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About Gunnar88

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  1. Soko G2 Galeb

  2. The view is about 140 degrees to the right and the model of the plane is not showing in 3D view, you can only see weapons
  3. I installed his Mig-23 MF cockpit (For Mirage Factory's MIG-23MF v1.0) and it doesn't work, so does anyone know how to fix it?
  4. Well, the G-4 Galeb is also finished :D DOWNLOAD LINK: http://combatace.com...uper-galeb-v11/
  5. Hi, i want to use the stock MIG-21 F-13 to create an another aircraft, basically a Mig-21 F-13 but with Yugoslav markings and that its flown by Yugoslavian pilots, not the stock soviet. To explain further, in the aircraft folder besides the MIG-21F folder, i created a MIG-21F YU folder, and then i copied everything from the Mig-21F folder (cockpit, .ini files etc.) to the new MIG-21F YU folder, and added a Yugoslav skin, and changed the availability date and nation in the MIG-21F DATA file, but i doesent work, so i wana know what else do i need to do.
  6. ah, i fixed it.. all good now. THX
  7. OS: Win XP Service Pack 3 WOE - October 2008 patch
  8. I cant add ANY weapons to the WEAPONDATA.INI I tried it with weapon-editor. But i can not run it. every time i press "open" it crashes (i set the compatability to win 98/95) And when i tried to manualy add new weapons, the game does not recognize them. I know im not making any newbie mistakes because i moded this game a lot before, and i added many weapons, but i had no such problems till i reinstalled my game. The same problem is with GUNDATA.INI it also does not want to recognize new guns in game. When i install weapon packs it loads those weapons from the weapons packs, but i cant add any other weapon then, or a gun.
  9. Hi, i want to lower the start year of the game from 1955 to 1946. For example, Mig-15 was available in 1950 but i can only start the game at lowest in 1955. How ca i do that?
  10. MiG-21 LanceR A

    Oh, great... Croatia has BisD (an version of LanceR, or Lancer III to be more exact) No i just need to make a skin :D
  11. yes, and at that point Yugoslavia did start to break apart, but there was still hope. The nasty break-up started 1990 and escalated into a war in 1991. But with the 3rd world war, i dont think Yugoslavia would break apart. It was preparing for this scenario over 50 Years, and the today republics would know it is not a good idea to break apart.

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