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About Hansa

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  1. Fokker D.II

  2. Must have addons for FE2

    The best addon plane so far is Morane type N, incredible detailed cockpit and textures. Better than stock planes. http://combatace.com/files/file/4716-morane-saulnier-n-%E2%80%9Cbullet%E2%80%9D/ Stetephen1918 planes and ground objects are awesome too.
  3. Halberstadt D.V

    I was going to ask for this plane! Capun's Halberstadt is very low poly and it doesn't have a cockpit. I will fly this one for sure!
  4. More FE Ground Objects

    GREAT! Can't wait to see them in game!
  5. Armored Trains

    Superb!!! Now we need somebody that makes the changes to the data.ini and types.ini of a couple of terrains to see them in battle. I wish i had the time to do it!!!
  6. Stephen1918's new BE 2c

    Stephen1918 models are really awesome, best of the best!
  7. Italian Front (WIP)

  8. Operation Restoration: Wings Remastered Edition

    I loved Wings, it was an incredible game at those times. Lords of the Rising Sun was also a blast, IMHO the Total War series are based on that strategy game.
  9. BE 2c - in progress

    Glad to know you're back at work, the bird is looking awesome!

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