 and 29 D.III

    This is a 3-Pack of different generic Pfalz D.III's.
    This skin pack is of Jasta 20, 21, and 29 Sometime in Late 1917-1918.
    These are skin ONLY add-ons to the Pfalz D.III created by the
    SFP1 Dev A-Team's Skunkworks.
    Thanks to Capun1950 for permission to use the skin template.
    And thanks to the entire SFP1 A-Team for providing the Pfalz model.
    These skins and decals were created by quack74. Not for profit nor intent to sell. Only as a download for those who are registered at SFP1 A-Teams Skunkworks site,(http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/) and have downloaded the Pfalz D.III.
    1. Jasta 20 (brown fuselage and wings with white rudder, wheels and struts)
    2. Jasta 21 ( Silver grey fuselage and wings with black and white band aft of cockpit)
    3. Jasta 29 ( Green fuselage with yellow nose and wheels)
    Enjoy, quack74


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  22. Jagdgeschwader II Fokker D.VII Multi-Pack

    -------------- Jagdgeschwader II ---------------
    Summer, 1918
    Jasta's 12,13,15, and 19 Fokker D.VII's.
    White, green, red, and yellow respectively.
    This download contains all the the known skins of JG.II's fokker D.VII's
    during the Summer and Fall of 1918. Each skin folder uses the pilots name or a destiguishing feature. So there really is no need for me to include a description in this readme. The skin folders are self explanatory.


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  23. Pfalz markings and Staaken formations

    This is a bit much I know. But if you like the Pfalz D.III types then this will be good for you. I've created a way to utilize the game generated National marking system (with marking changes for the Germans in March 1918) while using new "Pfalz" markings without the white boarders (for some Jasta's anyway).
    I had to create new "Nations" for each Pfalz Jasta that uses different markings. Ex: Plain Silver Grey will use the "Germany_Pfalz" nation which will create black iron crosses (no white boarders). And for instance Jasta 77b will use the "Gemany_Pfalz_Lozenge_White" nation which will have white boarders on the wings but not on the fuselage and tail. All in all I think I made 4 new "Nations" for the Pfalz. You have to use the new decals that are in my "Decals" folder for this to work. Drop them into your "Decals" folder.
    It just sounds complicated.... because it was :)
    Anyway I've included folders with all the files you'll need. Really all it is is a copy and paste task for you. Just follow the folder structure thats in my download and follow the readme files. Ex: Create the new "Nations" folder. And put the new "Nations.ini" into it. Thats all.
    *** Staaken & HP400 Formation ***
    I've also created a "WWI_AIRFIELD1.ini" for the Staakens and HP400.
    Their wingspan is too big to use the GothaGIV formations that I posted at CombatAce. I've created a new "Nation" for the Staaken called "Germany_Bombers" for the Staaken only. And I also created a new "RAF_Bombers" nation for the HP400. In the HP 400 and Staaken's DATA.ini and each of their skins' "TextureSet" the nation name should be changed from "Germany" to "Germany_Bombers" or "RAF" to "RAF_Bombers". This way the game will find the new formation setup (thats included in this download), for these particular bombers.
    Enjoy, quack74
    Edit: 9/11/10:
    I added an "Italy2" to the Nations.ini and the Decals folder. It will make Italian markings with a green outer and red inner roundel. Any aircraft you want to use for ITALY just change the texture folder's TextureSet.ini to Nation=ITALY2. Now you have two Italian markings.


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  24. Nieuport17's of No.60 Squadron

    This is a skin for the Nieuport17 of No.60 Squadron. The Nieuport17's were used by No.60 Squadron from the Winter of 1916-17 till the mid-Summer of 1917. Then to be replaced by the S.E.5.
    Original silver base skin made by Hansa.
    The decals will provide a somewhat random cowl and wheel cover color according to flight.
    Ex: The first aircraft of B Flight (B 1) will have a red cowl and the third aircraft in B Flight (B 3) will have red wheel covers
    The First aircraft in C Flight (C 1) will have a blue cowl, etc,etc.


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  25. No.45 Squadron Camels

    This is a generic skin pack of No. 45 Squadron in mid 1917 to 1918.
    No.45 Sqn first flew in France in mid 1917 and was transfered to Italy. Then to return to northern France in late (September) 1918 to finish out the war.
    These Camels were covered almost entirely in PC10 with a white dumbell on the rear fuselage and up on the rear decking.
    For this Camel I used the F1_130 version.
    Enjoy, quack74


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