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Everything posted by sophocles

  1. I'll try her out; she's currently using he F-8 sound.
  2. Hello all!! Thanks for your concern and interest. Like Ravenclaw stated earlier, he got into contact with me, and God bless him, he has graciously offered to help; so we are going to make a concerted effort to get a couple of versions out there for you as soon as possible. Thanks again for your support!
  3. Greece Terrain

  4. This is the information I need .. thanks a lot Happy 308!!!!
  5. Absolutely wondrous Happy308!!!!! Would love some feedback from the guys who actually flew this beautiful plane!! Dag, you've been as instrumental in getting this far as anyone .. thankyou Sir for your detailed texture work and keen eye for detail!! It's in the works Stratos!
  6. Thanks Craig, that's definitely a start!
  7. I wonder If any of our Dutch friends could tell me if this is some type of RWR?? I'd really like some more information .. oh, and ofcourse on the moving map deisplay on the left (which is covered in a nice sheet of aluminum:(
  8. Hello Coupi! Nice of you to ask. I've got back into working on her again and have 99% completed the NF-5a version with the hook,F-5E style nose-gear and side louver panels, bottom fuselage air-scoops,chaff/flare dispensers. NeverEnough is doing wonders with the Flight model too! So far i've completed the standard export F-5a, the Norwegian air-force variant (with 2 different cockpits!!) and the aforementioned NF-5a .. I still hope to make the cockpit of the NF-5a and to make an Rf-5a variant. .. still plenty to do!! Oh! and I've finally constructed and animated the canopy opening mechanism which because of the brain-strain, has probably shaved a few days off my life
  9. impeccable!!!!!!!! incredible attention to detail! (I'd tone down the horizontal streaks across the metal textures though..
  10. Velo, your model looks superb .. clean and efficient use of polys!!
  11. Velo, from the exporter notes again .. "set either in the INI file or using Specular Level checkbox, to reduce the amount of specular at each texture position" I think that the game has 2 ways of reading specular level; either by checking and adding entries (not the map itself) to the "Specular Level" in MAX, which is what I assume RussoUK does, or by using entries such as the following in the TextureSet.ini in the texture folder .. [TextureSet] Name=341 ARROW 1968 Nation=Greece Squadron=341 ARROW StartDefaultDate=1966 Specular=1.000000 Glossiness=0.900000 Reflection=1.000000 Here is a copy of the thirdwire export notes .. Exporter Notes Addendum.txt
  12. Guys this is from the exporter notes .. Specular Map ------------ To add Specular Map, check the box next to "Specular Color" in Maps, select "Bitmap" as Map type, and then select the texture map you want. Only the texture map name is exported, and none of the other Bitmap parameters are used. The Specular color map (can be any format including .jpg and .bmp) is multiplied with the regular specular setting, set either in the INI file or using Specular Level checkbox, to reduce the amount of specular at each texture position. So white color (255,255,255) has specular as usual, any other color reduces the specular at that pixel, down to no specular with black (0,0,0). The R, B, G amount can be adjusted to shift the specular color as well, so red (255,0,0) pixel will have a red specular, etc. Specular maps are applied per TextureSet basis, and should be included in each of the texture folder. Specular Map only works when running the game in DX10 mode. Personally, the above settings work for me. I've never tried anything different from the above so I wouldn't know If anything else works equally as well.. Cheers
  13. The only other thing I can think of is that specular textures should be placed together with the diffuse textures in the aircraft's texture folder, unlike the bump map, which should be placed in the aircraft folder together (and NOT in the texture folder). I've also just realized that im my settings, the "tile" boxes in the coordinates section are unchecked.
  14. Try unticking the "Specular Level" entries and leave only the Specular Color" ones. I see no other reason that the specular map should not show up in-game.
  15. Hello all; I've modelled my F-5 wing as one piece (no Left/Right_Outer_wing model node calls). I've noticed that in the data file I'm using there is reference to "outer_wing" with a ton of variables .. my question is .. do I have to split my wing in order for the sim to make use of all that data .. ? or does the fact that it is called for in the data file (without corresponding model node) sufficient? Sorry If the answer is obvious..
  16. Screw the house!! .. buddhist conversion doesn't sound too bad .. but I draw the line on the disk destruction .. it'd mean I'd have to get a life :(
  17. Thanks for the input guys! I've gone ahead and split the wing .. doing the ini check work is beyond me .. NeverEnough has been helping me with the flight model so Ill get the latest model to him'. Thanks again:)
  18. You are the MASTER Volker ..
  19. Awesome work!!! Thanks for these soviet bird cockpits..makes it so much more immersive!!!!
  20. You did some excellent work on your textures Mat, Regarding the F-5a, If left to my own devices I'd have broken up the textures some more and gone for even higher resolution (I really want to be able to clearly read those stencils:) .. but the projects will simply take too long and time is so precious! You're right Rus, I've seen it on many aircraft like the F-105 etc.. which British planes had it?
  21. My 2cents gentlemen; you really don't want to go down that road ..even though most of these models are very good they are very dated construction-wise; the corrections that have to be made..the re-mapping,,the animations..the re-adjustment of pivots..the flipping of polys .. personally i figure it'd take more time to fix these than to model from scratch..you'd best be off starting over ..

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