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lauro rafael

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About lauro rafael

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  1. A Soviet test pilot F-5E evalution

    Interesting! Thank you very much.
  2. BS Motion

  3. A4C-Argentina

    Qué agradable sorpresa, primero! \o/
  4. Hello mr. russouk2004, I only had the opportunity to see your tutorial today and found it very good. Direct and simple, it was easy to follow. I suggest you continue. Thank you very much.
  5. Kfir C.10 and Cheetah C?

    Amigo torno, todavía hay mucho trabajo por publicar J-10?
  6. ALERT, ALERT, ALERT!!! Oh man, that question again! :'/
  7. Yes I agree that Yakarov has done a fantastic job! Later this year I can contribute with a donation, I am organizing my intentions to acquire a credit card and everything will be easier. I Thank you all for the hard work. ^^
  8. Recently I had the same problem with a skinpack for spitfires(entirely black aircrafts). Just a few skins were shown "ingame", most of it was shown in black. During the installation process I exclude folders with skins that did not interest me (in this case I was only with the IDF skins), without editing the "texture sets" in the .ini file of the aircraft. After verifying that the files were in the correct formats and yet the problem persisted, I had the idea to look in the .ini. There I realized that the game does not automatically deleted (or even ignored) the list of texture sets relating to folders that I had previously deleted. Those few skis that were shown were high on the list of texture sets, those that appeared in black were placed after the entries for the skins of the deleted folders. I just deleted all texture set entries and started a new game with the aircraft of problematic skins, all skins that were black now appear normally. The game automatically rebuilds the list of texture sets according to the folders present in the root folder of the aircraft, however it does not edit the same list if a skin folder is removed. I hope this can help someone. Please excuse my bad English... *With a great help of the googletranslator. ^^
  9. Ohh yesssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!
  10. I love to see these images. Is it possible to direct the link?
  11. Mirage IIID Pack

    Meu coração não vai aguentar!!!! Já nem tenho mais palavras pra agradecer meu amigo. *o*
  12. IAI Nesher T

    Grande denissoliveira, você é muito melhor que o Papai Noel... Ele só nos presenteia uma vez ao ano! xD Muito Obrigado maisuma vez!!!

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