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Everything posted by sophocles

  1. Wouldn't dream of leaving the F-5C out, Wilches!
  2. Hello Dag, I'm working 14-hour days at work .. real life is getting in the way again:( I did however get some time for tweaking the external model yesterday .. just Sundays left now:( At least until mid-November
  3. HEY! It's...

    Happy Birthday Brain!!
  4. Green Hell 3.5

    Marvellous, Stary!! I was hoping you'd update Green hell to hi-res! Thankyou!
  5. The Brain-32 effect .. Huge thanks for his efforts into bringing the F-5 into the game
  6. Outstanding! The quality is fantastic inside and out. Just finished my first mission .. and the experience was very believable; great immersion! Thanks very much for sharing your hard work!!!
  7. That would be super cool! We could manually guide the AGM- 83 bulldog! Don't know if it's possible.
  8. I have found that 4500 polys is the maximum any one object can be before shadow problems rear their ugly heads.
  9. I'm about to add all of the choice addons to my vanilla test SF2 install including wrench's mods, Stary's terrains and hi-rez tile-sets, sky textures and effects to see what FPS I get. I'll report in a day or two about my findings. Currently she's super fluid so I have hope that all will be ok! Can someone please remind me which key shows a frame rate counter on screen?
  10. Hello all, I'm wondering If anyone has any better pics of the counter mechanism of this gauge (in red circle) .. I'm not quite sure how it would operate. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  11. That definitely sounds right Erik, I'll scour for more information from F-4 sources, thanks. You posted right after my reply .. that's exactly what I was looking for!!
  12. Very hi-poly, 100K give or take .. I've tested in-game in dogfights with about 20 0ther F-5a and a bunch load of MiGs and frames are high - no stutters (at least on my machine i5, NvidiaGtx 560Ti, 16 ram)
  13. I was afraid of this, but I think it's ok .. still tons of post-processing to do though:)
  14. LOL Stary! I've changed it about a dozen times already!
  15. Sure hope it turns out alright, Dag, Cheers!
  16. Brilliant!! Love the Spartan war cry! ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ .. I'd love to see this uploaded:)
  17. Thanks Centurion, I'm now working on in-game settings, baking final diffuse and speculars (a lot of stuff to tweak there..)and getting the glass textures and reflections to look right. Hopefully I'll be able to post some in-game screenies of the cockpit soon! Thanks Brain32, I'm familiarizing myself with in-game tweaks .. Cheers
  18. Tornado GR1/GR4 for SF2 V4.0

    Nice update; I really don't remember it looking this good!
  19. Absolutely fantastic, Stary!! Thanks for all the hard work!
  20. Hello all, another small update. I think I've overdone the reflections on the glass gauge faces .. might tone them down some. Cheers!
  21. Outstanding! Can't wait to see them textured!
  22. Absolutely gorgeous!!!! That's what I call Hi-Fidelity; Bravo to all involved!!

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