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Files posted by Gunrunner

  1. RF-84F Thunderflash Superpack

    Discussion and screenshots here
    This mod is NOT released under the Combat Ace Freeware Licensing Agreement (http://combatace.com/topic/55729-freeware-licensing/) as it includes content NOT subjected to it.
    The only content you can reuse freely following the CA Freeware Licensing are the SKINS and DECALS as they are my creation based on freely released template or from scratch;
    For all the rest you MUST contact the original author beforehand.
    To my knowledge you only need SF2:E, however you might also need the Exp2, if you have finflashes not showing, just tell me and I'll include mine rather than using TW's.
    This should work without trouble with NATO Fighters 5 (however the versions already included in NF5 have a slightly different file organization and naming convention).
    This mod should not rewrite anything except itself and the relevant campaign files.
    All planes marked with a * in the numbers list are considered historically correct, all others are as correct as sources allow, at worst they come from the pool of planes available to the nation in the given timeframe and bear possibly existing squadron numbers.
    There's a topic on CA (http://combatace.com/topic/68436-rf-84f-thunderflash-request-for-information-and-superpack-wip/) tracking my progress and meant to receive any feedback and information you might want to share.
    NOTES FOR 1956 :
    The Suez and Norwegian skins are bonuses and not useful for a Europe '56 campaign.
    I initially planned of including slightly anachronistic camouflage versions for Belgium and Netherlands, however, given the time needed for the operation and the fact that the campaign takes place in the heart of winter, camouflage would have made no sense.
    If you feel the need to properly install the Squadrons, you should add the following to your SQUADRONLIST.INI (if they squadrons are not already there), but everything is set up to work without it.
    DisplayName=32nd TRS
    DisplayName=38th TRS
    DisplayName=302nd TRS
    DisplayName=303rd TRS
    DisplayName=ER 1/33 'Belfort'
    DisplayName=ER 2/33 'Savoie'
    DisplayName=ER 3/33 'Moselle'
    DisplayName=ER 4/33 'Fumassol'
    DisplayName=42nd Squadron
    DisplayName=306° Squadron
    DisplayName=717 Skv.
    DisplayName=4th CRS
    All serial numbers involved in Suez are correct, 8 squadron numbers are attributed to the proper plane, 3 were used at Akrotiri but randomly assigned, the rest are randomly chosen from the most probable squadron numbers at the time.
    French RF-84F in late 1956 would have been stationned at Cognac, but would probably have been detached in Alsace or Germany in case of conflict, one squadron relieving the previous, given the involvement in Operation 700 and the readiness of the squadrons in late 1956, the order of detachement would have been ER 2/33 first then ER 3/33 and finally ER 1/33 (remember, the last planes reached France from Cyprus in late December, and the last ground personnel and equipment in early January 1957, so even accounting for a rushed move, the attrition of planes and personnel would mean they'd probably take no part in the conflict unless it lasted into the Spring of 1957).
    3 or 4 stripes of different colors denote a plane assigned to the Wing Commander, 2 stripes or the same color to the Squadron Leader and 1 stripe to a Flight Leader.
    These planes are meant to use specific pilots however this is strictly optional, if you don't add them, the game will use the default pilot, so it's only a matter of adding more pilot variety and a more authentic feel to things.
    To respect the LOD author's wish not to have a situation where his work might be unknowingly used without proper attribution or worse you'll have to download the pilots separately or as part of the packs in which they are bundled.
    All are based on Old Diego's pilot, with skins by Corktip14 for the French version, ravenclaw_007 for the German ones.
    For USAF and ROCAF planes, you'll need the KUSAF01 pilot from Diego's pilot pack : http://combatace.com/files/file/9197-diegos-pilot-pack/
    For French planes, you'll need the Guen312 pilot from the Israel 48/56 mod : http://combatace.com/files/file/11024-1948-war-for-independence1956-suez-crisis/
    For German planes, you'll need the PilotGAF pilot from the German Pilots pack : http://combatace.com/files/file/9210-german-air-force-pilot%C2%B4s/
    For other planes, you'll need the Euro001 pilot included with NATO Fighters 4+ Update 1 : http://combatace.com/files/file/11099-nato-fighters-4-patch-post-dec-2009-patch-level/
    The necessary campaign files have been modified to add the Taiwanese RF-84F, just overwrite the original files.
    Due to JonathanRL's way of implementing squadrons (without a proper squadron list) I've had to use a specific variant for Taiwan rather than use it as a skin for the US variant, as should be.
    It also means that unless you add the squadrons properly, the ROCAF 4th CRS will appear show up as a USAF unit (without impact on anything else than text displayed on the loadout screen).
    It was the best compromise to be both working with Formosa Freedom and still be compatible with the standard implementation.
    At the moment I'm not interested in providing a package solely for that purpose.
    The necessary campaign files have been modified to use the updated RF-84F, just overwrite the original files.
    Be aware that it will leave the RF-84F using my old naming convention in place, it's up to you to delete it if it creates confusion in single mission play.
    At the moment I'm not interested in providing a package solely for that purpose.
    v0.2 (10/08/2012) (6 variants, 15 skins, 2 campaign updates)
    Skin naming convention changed to make maintenance easier, you should remove the older skins, the "new" ones are identical
    RF-84F_NATO1 (based on the updated RF-84F, spoilers, brake chute, Euro pilot, early Republic Seat)
    1 Camo skin for 42 Sqn. (Belgium), 16 planes, circa late 1960, Brustem, BE
    RF-84F_NATO2 (based on the updated RF-84F, spoilers, brake chute, Euro pilot, late Republic Seat)
    1 Camo skin for 42 Sqn. (Belgium), 15 planes, circa late 1962, Brustem, BE
    RF-84F_TW (based on the updated RF-84F, spoilers, brake chute, US pilot, early Republic Seat)
    1 Silver skin for 4th CRS (ROCAF), 22 planes, circa late 1958, SongShan, TW
    RF-84F_US (based on the updated RF-84F, spoilers, brake chute, US pilot, early Republic Seat)
    1 Silver skin for 38th TRS (USAFE), 17 planes, circa late 1955, Sembach, DE
    Operation Formosa Freedom
    1 set of files to add to JonathanRL's Operation Formosa Freedom v1.1
    1956 Suez Crisis
    1 set of files to update the Israel 45-56 mod to use the new RF-84F naming convention (and benefit from the updated skins and inis)
    v0.1 (11/03/2011) (4 variants, 11 skins)
    RF-84F_FR1 (based on the updated RF-84F, no spoilers, no brake chute, French pilot, early Republic Seat)
    1 Silver skin for ER 4/33 "Fumassol" (France), 14 planes, for Operation 700 / Musketeer / Suez War, Akrotiri, Cyprus, UK
    RF-84F_FR2 (based on the updated RF-84F, spoilers, brake chute, French pilot, early Republic Seat)
    1 Silver skin for ER 1/33 "Belfort" (France), 24 planes, circa late 1956, Cognac, FR
    1 Silver skin for ER 2/33 "Savoie" (France), 23 planes, circa late 1956, Cognac, FR
    1 Silver skin for ER 3/33 "Moselle" (France), 23 planes, circa late 1956, Cognac, FR
    RF-84F_NATO1 (based on the updated RF-84F, spoilers, brake chute, Euro pilot, early Republic Seat)
    1 Silver skin for 306 Sqn. (Netherlands), 16 planes, circa late 1956, Eindhoven, NL
    1 Silver skin for 42 Sqn. (Belgium), 14 planes, circa late 1956, Brustem, BE
    1 Silver skin for 717 Esk. (Norway), 21 planes, circa late 1956, Rygge, NO
    RF-84F_US (based on the updated RF-84F, spoilers, brake chute, US pilot, early Republic Seat)
    1 Silver skin for 32nd TRS (USAFE), 17 planes, circa late 1956, Sembach, DE
    1 Silver skin for 38th TRS (USAFE), 17 planes, circa late 1956, Sembach, DE
    1 Silver skin for 302nd TRS (USAFE), 17 planes, circa late 1956, Spangdahlem, DE
    1 Silver skin for 303rd TRS (USAFE), 17 planes, circa late 1956, Spangdahlem, DE
    - The spoilers are not part of the model and are only painted on.
    - The brake chute fairing is there even on early models.
    - Some skins are not "right" due to subtle mapping problems and a model not 100% accurate.
    - Some parts inherit the global skin lighting values instead of having these set to fixed values.
    - There may be some decal bleeding on lower visual settings as in some cases I only leave a 1 pixel margin.
    - Some more panel changes and details
    - Normal and specular maps, maybe, when/if Florian has the time and motivation to do so
    - 15th TRS and 45th TRS PACAF planes
    - 1962 and 1968 European planes
    - Greek, Turkish and Italian planes
    - 1955, 1957 variants for USAFE, various others (French early camo trials, Luftwaffe WS50...)
    - Templates and full documentation
    - NF5 updates
    - Version specific hangars and loading screens
    - Integration of feedback
    Original 3D Model : Michael Davies & Alphasim (porting rights granted to GMG)
    3D Conversion & Animations : Amokfloo / Florian
    Cockpit : Zurawski (taken from his F-86)
    INI work : Amokfloo / Florian, Soulfreak / Soulman, NeverEnough
    Damage textures : Amokfloo / Florian
    Model update for SF2 : Amokfloo / Florian
    Various small fixes : Israel 48/56 Team
    Ejection Seats
    Republic Ejection Seats : Steve_S
    Martin Baker Gw5 Ejection Seat : ravenclaw_007
    Original Skins and templates : Soulfreak / Soulman, ravenclaw_007
    Enhanced templates, skins and compilation of bits : Gunrunner
    A huge thanks to all the modders allowing me to bundle their work with my skins or taking the time to explain why they'd rather not, to eburger68 for his work on NATO Fighters motivating me to get back to work and of course to CA and TK for a wonderful toy and the community to go with it.
    If I forgot someone or believe I've included your work without proper credits, permissions or respect for your terms of use, do not hesitate to contact me on Combat Ace forums.
    Wings over Suez by Brian Cull
    Tactical Reconnaissance in the Cold War by Doug Gordon
    Squadron/Signal Fighting Colors #6504 - USAF Europe in Color, Vol.1 : 1948-1965 by Robert Robinson
    Squadron/Signal Fighting Colors #6563 - USAF Europe in Color, Vol.2 : 1957-1963 by Robert Robinson
    Squadron/Signal Aircraft in action #1061 - F-84 Thunderjet by Larry Davis, David Menard and Don Greer
    Wing Masters HS 11 : Suez 1956 : Opération Mousquetaire
    And of course the Internet...
    With first and foremost, the unavoidable Joe Baugher : http://www.joebaugher.com
    Nathan Decker's Forgotten Jets : http://www.millionmonkeytheater.com/ForgottenJets.html
    and countless others...


       (6 reviews)



  2. A-4G Skyhawk (VF-805)

    A-4G Skyhawk
    (r1 - 1976 - VF-805)
    This mod should ultimately cover the whole VF-805 career of the Australian A-4G, however since it started for a very specific project of mine, it will be released as-is and updated whenever (if ever) the rest is done.
    For that reason, if you have an interest on the topic and are willing to correct or complete the set, do feel free to do so, it's a safer bet than waiting for the next release.
    It has been built with/for SF2, it requires Thirdwire's A-4E and A-4F to work, there should be no other prerequisite.
    r1 includes only the mid-70's skin, as my project focuses on the year 1976.
    The skin and decals are as correct as I'm willing/able to do based on Thirdwire's skin.
    All plane and serial numbers are correctly paired and historically correct (all planes crashed before 1976 are not present).
    The only inaccuracy is the fact that some of the planes present were affected to VC-724, however, in case of conflict and to cope with attrition they would have been transferred to VF-805, hence their presence in this mod.
    Grey areas :
    - On most pictures the A-4G in '76 had the area surrounding the gun muzzle painted black, on some, a square area on the fuselage was painted black and on other, nothing was painted black at all, no text gives any reason for that or precise reference, therefore it's been left as stock.
    - Likewise, most sources claim some A-4G were not fitted with guns, without providing the serial number of those planes or whether this was a temporary or permanent change; Moreover, I couldn't find photographic evidence of a gunless A-4G.
    - The current INI is a hybrid of A-4E and A-4F, uses an A-4F cockpit with A-4E avionics, I lack sources and will to do any better at the moment, it will have to do.
    Optionnally, you can add VF-805 "Checkerboards" to your SquadronList.ini, however it is only a nicety and the skin doesn't rely on it.
    DisplayName=805 Sq. "Checkerboards"
    TO DO :
    - Replace the antennas by accurate ones.
    - Have missile rails for outer pylons use with Sidewinders.
    - Add the late 60's VF-805 skin (without checkerboard).
    - Add the early 70's VF-805 skin (with checkerboard on the rudder).
    - Add the late 70's VF-805 skin (grey camo with knight).
    Licence :
    See the CA Freeware Licence Agreement : http://combatace.com/topic/55729-freeware-licensing/
    Credits :
    Thirdwire for the A-4E model, original skin and INI.
    Wilco for the angled refueling probe replacement and landing lights.
    The CA community for years of fun and great mods.


       (1 review)



  3. Colourful Korea - A skin and decals pack for Wings over Korea


    Some assembly required.

    WTF is this ?
    This is a mod of a mod, it's intended to be used as a "patch" for Do335 Wings over Korea mod, itself a mod of the semi-avorted Korean Air War mod.
    Its intent is to add more units, more skins and, above all, more named planes to the Korean War.
    It's meant to be a patch, to keep the footprint low, making it useless by itself.
    It's also a backport from my own Korean War install meaning that some things might not be as originally intended (for instance, in my own install the SAAF 2nd Squadron uses slatted wings F-86F-10's, which is - mostly - historically correct, however a standard WoK install gives hard-wing F-86F-30 - of which they only ever had 1 - to 2nd Squadron).
    My focus on these releases is maintaining compatibility with the WoK campaign at the cost of "authenticity" (which would require something much more grandiose with at least 3 campaigns, which is a work in progress but not aimed for release - too much unclearable content being used).

    Why such a miscellaneous and crippled package ?
    Because I'm slightly burning out on the Korean War, that Real Life is coming back and that rather than having "finished" work rot away on a hard drive, I'd rather release what can be so others can enjoy or build upon it.
    Also because I'm too lazy to walk the minefield of varying licences involved in packaging someone else's content.
    And yes, someday I'll finish the Thunderflashes, if Paulo doesn't beat me to it.

    What are the pre-requisites ?
    - Some knowledge of Strike Fighters 2 mod installation procedures.
    - A properly installed Wings over Korea 1.0 by Do335 installation ( http://combatace.com/files/file/13415-sf2-korea-terrain-v3/ , http://combatace.com/files/file/15221-wings-over-korea-1-of-2/ , http://combatace.com/files/file/15220-wings-over-korea-2-of-2/ ).

    What are the pre-requisites for the optionnal Razbam Banshee skins ?
    - A properly installed Razbam F2H-2 Banshee ( http://www.razbamsims.com/store/product_info.php?cPath=1_4&products_id=45 ).
    - Wrench's Korean Air War Tweak Pak for Razbam's Banshees ( http://combatace.com/files/file/14889-sf2-kaw-f2h-2-banshee-tweeks-pak-for-razbam-banshees/ ).
    - Do335 optional files for Razbam's Banshee (overwrite Wrench's tweaks).

    What is included ?
    - 4 new skins for Razbam's F2H-2 Banshee covering VF-172, VF-11, VF-22 and VF-62 for the Korean War (VF-22 used in campaign).
    - 2 reworked skins for South African 2nd Squadron F-86F Sabre, including 29 historical named planes (almost all of them) (one skin used in campaign).
    - 5 additionnal named Australian Meteor F.8, plus one modified decal for an existing one (used in campaign).
    - 1 partially modified skin for RF-51D Mustang (adding polka dots to the propeller nosecone), including an historical named plane (used in campaign).
    - 1 template for Razbam's F2H-2 Banshee.

    What is not included ?
    - Anything already present in the pre-requisites.
    - Razbam's skin parts that I haven't redone.

    What's the required assembly ?
    - South African F-86F : None, overwrite when asked
    - Australian Meteor F.8 : None, overwrite when asked
    - USAF RF-51D Mustang : None, overwrite when asked
    - USN F2H-2 Banshee : Copy the following files (some may not be needed but in doubt do it) from an existing skin into the VF-11 and VF-62 skin folders (VF172 and VF-22 are ok)
    ejection seat.bmp
    landing gear_t.bmp

    Probable questions
    - Hey, why are you using an inefficient ZIP format when RAR5 and 7Z offer much better compression rates ?
    Because RAR5 breaks backward compatibility while using the same extension, leading to many confused people believing their download to be corrupted, leading to re-downloads, increased bandwidth consumption for CombatAce and overall a greater cost than a slightly larger archive and more headache for the player.
    Because 7Z requires to install a dedicated software while Windows does manage ZIP files natively, making it much easier for players.

    - Hey, why are your skin in a funky PDN format instead of a standard Photoshop PSD file ?
    Because, even with Creative Cloud, Photoshop can be too much money for some modders and I don't condone piracy.
    Because Paint.NET ( http://www.getpaint.net/ ), the software using PDN files, covers 95% of skinner needs, especially when using the PSD plugin ( https://psdplugin.codeplex.com/ ) to open PSD files (DO NOT use RLE compression when saving in PSD format though) and the Alpha Mask plugin ( http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/1854-alpha-mask-import-plugin-20/ ).
    Because Photoshop makes me jump through more hoops than Paint.NET to obtain some layer interactions.

    - Hey, there shouldn't be rivets here / Hey, that colour is slightly off / Hey, 202 actually didn't have his code painted on the wing / Hey, the decal seems to be bleeding etc...
    Yes, I'm probably already aware of all that, some of it can't be changed by anyone so you'll have to live with it, some of it is ignored to keep things simple and tidy, and finally many are ignored because I've reached the point where, at the moment, I'm not willing or able to do better.
    Feel free to add your own corrections and changes and either submit them to me for another release (you'd be credited of course), or release your own mod of a mod of a mod.
    - How do I contact you ?
    Well, PM me on CombatAce, when Real Life is involved it might be some month before I answer though, or you can mail me, but unless it's important, it's highly probable I'll just ignore it, sorry.

    - TK, even though he has forsaken us, he gave us a nice little engine to play with.
    - CombatAce, for being such a nice place full of nice, if at time weird, people doing their best to keep TK's little engine fun to play with.
    - The Korean Air War team, without whom none of this would exist in the first place, even though their grand scheme never happened, their years of work didn't go to waste.
    - Wrench, The, whose Banshee Tweak Pak gave me the weird idea that some people actually cared about a payware of an obscure, little used plane.
    - Jolley Roger, over at the unofficial SAAF forum, for starting and curating a thread that became a great refence for the SAAF sabres ( http://www.saairforce.co.za/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=7069 ).
    - Mue, whose LOD Viewer ( http://combatace.com/topic/85079-lod-viewer/ ) is an invaluable tool to Strike Fighters modders.

    Everything is either derived from Thirdwire's assets, those included in Do335 Wings over Korea mod - refer to the Readme of this pack for full details - or so trivial I can't be credited for them, with the exception of :
    F2H-2 Template ans Skins : Gunrunner (except the Bits and pieces layer, which is based on Razbam's skins).
    F-86F Template : Ravenclaw (90%), Wrench, The (9%), Gunrunner (1%), I mostly added a few details, a noise layer, reworked invasion bands, tail and nose decorations.
    VF-11 Squadron Badge, 2nd Squadron Badge, "Elyana" and "Bowl'Em Over !" nose arts for Australian Meteors : from my "decal vault", if it's yours, drop me a line and I'll credit you or remove/replace it.
    14 February 2015


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  4. Su-21S/P "Flagpole"

    When the Su-21S, codenamed "Flagpole" by NATO, appeared in 1978, it surprised the West which initially thought the plane to be just another failed Flagon update experiment or a testbed for systems of the recently identified Ram-L or Ram-K aircrafts.
    It turned out to be a long endurance PVO interceptor, possibly meant as an interim or low-cost alternative to these new designs, using a clearly Flagon inspired but brand-new airframe and, according to some intelligence, reusing existing systems to mitigate development risk.
    The aircraft is purported to use a single uprated R-35 derived from the one already used in PVO Floggers for propulsion, also borrowing the MiG-23P's radar, albeit with a larger antenna and more powerful emitter and using R-24 and R-60 missiles (up to 4 of each for a total of 8). It has been seen using up to 3 large drop tanks to accomplish its goal of long endurance patrol in the defence of the central and eastern regions of the USSR. Going against the trend of recent PVO-only interceptors, the Su-21 has 2 internal guns, sources suggesting these to be weirdly old-fashioned NR-30 with a hundred rounds each, as well as what seems to be decoy launchers.
    This surprisingly elegant design was joined in 1980 by a dual-seat version, initially thought to be a trainer, but proving to be another interceptor, the Su-21P. While the single-seater Su-21S became a not too uncommon sight on the Soviet Western frontier, the Su-21P was almost absent, being more common on the other borders, the exact operationnal reason remains unclear as these planes seem to be otherwise identical.
    Recent sightings suggest that the plane might not be a PVO exclusive as what are thought to be Su-21s were spotted in AV-MF colours, but not enough is known at present.
    - As it was started as an AI only asset for my own use, I kept the original F-15 cockpit.
    - Likewise, as an AI only asset for my own use, I haven't taken the time to produce hangar and loading pics.
    - I did the minimal amount of modification to the INI.
    - All skins can be used on both variants if you want to switch things around.
    - I have included AV-MF inspired skins in the Su-21P folder, for those that might be interested (waves at Stratos), they should be considered a not so hidden easter egg.
    - PSD templates specific to this Soviet version should be released alongside.
    - Read the damn READ ME for install.
    Everyone at Cocas Aircraft Factory for their work on the plane, and especially Cocas for listening to my whin... errrr... suggestions and always nicely doing what I was pestering him to do (the guy is just too nice for his own good) and to Nyghtfall for giving us the templates without which I probably wouldn't have bothered to do something in a releasable form.
    AmokFlo for the ejection seats.
    The Trooper for the pilot reskin.
    (I believe) PauloPanz for the Dark Blue Soviet numbers decals.
    (I believe) Lindr2 for the R-24 and R-60.
    Any error or omission is just that, feel free to correct me if I forgot or misattributed anything, everything should be under the CA Fair Use umbrella unless I messed up.
    Have fun and good flight 
    Version 1.0 - 15/05/2020
        Nyghtfall :
            Original skins and templates, he did the hard part of the job
        Cocas :
            Dual-seat LOD
            Elevator modifications
            Specular map support
            Soviet variants
        Gunrunner :
            Mostly pestering poor Cocas for changes
            Normal/Specular/Holes maps
            Minor INI changes
            Bringing parts together
            Getting the credit for other people's hard work, then profit from it somehow and maybe, tomorrow, world domination ! Muwahahahahahahahahah... cough... cough... cough...


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  5. Su-21 Flagpole Templates

    Templates for the Sukhoi Su-21 "Flagpole" for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 
    These templates are Photoshop versions derived from my own Paint.NET files, themselves based on Nyghtfall's original work.
    Layers starting with :
        NM are for generating the Normal Map
        SM are for generating the Specular Map
        DM Mask are masks for generating various camo patters for the Diffuse Map
        DM are for generating the Diffuse Map
    I hope everything is clearly labelled, I have flattened existing skins to conserve space and reduce the number of layers, but the presence of masks and the palette should help if required.
    Thanks to everyone at Cocas Aircraft Factory for their work on the plane, especially Cocas for listening to my whin... errrr... suggestions and always nicely doing what I was pestering him to do (the guy is just too nice for his own good) and to Nyghtfall for giving us the original templates without which I probably wouldn't have bothered to do something in a releasable form.
    Any error or omission is just that, feel free to correct me if I forgot or misattributed anything, everything should be under the CA Fair Use umbrella unless I messed up.
    Have fun and good skinning 


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