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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. I'm following the thread as well, wondering how that Jeep driver will look, lol.
  2. Yakarov, what happened to this WIP of yours?
  3. Great news! Really looking forward!
  4. And do you think that will prevent the 20mm to destroy the tank? I'm really curious now.
  5. I understand Righteous, and is not fair to compare us with DCS (in some aspect we are more realistic than DCS), but killing tanks is too easy in SF2, and that makes the game bit shocking sometimes.
  6. Any update Mue? I have a jungle to populate!
  7. I got the options part, after all Spain did the same during Cold War with the US and France. Interesting part about Iran.
  8. Super Hornets, Typhoons... why so many airplanes? deterrent against Iran?
  9. Ariel, do you have any plane with this added?
  10. One of your best Val, really really loved this one.
  11. Remember to add all those artilerrymen loading the missile, rofl
  12. Wondering IF someone already checked that file...
  13. I use the old PaintShopPro, is from the Paleozoic, but still works great, even If it cannot open DDS, for that I use Gimp.
  14. And is now up, grab it while is hot!
  15. In mid 70's some structural cracks were found on the RAAF Mirage III fleet, altough a crash program was devised to fix the problem, the Australian goverment decided to buy a stopgap solution, purchasing 26 Mirage F.1 directly from France, the planes were really liked by its pilot and soldiered with the RAAF until year 2000 with some modernization programs in the meantime, surviving the Mirage III for a long shot and also flying along the F/A-18A that was choosen to replace the Mirages. Why the odd number you will ask, the first 24 planes including 2 two seaters were designated for squadron use, and two single seaters were keep by the Aircraft Reasearch and Development Unit in order to devise some specific solutions tailored specifically to thew RAAF, including modified ECM pods, flare launchers and some speficic engine changes. The ARDU F.1's were some of the last to be retired of operational use when they tested some self defense suits that were then installed on the RAAF Hornets. Of course during their ARDU service the two F.1's used the infamous Fanta Can scheme that made the planes a welcome sight for plane spotters and plastic modellers around the world. Oustanding skin work by my good friend ValAstur!
  16. Lol, I was remembering Mue about the program, not saying that will be relased in two weeks!
  17. I'm wondering how much time we will have to wait in order to see a release of this, not rushing, simply curious, as I'm really looking forward to this release. Also If Payware, any idea of the price?

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