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Files posted by Trotski


    After seeing the effectiveness of the F-86F Sabres in the hands of the USAF over Korea, the Dhimaris made overtures to the Americans to buy F-86's, however as the Dhimaris had close ties with the UK, they eventually settled on buying the licence built Mk-4 which was in use at the time by the Canadian and British Air forces, they eventually purchased MK-4 airframes for the Ground attack/interdiction role, and later on the MK-6 for a pure fighter /interceptor . They foung the engine and avionics fits , were more suitable for Dhimari needs, and used these aircraft until the early 60's with great success.


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  2. Fiat G55 "RAHMI"

    FIAT G55 "RAHMI"
    While the "Western Infidel War " was in progress tensions between the Imperial State of Paran, and the Dhimari Principality, were at a high level, with small skirmishes and clashes on the borders. Paran managed to acquire some Fiat G55's from various sources ( not all of them legal) and equipped its number 1 Squadron, named the Huntress squadron, with these aircraft. 1 Squadron used these Fiats until 1947 when they re equipped with the S-199 SAIF, the remaining G 55's going into storage. Along with these aircraft and the S-99 ( Bf-109 G10) Parani fighter pilots learned their trade, and to great effect. The aircraft was given the name RAHMI or Lancer
    Installation and blah blah
    I have taken the existing Fiat G 55 and repainted it, you will noticed that the original marking ( Italian ) have been over painted and the Parani markings placed over the top, this has been done on purpose, to make these aircraft look like they were ex Italian airforce, and still retained their original markings, personally I think it looks pretty good done this way, so if you can see the original Italian insignia on the wings and tail, this is done on purpose, and not because of any rubbish painting on my behalf. I wasn't going to be doing any early aircraft for Paran/Dhimar, but a couple of people have expressed an interest in earlier aeroplanes, so this is the first one. As with all my uploads I hopefully have included everything you need , including the guns, as apparently some of you guys have had issues with guns not working, so now you have 'em, they will work !! I also advise you update your Soundlist files to reflect the sounds I have included with this package.
    CREDITS !!!
    Credit for the original aircraft By Veltro Cockpit by Kesselbrut, and some other bloke, pilot by Geezer ( and very nice it is too !! ) Flight model by Charles, everything else by yours truly.
    keep your mk 1's peeled, for more Parani lovliness................ENJOY !!


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  3. LI-2 "HESSAN"

    LI-2 "HESSAN"

    Whilst the I.P.A.F.A. had been equipped with the AN-2 HESSAN, it was felt the requirement for the I.P.A.F. was more important and in need of a larger aircraft. So licence built copies of the C-47 Skytrain were purchased, from the USSR this aircraft the LI-2 CAB was issued to 2 squadrons of the I.P.A.F. Number 6 Squadron being a special ops unit, strangely, the name HESSAN was retained for this aircraft, mening that 2 different aircraft types bore the same name , although the were completely different airframes, it was felt the nomenclature HESSAN, or Horse, was applicable in both case ( In reality I cocked up, and forgot I already named the AN-2 the HESSAN, and I'm too lazy to change the names over !! ) As we all know the C-47 and its derivatives, are a long lived and popular aircraft still in wide use today.
    Installation and blah blah
    A repaint of the LI-2 with 2 skins for 5 and 6 Squadron of the I.P.A.F. No special information is needed for this aircraft, as with all my other uploads hopefully I have included all you need. ENJOY !!

    CREDITS !!!
    Credit for the original aircraft By paulopanz for the aircraft, Kesselbrut for the cockpit, and to anyone else involved in the original model.
    keep your mk 1's peeled, for more Parani lovliness................ENJOY !!


       (1 review)



  4. Avia S-92 "SAQR"

    AVIA S-92 "SAQR"

    When the Parani Ministry of Defence approached the Avia company to purchase its S-199 and CS-199's, mention of purchasing Jet powered aircraft was made. The Avia Company, had acquired the plans and technical details of the ME-262, and had commenced production of their own version of this aircraft. The Parani MOD realised that this would be a cheap and cheerful way of breaking into jet powered machines, and, so, purchased a batch of the Avia S-92's they however asked for the original 4 gun pack to be replaced as they felt that just the 2 guns as fitted in standard S-92's was inadequate. The aircraft entered service in 1946 , and were in operational service up until the mid 50's with number 4 Squadron I.P.A.F. The Aircraft was given the name SAQR or Falcon, and was held in great admiration by the pilots that flew this aircraft.

    Installation and blah blah
    A repaint of the Avia S-92 no special information is needed for this aircraft, as with all my other uploads hopefully I have included all you need to make the Stormbird fly. ENJOY !!

    CREDITS !!!
    Credit for the original aircraft By Veltro2K for the aircraft, Kesselbrut for the cockpit, and to anyone else involved in the original model.
    keep your mk 1's peeled, for more Parani lovliness................ENJOY !!


       (1 review)



  5. La-15 "YAMMAM"

    La-15 "YAMAAM"

    Pending the acquisition of Mig-17 / J-3 aircraft for the Parani air Force. a purchase of La-15's was made ( one of the last purchases from the USSR) the capability of this aircraft was similar to the Mig-15/J2 that was in use by the Army (I.P.A.F.A.) and it was felt that until Mig-17/J3 airframes could be acquired, that this aircraft was ideal as a temporary fighter/interceptor, with the additional idea that when the Mig's were in use that this aircraft would make a good primary jet trainer for pilots converting to Jet powered aircraft, so the front line service life of the YAMAAM ( Dove ) was quite short, and many Parani pilots cut their teeth on this type.

    Installation and blah blah
    Just a quick repaint of the LA-15 originally done by PC-Pilot. As with all my uploads, this is an all in one package, all the bits and bobs are there for you including PilotData ( for the Squadrons) and Nations.ini .So unpack to your saved game folder, it has been tested on a fully merged install. so I assume it will work on any non merged set ups too. So... off you jolly well pop, and go and shoot down some accursed infidel Dhimari !!!
    CREDITS !!!
    Credit for the original model and workings to3D Model By Pasko, FM by Column5, SF2 updates pcpilot
    keep your mk 1's peeled, for more Parani lovliness................ENJOY !!


       (4 reviews)




    When the Parani Ministry of Defence Purchased Avia-S-199 aircraft for the Air force, they also purchased a Squadron of CS-199's to act as a recce/cas aircraft. This was seen as ideal as it was a 2 seater, dual control aircraft, and was also then useful as a trainer for aircrews converting to the "SAIF" Number 2 Squadron was equipped with this aircraft, which was also reverse engineered to replace the nose mounted guns, as the underwing mounts for the original gunpods were needed to fit bomb racks, and it was felt that the pilots needed guns for strafing attacks , and also in the trainer role, for A-A and A-G training, even though there was a recorded issue with the synchronisation gear for these guns ( The Israeli's had a few incidents of shooting off their own props.....never a good idea !! ) As with the S-199 "SAIF" the JANBIYAH or Dagger, was only intended as a stop gap until the arrival of the expected Migs. however as a primary trainer, the aircraft is still in service, ( even though frontline service terminated in 1975) but the airframes are getting rather tired now, and new replacements are being sort after.

    Installation and blah blah
    As with all my uploads, this is an all in one package, all the bits and bobs are there for you including PilotData ( for the Squadrons) and Nations.ini .So unpack to your saved game folder, it has been tested on a fully merged install. so I assume it will work on any non merged set ups too. So... off you jolly well pop, and go and shoot down some accursed infidel Dhimari !!!
    CREDITS !!!
    Credit for the original model and workings to Monty-CZ for the orginal models, Kesselbrut has worked his magic on the cockpits, I believe Mr Wrench did some work on the originals too, as has Kulbit.....if I jhave missed anyone out, apologies, slap wristies and no sweeties for me for the rest of the week and banned to the naughty step :P :P :P
    keep your mk 1's peeled, for more Parani lovliness................ENJOY !!


       (2 reviews)



  7. AVIA-S199 "SAIF"

    AVIA-S199 "SAIF"

    The Parani Air Force ( I.P.A.F.) had been using ex lufwaffe BF-109 G10's and the Avia S-99 since the end of the "Western Infidel War" and these airframes were getting tired and worn out, as they were usually second and third hand cast off, and ex "hangar Queens" which had been scavenged from many sources, When the IDF started using the Avia S-199 , the Parani Ministry of Defence liked what they had seen ( even though there were certain issues with this aircraft type) Early in 1947 they approached their Czech Military advisors, and acquired brand new airframes direct from Avia. One Squadron (Huntress Squadron) of the Imperial Air Force was equipped fully with the Avia-S-199 which was given the name of Saif, or Scimitar. intended as a stop gap aircraft, until the MIG-17 or J-3 was available, these aircraft actually remained in service up until the mid 70's.

    Installation and blah blah
    As with all my uploads, this is an all in one package, all the bits and bobs are there for you including PilotData ( for the Squadrons) and Nations.ini .So unpack to your saved game folder, it has been tested on a fully merged install. so I assume it will work on any non merged set ups too. So... off you jolly well pop, and go and shoot down some accursed infidel Dhimari !!!
    CREDITS !!!
    Credit for the original model and workings to Monty-CZ for the orginal models, Kesselbrut has worked his magic on the cockpits, I believe Mr Wrench did some work on the originals too, as has Kulbit.....if I jhave missed anyone out, apologies, slap wristies and no sweeties for me for the rest of the week and banned to the naughty step :P :P :P
    keep your mk 1's peeled, for more Parani lovliness................ENJOY !!


       (3 reviews)



  8. Fi156 "LUQLUQ"

    Fi156 "LUQLUQ"

    Paran acquired a lot of Fi-156 Storch aircraft, over the years, and embarked on a programme of refurbishment and restoration, the result was the Fi156 LUQLUQ ( Stork ) this ubiquitous aircraft is in use with all 3 air arms of the Imperial Parani Military, its versatility, excellent STOL capability, and ease of maintenance, ensure its continuing service for the foreseeable future.

    Installation and blah blah
    This is just a basic re paint of the Storch , for all the Parani air power enthusiasts out there, there are 3 skins one for each service. I have included ( I hope) everything needed in one package, ie. the aircraft decals, weapons, pilots, and sounds. I have also included a SQADRONLIST.INI, and a NATIONS.INI to allow these birds to show up as a nation and with the correct markings. I have dropped all the respective files into their correct folders so, all you will need to do is unRAR/ZIP/7Z to your saved game folder, and allow overwrites ( if any) I have tested this on a full merged all bells and whistles SF2 so I assume it will work on unmerged too.as I said everything is there to get her up and running, just drop it all as is into your saved game folder and off you fly.
    CREDITS !!!
    Credit for the original model and workings to whomsoever was involved in the original aircraft. These include Raven, and Wrench who have done all the "real work" on this aeroplane, I hope you like it, please enjoy. As with all my uploads, everything you need is in the one package, unzip, install, and fly, and enjoy !!
    keep your mk 1's peeled, for more Parani lovliness................ENJOY !!


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  9. YAK-23 "QATRAS"

    YAK-23 "QATRAS"
    As the Navy had been using its YAK-9 NUHAS with much success it was deemed after operational evaluation that seiing as the Army was being equipped with JJ-2 ( Mig-15Bis) that the Navy needed a jet powered interceptor/point defence fighter, after evaluating the YAK-15, it was thought that the upgraded YAK-23 FLORA would be more suitable, with its tricycle undercarriage and slight upgrades to other systems, the aircraft was purchased through the Czech military mission based in Paran, as diplomatic ties with the USSR had broken down as mentioned in another description ( stay with the programme folks, download 'em all !! ) this aircraft was introduced into the First Marine Squadron , and was given the name QUATRAS, or Albatross. the aircraft was found to be ideal for the navy's needs as it introduced pilots to jet powered aircraft, and also secret experimentation with carrier landing and take off drills at a secret location deep in the desert , with a full mock up carrier deck. The aircraft was also much loved by its pilots, and was found to be very manoeuvrable and a good gun platform.
    Installation and blah blah
    I have included ( I hope) everything needed in one package, ie. the aircraft decals, weapons, pilots, and sounds. I have also included a SQADRONLIST.INI, and a NATIONS.INI to allow these birds to show up as a nation and with the correct markings. I have dropped all the respective files into their correct folders so, all you will need to do is unRAR/ZIP/7Z to your saved game folder, and allow overwrites ( if any) I have tested this on a full merged all bells and whistles SF2 so I assume it will work on unmerged too.as I said everything is there to get her up and running, just drop it all as is into your saved game folder and off you fly.
    CREDITS !!!
    Credit for the original model and workings to whomsoever was involved in the original aircraft. I am sure I have thanked them and credited them in other uploads as well, so thanks to the REAL modders out there who do the hard work, and make stuff I can then tinker around with and tweak , I hope you like it, please enjoy. As with all my uploads, everything you need is in the one package, unzip, install, and fly, and enjoy !!
    keep your mk 1's peeled, for more Parani lovliness................ENJOY !!


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  10. YAK-9 "NUHAS"

    YAK-9 "NUHAS"

    At the close of the "Western Infidel War" or the 1939-45 war to the west, Paran had become a wealthy nation, due to it's trade with oil and sand ( for sandbags ) to the everyone who wasn't at war with them ( no one) and disturbing sabre rattling from across the border on Dhimar, the Parani Ministry of Defence, embarked upon a programme of modernisation and re equipping of its various military units. The Navy formed Marine aviation units, with the view to eventually acquiring an Aircraft carrier, however as this was not an option at this time due to the trade in sand ( For sandbags) tailing off, but it was certainly a goal of the Imperial Military to procure at least one carrier at some point.
    The I.P.M.N.A. in the meantime needed equipping, the first aircraft purchased was the capable and reliable Yak-9 , named the "NUHAS" or Shrike in Parani service, this aircraft was seen as a dual purpose aircraft filling both the ground attack/CAS capability and also was a capable fighter in its own right, the 2nd Marine Squadron was thus equipped with this aircraft and used them to good effect for many years.

    Installation and blah blah
    I have included ( I hope) everything needed in one package, ie. the aircraft decals, weapons, pilots, and sounds. I have also included a SQADRONLIST.INI, and a NATIONS.INI to allow these birds to show up as a nation and with the correct markings. I have dropped all the respective files into their correct folders so, all you will need to do is unRAR/ZIP/7Z to your saved game folder, and allow overwrites ( if any) I have tested this on a full merged all bells and whistles SF2 so I assume it will work on unmerged too.as I said everything is there to get her up and running, just drop it all as is into your saved game folder and off you fly.
    original files by by Pasko & Wolf257, updated at some point to SF2 standards, with additional work from Wrench and Wilches. If I have missed anyone out I do apologise, you are thanked and credited in absentia. If you have downloaded any of my other Parani aircraft, you will know the drill, everything you require is in this rar file, so unpack it all....blah blah blah ( you know the drill.....I hope) no special instructions for this very nice looking aircraft, fly it, bomb stuff, rocket balst stuff, and shoot down stuff.....wizard prang !!

    CREDITS !!!
    Credit for the original model and workings to whomsoever was involved in the original aircraft. I have just played around and tweaked a few things. I could not have done this for you to enjoy without the initial hard work by the likes of Mr Wrench, Mr Paulopanz and all the other fantastic modders on here to numerous to mention, I am an amateur just dipping my toe in a very deep pond !!!
    keep your mk 1's peeled, for more Parani lovliness................ENJOY !!


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  11. AN-2 HESSAN


    The I.P.A.F.A units needed a STOL capable aircraft, to enable resupply to forward units, and also a limited parachute drop capability. the perfect aircraft for this was deemed to be the AN-2 "Colt" The Parani Ministry of Defence, purchased a large quantity of these aircraft, to equip the army units. A small number of these aircraft were blacked out for use by the Parani Special operations Group. This aircraft has been in service with the I.P.A.F.A. since 1947, and is deemed still capable for use into the near future. As an additional role, the AN-2 has been fitted with bomb/rocket racks, and is capable of executing limited nuisance attacks.
    The Aircraft is much loved by its crews, and carries the name HESSAN which means Horse , its ease of maintenance and reliability, mean it is a very useful and flexible aircraft.
    Installation and blah blah
    I have included ( I hope) everything needed in one package, ie. the aircraft decals, weapons, pilots, and sounds. I have also included a SQADRONLIST.INI, and a NATIONS.INI to allow these birds to show up as a nation and with the correct markings. I have dropped all the respective files into their correct folders so, all you will need to do is unRAR/ZIP/7Z to your saved game folder, and allow overwrites ( if any) I have tested this on a full merged all bells and whistles SF2 so I assume it will work on unmerged too.as I said everything is there to get her up and running, just drop it all as is into your saved game folder and off you fly.
    This is a quick and dirty repaint of the original AN-2 with marking etc for an aircraft in Parani service, there are 2 different skins for the 2 Army Forward Aviaton Regiments, one of which is a Spec Ops colour scheme, the cargo bay door operates by pressing whichever key you are using for the bombbay doors, I assume you can drop para's out of it, but I have not found anything that does that, so on the load out screen that weapon station is greyed out.
    CREDITS !!!
    Credit for the original model and workings to whomsoever was involved in the original aircraft. I have just played around and tweaked a few things. I could not have done this for you to enjoy without the initial hard work by the likes of Mr Wrench, Mr Paulopanz and all the other fantastic modders on here to numerous to mention, I am an amateur just dipping my toe in a very deep pond !!!

    This is the 4th Aircraft from the Parani Army and the final one for this set, I shall be doing Navy and Airforce aircraft next, so keep your mk 1's peeled, for more Parani lovliness................ENJOY !!


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  12. IL-10 "SHAKOSH"

    As the Imperial Republic of Paran moved into a more prosperous, if uneasy peace with their neighbours in Dhimar, it was decided, that an upgrade of the Armed Forces was of paramount importance, up until 1946 the Parani Army, Air Force, and Navy had been equipped with obsolete cast off aircraft from the "Western Infidel " war of 1939 -1945 mainly equipped with old Soviet, and some Italian and German airframes, it was found that as the Dhimari's had started to upgrade their Air Forces, that the present equipment levels were sadly lacking and not overly capable, plus the cost of maintaining these elderly and war weary airframes was prohibitive in the least !
    The Paran Ministry of Defence, had been keeping a close eye on the activities in Korea, and they noted that the use of the upgraded IL-2's used by the Chinese and Korean Forces were very able and reliable weapons systems, as , also the Parani's had Czech Military advisors, the acquisition of Avia B-33 licence built IL-10 airframes was very viable and affordable. So began the long and successful career of the IL-10 (named SHAKOSH which means hammer In Parani ) in service with the I.P.A.F.A.

    Installation and blah blah
    I have included ( I hope) everything needed in one package, ie. the aircraft decals, weapons, pilots, and sounds. I have also included a SQADRONLIST.INI, and a NATIONS.INI to allow these birds to show up as a nation and with the correct markings. I have dropped all the respective files into their correct folders so, all you will need to do is unRAR/ZIP/7Z to your saved game folder, and allow overwrites ( if any) I have tested this on a full merged all bells and whistles SF2 so I assume it will work on unmerged too.as I said everything is there to get her up and running, just drop it all as is into your saved game folder and off you fly.
    This is a quick and dirty repaint of the original IL-10 Beast with marking etc for an aircraft in Parani service, there are 2 different skins for the 2 Army Forward Aviaton Regiments, the load outs are for a mix of Czech and Soviet weapons, however they are date dependant, so some wont show up at certain dates, but that is not an issue as there are other weapons which are used instead, it helps if you have weapons packs etc in your install, but not 100% needed.
    CREDITS !!!
    Credit for the original model and workings to Baffmeister, Spillone104 & Paulopanz involved in the original aircraft. I have just played around and tweaked a few things. also added Czech weapons as loadouts instead of the bog standard FAB's etc.
    I could not have done this for you to enjoy without the initial hard work by the likes of Mr Wrench, Mr Paulopanz and all the other fantastic modders on here to numerous to mention, I am an amateur just dipping my toe in a very deep pond !!!
    I shall be re doing further aircraft for the Dhimar - Paran Theatre of operations, so please enjoy, I hope you have fun with these, as I have fun messing about and making them for you , so you don't have to


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  13. JJ-2 NIHLA

    JJ-2 "NIHLA"
    In the late 1940's Paran had been a prolific buyer from the USSR, however, in early 1949, the Soviet Ambassador to Paran was caught in a compromising situation, and as it was seen as an insult to both the Emperor, and to his wifes, the offending party was escorted to the borders of Paran, after having an interview without coffee, with the Chief of Internal Security. Unfortunately this led to a cessation of trade between the USSR and Paran, so the Ministry of Defence was forced to look elsewhere for supplies of weapons, to defend against the dread Dhimar Sultanate . Lukilly the Chinese were making Migs under licence , so trade was opened with the Chinese in short order.
    After the initial success with the J-2 Dabur programme, and with the assistance an advice of the Czech military advisors, work was started on Converting the JJ-2 ( Mig-15 UTI) from merely a training airframe, to something a little more flexible. Thus the NIHLA ( BEE) project was started, the basic JJ-2 was fitted with a reconnaissance suite, and also upgraded to be able to carry the larger J-3 ( Mig-17) drop tanks.
    As the I.P.A.F.A. had already received deliveries of the initial J-2 Dabur's. it was decided that the JJ-2 Nihla would be the perfect aircraft to carry out the reconnaissance role for the Army.
    Installation and blah blah
    I have included ( I hope) everything needed in one package, ie. the aircraft ( you will need the Mig-15bis installed already to allow it to work) decals, weapons, pilots, and sounds. I have also included a SQADRONLIST.INI, and a NATIONS.INI to allow these birds to show up as a nation and with the correct markings. I have dropped all the respective files into their correct folders so, all you will need to do is unRAR/ZIP/7Z to your saved game folder, and allow overwrites ( if any) I have tested this on a full merged all bells and whistles SF2 so I assume it will work on unmerged too.as I said everything is there to get her up and running, just drop it all as is into your saved game folder and off you fly.

    the camera is activated by hitting pg up twice ( or whichever key you have assigned to your radar ) the loadout is defaulted to drop tanks only, as this IS A RECCE bird, and not really ideal as an attack aircraft, however, if push come to shove and panic is ensuing, the Nihla CAN me armed with limited ordanance, in lieu of drop tanks ( so beware, VERY short range) and that's about it, please enjoy. I hope to be doing some more Parani/Dhimari stuff so for all you desert warriors, I hope you enjoy 'em as much as I do
    CREDITS !!!
    This is a revamp of PauloPanz's Mig15bis R3 so credit for the original model and workings to Mr Paulopanz, and to anyone else involved in the original aircraft. I have just played around and tweaked a few things. also added Czech weapons as loadouts instead of the bog standard FAB's etc.
    I could not have done this for you to enjoy without the initial hard work by the likes of Mr Wrench, Mr Paulopanz and all the other fantastic modders on here to numerous to mention, I am an ametuer just dipping my toe in a very deep pond !!!



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  14. J-2 "Dabur"

    J-2 "DABUR"
    In 1955, the Imperial Parani Defence Ministry placed an order with China to purchase Chinese built Mig15Bis ( J-2 ) At the time they had Czech military advisors, who passed on information about the modification programme to their own S-103 airframes to give more potency, and a better ground attack capability.
    The Parani aerospace bureau, quickly copied the specifications to the new J-2's. The resulting aircraft was designated J-2 " Dabur" (Dabur = Wasp) These aircraft were then passed onto the military for flight evaluation, and the results were mostly positive. It was decided by Parani High Command, that as the Air Force were going to be equipped with the J-3 (Mig 17) in the near future, that the J-2 airframes would be assigned to I.P.A.F.A. (Imperial Parani Army Forward Aviation ) units to supplement their existing fleet of IL-10's .
    These aircraft soldiered on until 1970, when a replacement was being looked into by the Defence Ministry.

    Installation and blah blah
    I have included ( I hope) everything needed in one package, ie. the aircraft ( you will need the Mig-15bis installed already to allow it to work) decals, weapons, pilots, and sounds. I have also included a SQADRONLIST.INI, and a NATIONS.INI to allow these birds to show up as a nation and with the correct markings. I have dropped all the respective files into their correct folders so, all you will need to do is unRAR/ZIP/7Z to your saved game folder, and allow overwrites ( if any) I have tested this on a full merged all bells and whistles SF2 so I assume it will work on unmerged too.as I said everything is there to get her up and running, just drop it all as is into your saved game folder and off you fly.
    CREDITS !!!
    This is a revamp of PauloPanz's Mig15bis SB so credit for the original model and workings to Mr Paulopanz, and to anyone else involved in the original aircraft. I have just played around and tweaked a few things. also added Czech weapons as loadouts instead of the bog standard FAB's etc.
    I could not have done this for you to enjoy without the initial hard work by the likes of Mr Wrench, Mr Paulopanz and all the other fantastic modders on here to numerous to mention, I am an ametuer just dipping my toe in a very deep pond !!!

    FINALLY !!! ENJOY !!!


       (1 review)



  15. Morane H

    Morane H, in French, Belgian, and RFC colours and markings, as with my upload of the Morane H Russia, these are just a rework of the originals, I have redont the skins to accept decals, instead of the pre fixed ones, however I have included them in the upload too.
    I have also removed the gun, as this aircraft was unarmed ( except for one prototype ) and changed the data files to reflect this, so it is only any good for recon or cas missions, it is grenade armed as per Peters FM's
    Also I have cheated a bit, you will notice that all the lods are from the Pfalz EI, and therefore all the skins are named PfalzEI NOT MoraneH.......do not change these names otherwise you will get an albino aeroplane !!!
    I have done this to allow the windscreen to show ( a bit drastic I know but the screen SHOULD be there, and it isnt present in the original Morane model) using the Pfalz lods etc, makes no difference at all to the aircraft
    the only real problem I have encountered is the shadows dont work too well, if you switch them on, you get a horrible mess around the port wheel, and it is very noticeable too, so I have them set as FALSE, but that is your choice.
    as I have said before, I have included the original skin files, along with my reworks. all the hard work on the original models and skins was done by Mr Laton, Mr Hermann the hun, and Herr Von Deutschmark, FM's are of course by Peter, any other stuff has been done by yours truly, I think I have also included all the relevant decals, sounds, and the original hanger and loading screenies too, so I hope you enjoy as much as I have enjoyed playing around with them myself, oh and I forgot to mention Mr Stephen1918 as he has helped me on several occasions, and is a wonderful help and mine of information.
    Per Ardua


       (3 reviews)



  16. Russian Morane H

    Just a little rework of the previously uploaded MS.H in Russian markings, I have just tweaked the skins a little, and added decals instead of the pre printed insignia, just a personal preference.
    I have included the sound files, and the decals needed for this aircraft.The only thing I would like to improve is the addition of a windscreen, as per the Pfalz EI , but that is beyond my abilities.
    The only little Glitch I have encountered is the decal seems to show slightly on the wing tip, cant seem to solve that problem, but it isnt that bad anyhow. I tried to place the wing decals further inboard, but for some reason the Starboard wing doesnt accept this, but I dont think it looks too shabby.
    just follow all the usual malarkey for installing to FE, or indeed just use the skins if you already have the A/C installed.
    As I have said, this is just a tweak of the original skin, so all thanks to everyone who went before me in designing the A/C and for giving me the idea to tweak it !!!


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