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FrankD last won the day on April 8 2011

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About FrankD

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Liege, Belgium
  • Interests
    Simulation, wargame, beer, boobs

    Not always in that order.

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  1. SF2 WOE Style Hangar Maker

  2. A Saladin during the "Sirocco 88" FTX.
  3. Always nice to have more Belgian flying
  4. For your own information, this is what I'm talking about Stingray77: http://www.fileinfo....only-files.html Having your F-4B_67.ini file set to read only would prevent the game engine to automatically update it with the new skins. Now if you already had this file updated, either automatically or manually, but kept the old file, that may be the source of your problem. To be sure, simply compare both files and see what have changed. Good luck
  5. Hello Agwolf, in complement of what Wrench wrote, if you don't have/want a loading screen for a specific aircraft and thus want to change the default loading screen, simply drop your custom one, named exactly "LOADINGSCREEN1.jpg", in your Flight folder (found in your Mod Folder of course).
  6. Were you at gunpoint when you put that techno soundtrack?
  7. Was your aircraft's ini file set to "Read only"? It seems that when the game starts, it add the new skins automatically to that file. That's what I observed here for the least.
  8. That's what I understood too EricJ. It was in 1997 and, as far as I can guess, were 9.12A and 9.13 type (non Russian flown but nuclear capable). Defense.gov News Article: U.S. Buys Moldovan MiG-29 Fighters There are interesting details about the Modavian Mig-29, especially in the Post Scriptum of that page: http://www.acig.org/...ticle_281.shtml The Drone I propose here is a type 9.12B and the livery is purely fictional. I'm glad that it please you gents, I had fun doing it and it a great non cooperative target, especially on the ChampionVA56's pure gem. If any modder see something wrong or weird, I would be thankful to hear (read) his/her opinion as I'm eager to learn. Have fun and take care
  9. Piecemeal, in this new DESERT3_TARGETS.ini, the Eleventh Dhimari Air Defence Battery (TargetArea055) and RAF Canopic (TargetArea261) are added but the Muthala Industrial Centre (TargetArea262 in the original ini) is now missing. Is it an initiative to reduce Dhimari's Carbon emissions? Best regards
  10. Quoting and seconding Squid: Very nice menus PCPilot by the way.
  11. Great tool, thanks a lot for sharing it MKSheppard
  12. File Name: QM-29B Fulcrum Drone File Submitter: FrankD File Submitted: 07 April 2011 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Aircraft -------------------------------------------------------- ----A Tribute to Olivier "BPAo" ANGUILLE.---- --------------------------------------------------------- ====================== =QM-29B (9.12B) Drone= ====================== Background: ========== Following the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russian 4th-generation fighter jets could be obtained through commercial deal, rather than through defection and capture. Likewise, in 1992, 6 Mig-29B (9.12B) were loaned to the USA by an unnamed foreign country for evaluation, testing and, in a few occasion, training. For that purpose, several NATO & friends personal were detached to the 53rd Weapons Evaluation Group. Installation: ========= *A working installation of the SF2 Mescalero Proving Grounds is required, otherwise, it will simply not work.* - decompress the archive to a temporary folder, on your desktop for example - drop the content of the "To your mod folder"... into your mod folder, confirm when asked to overwrite - start your game and enjoy Credits: ====== Original Mig-29A by The Mirage Factory. The gorgeous pit is the MiG-29 Cockpit Repaint by Orsin. The skin is purely fictional but may not have been possible, within a lifetime span given my skills, without the amazing Mig29 Templates by Sundowner. ChampionsVA56 for his guidance and inspiration. Jane's publications, Harpoon High Tide's Data Annex, 1F-MIG29-1 flight manual, Yefim Gordon's books and posts by Tom Cooper from ACIG have been used as reference for datas' fine tuning. If I forgot anyone, let me know and I'll correct it asap. Notes: ===== The QM-29B Fulcrum Drone is available from 1992 to 2002. It have no ECM but have four times as much chaff and flares than normal. The fuel transfer sequence have been made as correct as possible, so watch your fuel, and a boost to the ACM mode's ScanBeamAngle is loosely simulating the IRST device. If you dig in, you may notice unusual Radar Range or Max Visible Distance values. They have been set as is for an ongoing project in which a lot of such things have been normalized and in that environment, they make sense. Given the role of the platform, they should not be an issue amongst default values however. Be advised that the Safe Altitude have been set to 1000 feet (304.8m). Have fun. Click here to download this file

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