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Rick Rawlings

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About Rick Rawlings

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  1. Rick Rawlings Let's Play WOFF

    Give Me Back My Bullets! Also: Give Me Back My Bullets!
  2. Rick Rawlings Let's Play WOFF

    Bullet the Blue Sky!
  3. Rick Rawlings Let's Play WOFF

    I think we are equally blame. Turns out monoplanes are hard to see coming directly at you!
  4. Rick Rawlings Let's Play WOFF

    Another blast with the bullet!
  5. Rick Rawlings Let's Play WOFF

    Briefly back to the minors...
  6. BH&H 2 Screenshots and Movies Thread

    Nice pics! That RE8 seems an observer short of a recon team, though!
  7. Rick Rawlings Let's Play WOFF

    Number two with a bullet...
  8. Throwback Thursday: Red Baron 3D

    Yeah, I was disappointed that so few went with the full career route of the Red Barons and now WOFF. It really is the spiritual successor...
  9. Throwback Thursday: Red Baron 3D

    Good times! I remember it well! Well, maybe not too well, did they wheel down the balloons in RB 2 when you attacked? I do remember the scandalous roll out however, before the 3D patch and all that Vodoo! Oh, if only someone could push back that horizon fog!!! It was, however, a massive update over the original, which I played the heck out of on a keyboard!
  10. Rick Rawlings Let's Play WOFF

    Number one with a bullet!
  11. WOFF update popup issues 1.04?

    Take care, Pol! We will wait patiently for Butch and Sundance to reunite this Wild Bunch!
  12. WOFF update popup issues 1.04?

    They wanted you to get the full 1917 effect!
  13. OTT Observations

    I would say that is the best idea. I would recommend using the toolkit tool and then restarting after you clear everything out. Hope it works for you! I haven't seen any of that behavior so far. Good luck!
  14. Rick Rawlings Let's Play WOFF

    Three is a magic number!
  15. Basic Autopilot Function

    Hey busdriver! I've been autopiloting to the front area and I haven't seen any problems, but I've only done a dozen missions or so. When you made your pilot, did you set your autopilot skill level to novice, by any chance? (Not that it should matter to that degree though...) I also haven't seen any missions quit early, but then again, I have been dividing my time between a bunch of games and haven't played tons. Did you update your game with the add-on or do a clean install?

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