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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. Day 05 15

    From the album Stratos

  2. img00024

    From the album Stratos

  3. The Vipers in the Storm threat make me tought about the Gulf War air campaign and how affected the overall development of the war. Wondering If someone know good online readings or have dcos to share that explain the air campaign in the 1990/91 war, specially the targets attacked and kills achieved. Thanks a lot!!
  4. IIRC the Viper main task was A-G attack during the Gulf War in 1991, but did they carried any radar guided missile or took any A-A mission? Thanks.
  5. Vipers during Desert Storm?

    Thanks for pics and link Dave.
  6. Released!! https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B31Ed4Wn1_E2a3lXYTFNc19ScU0/edit?usp=download
  7. img00015

    From the album Stratos

  8. I want to say a huge thanks to everyone involved in ODS addon, is so big and cool! Here are some pics of my current campaign as a Hornet driver, and other things happening in the theatre:
  9. img00021

    From the album Stratos

  10. img00011

    From the album Stratos

  11. img00004

    From the album Stratos

  12. img00018

    From the album Stratos

  13. Hawk T2 please, it looks soooo cool!
  14. Amazing!! Thanks a lot Strahi!
  15. Thanks for your wise words and kind link Soulfreak. I already did what you did, I asked for help cause many times people here have magazine articles in pdf or links to very deep analysis of the conflicts, I will try to be more clear next time I ask for help in order to make clear I need things not easily available trough a quick search on google. Thanks a lot.
  16. Desert Terrain V.4

    One of the best theatres out there. Is very fun and some of the valleys there are really amazing. Very well done mate! Thanks.
  17. Maybe is possible to have static ships as targets? Not the best solution but those ships are not that fast and they will made so cool targets!
  18. The Tomcat looks surprisingly good in the USAF blue. Well done!
  19. Looks amazing. Wondering if it can have "invisible" trap wires so we can trap conventional landing planes?
  20. Vipers during Desert Storm?

    Cool pics! Thanks for posting them. Interesting story on that SAM sites, will be cool to replicate on SF.
  21. Maybe a good series of skins for the flying cannon? The A-10 both A and C will be great.
  22. Cool mate, really cool. Looking forward to this mod.

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