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Everything posted by Stratos

  1. English class in spain

    Is a a matter of interest. From my point of view, spanish teenagers think they can live all their lives inside Spanish speaking world.
  2. I payed for the Fishbed, and will get the F-15E from Razbam too, but they better do a Viper or a Hornet or I will not get anything more soon.
  3. I will pick it for sure. I asked some time ago about F-15E hability to use and launch HARMS, In theory is AGM-88 capable, but that task was always (at least in the USAF) relegated to the Vipers, hope we can launch the AGM-88 in DCS F-15E, is always the most exciting part being in a SAM hunter package.
  4. Good news. It seems far more advanced that the Iris one right?
  5. Cool Kongo! For me modern Kongos and the WW2 ones are gorgeous looking ships!
  6. And when you finish it, TK will release his Mirage F1 DLC
  7. Just installed the F101 Voodoo megapack available from the Downloads section. It has the Genie A2A missiles, but when I try to use in combat and it reach the target, the missile simply dissapear without exploding or shooting anything down. Any idea?
  8. What helo is this?

    IIRC that was powerless. It simply glided to the landing place. But I can be wrong.
  9. USS John Finn

  10. I'm looking forward to fly this campaign. Will be possible to fly as the Indonesian Mig drivers too? IIRC they had some F13 Fishbeds too. Yes!

    Is this the famous "Skoshi Tiger"??
  12. I had no idea either. Are those vehicles available? Anyway the enemy planes are pretty poor, will try to get some pics. EDIT: Ah here it is.
  13. No, no good. Ai surprised me by the really close formation.
  14. Will love to see a DCS F-16. Even if it uses Flaming Cliff characteristics, hope we can use all the weapons, HARMS, Mavericks, GBU's, JDAM... Falcon BMS looks cool... In the Viper, but there are planes like the Flogger that still have the Micrprose 1998 3d model!!
  15. I need to try a WW2 install. Maybe is time to move from older games.
  16. F-19 redo

    Yes. Sounds like really interesting project. Also the idea of a stealth plane is really different to everything we are used to flight. BTW. Maybe, you guys can offer him a dedicated forum here.
  17. Flying a mission over Syria today in a flight of 4 Neshers with two Shafrir 2 each. Meet 4 Fishbeds and got one with guns, one of my Shafrir was fired with the Mig21 in a straight course and full afterburner. Got a good tone and launched, the damn Fishbed started a hard turn still in full AB, 90 degrees to the left, and I tought missiles will lose lock, but it continued to track and turned against the enemy pretty elegantly. Imdecided to jump to weapon view, and the missile tracked the enemy until passing harmlessly at 6 or 7 m of the Fished without exploding but still turning. Missile lost track as soon as it passed by the Mig21 side. Was a coincidence or the missile failed to explode? Or it was not close enough to the enemy plane?
  18. Can't found info about it in KB for SF2. Will like to convert the SF1 Fishbed cockpits for use on the Sf2. series. Thanks.
  19. This is the problem. I should be inside this PF cockpit, but theres no cockpit at all.
  20. For me it was a WOW moment! Never experimented something like that in any sim before.

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