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About kreelin_

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  1. Almost 15 years now but still Miss you Oli.. Miss these days and nights talking about TMF planes Flight models. I will never forget the day I spoke to your mother on the phone because you hadn't given any news after your last message... The voice of your mother telling me that you were no longer with us...
  2. Sooo cool to see that some of you are still playing the SF2 series :p
  3. Wow :shock: :shock: It really looks good man... Cant wait to ride this And we are still waiting for THE patch too ( TK if you are around ;-) )
  4. Hey great job man.... :shock: :shock: :shock: Will we have AGM 65 with this ?
  5. What's wrong with this game ???

    I forgot to montion i have GF4 TI4600 Leadtek with det 43.00. 72nd_Nightmare, I already tested 1024x768 but no change. I am pessimistic about this pb :roll:
  6. Hi all, Did somebody already note the following problem: On external view (F10) -> 75fps but in cockpit view (F1) -> 10fps :( :( :( This is my system Windows XP 768Mo ram AthlonXP 1667Mhz Dx9 Hires (1280 x 7XX) JF18 original + Admin8.4

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