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Everything posted by Nesher

  1. Baltic Air Policing shots

    very nice photos..
  2. Salut! to the French GIGN!

    they did a great job taking care of the terrorists.. hopefully they won't be needed soon S!
  3. Pardos Push (F-4 Vietnam)

    I usually skip lengthy videos like this.. but today I thought I'd watch just a few minutes of it.. the story got me hooked to the screen.. thanks for sharing! I remember hearing about the story from of episodes on JAG.. nice to see him live and well as an old man <S> Pardo!
  4. Some very good news

    hope you keep getting better, sounds like its the case.. :) Merry Christmas!
  5. Bought my first rifle yesterday

    Congrats! make sure you shoot straight
  6. Happy Turkey Day

    Happy Thanksgiving!
  7. Funny, but true :)

  8. Swedish Nightclub Vs British nightclub

    not yet ^_^
  9. Swedish Nightclub Vs British nightclub

    can't talk, on my way to Sweden.. haha
  10. Happy Birthday To.......

  11. My Dad the Hero

  12. lucky SOB.. glad he recovered of course
  13. F-16 down off Florida coast

    sad to hear about it... RIP.
  14. F-16 down off Florida coast

    any word on the pilot? hope he's okay!
  15. seems a bit odd that is just made the first carrier landing so far.. but what a landing! :)
  16. Space Ship 2 down

    sad news, hope they will find out what went wrong..
  17. Finally something other than a C-17

    Absolutely Awesome!!
  18. D-Day and Today

    Left Click .. Hold It And Drag Your Mouse Gently From Left To Right On Each Photo. The Original Photo Will Become The Exact Same Location Today .... Drag It Back Over And You Are In 1944 Again. Then Scroll Down To The Next Photo http://interactive.guim.co.uk/embed/2014/apr/image-opacity-slider-master/index.html?ww2-dday
  19. Steadfast Noon 2014

    nice photos!

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