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File Comments posted by Gepard

  1. 15 hours ago, toot said:

    Quick question before installing, does the ramp actually work like a ramp? Or does the plane just go through it

    Unfortunatly not, as Soulfreak said. I simulated the ramp start with a "jump in the air", so that the plane is not running trough the ramp, but is "jumping" over it. It is not satisfying. Sorry.

  2. 1 hour ago, HurrySkurry said:

    Easy all, worthy sir, calm yourself. l by nothing have offended you personally. I simply have told, that your "Ukrainian" decals don't correspond to the facts, and it is true. And even that we see on the photos given by you (two of them, doubtless, is obvious fake) is not same that we see in your package. Do not confuse tactical markings (so-called "elements of fast identification") and separate field arts with standard Ukrainian national insignia. Let's do away with it.


  3. 1 hour ago, HurrySkurry said:

    You shout, that you battle against the fascists?


    I'm not russian, you fool.

    Volunteer for the Ukrainian Army and see it with your own eyes instead trolling this forum.

    And if you dont like this package, then dont use it. Fact!

  4. 46 minutes ago, HurrySkurry said:

    This package contains a complitely fictitious insignias on the Ukrainian tanks. Indeed, neither a Greek white cross nor a Nazi wolfsangel is NOT a sign of the Ukrainian armoured units. 

    P.S. Sorry for my bad English.

    I think you are wrong. Since the ukrainian offensive against Cherson last fall the Ukrainians use the white cross, which is btw the same insignia used by the Wehrmacht in 1939 in the war against Poland. In the last weeks some ukrainian tanks appear with the Balkenkreuz. If you dont believe me, then do a internet search with the keywords "Ukraine" "Tanks" "Cross".






    • Haha 1
  5. J-2 pack

       188    4

    Nice job. Well done.

    Some historical remarks:

    The red tail skin and the skin with the red and white stripes on rudder are not chinese but soviet skins. In 1950 a soviet aviation group was sent to China to protect Shanghai against nationalist chinese air raids. During this time the soviet MiG's had chinese insignias. The red markings on the MiG's were fast ID markings.

    The green, light green striped skin was not used in battle and it was not chinese. It was made for a czechoslovakian Cold War movie.

    • Like 1

  6. On 8.9.2019 at 4:26 AM, Sheriff001 said:

    Looks good! I can't help but ask - what the hell did you do to your Phantom?!

    If you mean the german Phantom, its the F-4E(F), which you can find in the what if section of the download area. It is a single seater version, which was whished by the german Luftwaffe, but was later replaced with the double seater F-4F.

  7. On 4.10.2019 at 10:03 AM, dsawan said:

    Any chance on a non NA version in future?

    Unfortunatly not. It needs the IcelandNA.CAT file. In this CAT are a lot of specific objects, like houses, runways etc, which are unique and are not included in other terrain CAT files. A non NA version would be a nearly complete rework of the terrain.

  8. Mi-24P Paula

       1939    4

    Seems to be, that Capun has changed his Mi-24Ps a little bit. He now use an other LOD file. Its named Mi24P_R0d.LOD.

    So you get now white helicopters if you use this mod.


    As quick and dirty solution of this problem do following things:


    -Open directiory Mi-24P

    -then open directiory Afghanistan

    -then rename the file mi24p_01.bmp into mi24v_01.bmp

    -then rename the file mi24p_02.bmp into mi24v_02.bmp


    Should work now.


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