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Status Updates posted by Teras

  1. my bird died R.I.P my friend im so f***ing sad

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Teras


      thanks guys

    3. Stary



      I used to pet turtles in the teenager days, passing of first one was a downer for me back then

    4. Teras


      losing such things are very hard , thanks Stary

  2. Ronaldo09 is the best sorcerer ever born

    1. Brain32


      Watching old tapes?

      Yeah he was great...


    2. Vader2


      My Favorite Player of all time!

    3. Teras


      yeah watching old tapes of ronaldo just like propaganda to stay alive

  3. welcome back CA!

    1. daddyairplanes


      welcome back to you good sir! did ya get the falcons finished in the break? j/k

    2. Teras


      lol , well not yet i work alone these days but nice to see you again ::cheers::

  4. today i will be on TV!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Teras


      haha watch your RWRs

    3. Silverbolt


      haha good to know teras!

    4. Teras


      thanks Yuri

  5. every time i play freefalcon 6 i wish TK implemented their A2A A2G targeting systems

  6. NA is close to nothing without third party terrains!

  7. something big ... with CFTs IS COMING!

  8. enhancing EF2000T3 and getting the CFTs to work with Apr12 updates ... so far its good

  9. well , we won't have ... SF2 for Iphone 4S , Never!

  10. before 20 minutes from now , i've been having coffee with my friends in a cafe new police checkpoint ... while we chatting an bombed motor had exploded targeting the checkpoint and killed 1 cop , damn thats was very near about 30 meters

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Teras


      this is not the first time i see this , but this was very close and i saw that cop died and the same i will never forget this

    3. JediMaster


      What gets me is that they think this will actually help them accomplish something...all they accomplish is death.

    4. Teras


      i just want to eat their blood , and i mean it

  11. good guy greeg is good guy!

  12. i feel bad when i wake up and realize that good dream end

  13. i finally quit smoking after about 14 years of smoking! .. feeling good tho

  14. morethan 200's kills today in baghdad-iraq ... reason was maliki and hashimi don't like each other and the innocent ppl shall day bcoz malki hate hashimi ... WTF? what kind of democracy have you left iraq MR.OBAMA? im not saddam supporter but saddam was better than those motherf***ers iranians ... going to baghdad today for blood donation may allah have mercy on iraq

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Teras


      thanks breda

    3. macelena


      sad, i hope everything gets better, teras

    4. Teras


      thanks, macelena

  15. randy orton won ... barret lose

  16. been in the grave , and saw my father's cousin burial ... i know i will be buried there in one day

  17. installing SF2/V/E/I on my new system...

  18. new PC coast me 2200$

    1. JediMaster


      You spent a lot more than you probably needed to, then! You had no old parts you could reuse?

    2. Teras


      yes i spent a lot but the new system desrve it , its Core I7 and multiple Nvidia VGA cards and a 8 rams chips 2Gbs for each ... but no i have no old parts

  19. sold my BMW 2011 ... and bought Camry 2010 , i know this is stupid situation

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Teras


      you right , but i sold it because i liked the Camry but in fact i have to admit that the German cars ( BMW ) is the best on this planet!

    3. Brain32


      Yes that's true and here in my country and to my expirience Japaneese cars are not much if at all cheaper than German cars and don't have half of the reliabilty...not to spoil your deal Teras, I hope your Camry will be awsome and reliable :)

    4. Teras


      thanks Brain , Camry is really good car .. but BMW is the king of cars!

  20. sold my BMW 2011 ... and bought Camry 2010! , i know this is stupid decision

  21. just finished MW3 , well look BF3 is better by gun sound and effects and and the f-18 mission and the reality of the battles , MW3 is better by missions story and CPT.price and thats all so i chose BF3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stary


      not going to invest my money in MW series, never had, both previous were friend's copies for weekend worth of singleplayer

    3. Brain32


      As a singleplayer dude I must admit I liked MW3 better for sheer playability...everything else is BF3 all the way..

    4. Teras


      thats a no doubt , but talking effects and gun sounds BF3 far away better

  22. the best thing that iraqi government can offer to its people is the CHECKPOINTS and thats for making people hate them .. well i just have a spat with iraqi police checkpoint

  23. i just love camry 2010 ... well, shes good

  24. and again iraq won the match , iraqi national football team just punch jordan with 3 goals!!! VIVA LA IRAQ

    1. Silverbolt
    2. Teras


      yeah Zico neles is the man!


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