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Everything posted by Slant6

  1. Actually, you can have other Seafires on Triumph's deck. Just go into the Seafire 47's data file and make this little redaction: CarrierBased=TRUE ;CarrierParkSpan=11.15 CarrierParkSpan=7.05 CarrierParkAnimationID=-1 By setting CarrierParkSpan from 11.15 to 7.05 your Seafire will have company on the flight deck. Do not go any lower, or you'll have Seafires parked on the wires (an obvious landing hazard!)
  2. In Emmerich's "Midway", F4F wildcats simply didn't exist.
  3. Just realized that since Jaguar squadrons went online in Europe in the late-70s, RAF Phantoms were relegated to strictly air-air roles and shouldn't be flying strikes anyhow!
  4. No RAF Phantoms (e.g. sub-variants of the F-4M/FGR.2) have built in ECM. What ECM pods did they carry in real life?
  5. Thanks! That’s everything I needed to know. Flying an F-4M against a sophisticated air defense would’ve had a very high pucker factor indeed.
  6. Just wondering what effect raising or lowering the Morale number away or towards 100 has on a campaign.
  7. Enjoying the Korean Air War campaign overall. But sometimes, when things get very busy, the framerate will slow almost to a crawl. My setup is the following (relevant info): W10 i5 2500 (non K) 8GB Ram 1TB 7200 GTX 1050ti (newish drivers, forget the number exactly, 45X I think) Sound Blaster Z Do I need a serious upgrade to cut through the slowdowns and framerate drops?
  8. Sukhoi Su-17/20/22 (Fitter B-C-D-F)

    My Middle East and European campaigns thank you, as do I
  9. North American F-86K Sabre Complete

    Great skins! The 1950s KLU skins were especially needed. Thanks.
  10. The video card needs to be upgraded. At least GTX 1660
  11. Added more units from SF@ Vietnam Gold to stock Rolling thunder campaign. All airunit numbers are in order. F-104C_66 is perfectly flyable. Yet no matter what usaf aircraft or base assign to AirUnit150, it always defaults to F-4D at Udorn? How can I fix this? from CAMPAIGNV1.INI [USAFUnit053] ForceID=1 UnitID=150 AircraftType=F-104C_66 Squadron=435TFS StartDate=6/1966 DescFile=wovRTStart.txt StartText=wovRTStart2.txt From CAMPAIGNV1_DATA.INI [AirUnit150] AircraftType=F-104C_66 AlternateType=F-104C Squadron=435TFS ForceID=1 Nation=USAF StartDate=6/1966 RetireDate=6/1967 DefaultTexture=USAFCamo1 StartNumber=0 BaseArea=Udorn RTAFB BaseMoveChance=0 RandomChance=100 MaxAircraft=16 StartAircraft=9 MaxPilots=16 StartPilots=10 Experience=100 Morale=100 Supply=50 MissionChance[SWEEP]=90 MissionChance[CAP]=0 MissionChance[INTERCEPT]=0 MissionChance[ESCORT]=90 MissionChance=10 MissionChance[CAS]=10 MissionChance[SEAD]=10 MissionChance[ARMED_RECON]=45 MissionChance[ANTI_SHIP]=0 MissionChance[RECON]=10 UpgradeType=NEVER
  12. NATO Fighters 5 has a Venom (No 14 Squadron RAF) in the 1953 campaign. Using PauloPanz' excellent Venom. But all of the skins have the post-1953 skins with squadron bars on each side of the boom RAF roundel. Would it be possible to issue 1953 era Venom skins with no squadron bars and a letter on each side of the boom roundel? Thanks for your attention!
  13. Beautiful. But F-86s were never actually in the BAF's inventory.
  14. Someone mentioned a B-45 Tornado as a WiP some time ago.
  15. 418.xx drivers work fine even with unlimited settings.
  16. Is there a F-86H out there just waiting to be tidied up? Because if there is, that'd be nice. :)
  17. Maybe because France, like the USA, doesn't want Syria to become a Russian and Iranian/Hezbollah satellite. The USA and Israel should have established a no-fly zone over Syria long ago. "... and kill MiGs" as they said during the Korean War. 😡
  18. The F-86K skins are great as usual, just wondering if we could have a 1950s KLU version with Dutch finflash and different numbers?

    1. paulopanz


      pm a pic, please ...

    2. Slant6


      Done. And thanks for your prompt reply!

  19. F-86K For SF2 by Paulopanz

    Could we please also have 1950s era KLU markings with Finflash and different numbers?
  20. Armstrong Whitworth Meteor NF.13

    We've needed these for quite some time. Many thanks!
  21. Armstrong Whitworth Meteor NF.11

    Yes! Thank you so much.
  22. Meteors Over Israel. SF2.

    Actually the numbers sort of work. First 3 aircraft have numbers, but not the rest of the flight .

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