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Rick Rawlings

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About Rick Rawlings

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  1. Rick Rawlings Let's Play WOFF

    Number #14 - Or "Where is the Earth-shattering Kaboom?" ...oh, there it is...
  2. Rick Rawlings Let's Play WOFF

    People say 13 is unlucky. But not if you think of it as #1 and #3! A very fun mission either way!
  3. Rick Rawlings Let's Play WOFF

    Number 12 in a 16, thinking about doing 13 in a 12...
  4. Where is save/load/retry?

    While you can't exactly re-fly a mission as they are auto generated every time, in the workshop you can set the outcome to easy - pilot never dies. If you want to re-run the exact same mission number, you would need to manually backup your pilots before each mission and restore the backup after your pilot dies. Robert Wiggins has a utility that does this. It's also useful for any weird mission outcome...
  5. Rick Rawlings Let's Play WOFF

  6. Story or otherwise, It's always a pleasure to see Louvert!
  7. Rick Rawlings Let's Play WOFF

    A perfect 10! The landing? More like a 3...
  8. Rick Rawlings Let's Play WOFF

    Give Me Back My Bullets! Also: Give Me Back My Bullets!
  9. Rick Rawlings Let's Play WOFF

    Bullet the Blue Sky!
  10. Rick Rawlings Let's Play WOFF

    I think we are equally blame. Turns out monoplanes are hard to see coming directly at you!
  11. Rick Rawlings Let's Play WOFF

    Another blast with the bullet!
  12. Rick Rawlings Let's Play WOFF

    Briefly back to the minors...
  13. BH&H 2 Screenshots and Movies Thread

    Nice pics! That RE8 seems an observer short of a recon team, though!
  14. Rick Rawlings Let's Play WOFF

    Number two with a bullet...
  15. Throwback Thursday: Red Baron 3D

    Yeah, I was disappointed that so few went with the full career route of the Red Barons and now WOFF. It really is the spiritual successor...

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