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Everything posted by JDUK

  1. I agree - that's a main reason for sending him home (though on this occasion he was useless anyway) - but what I do like using the AI wingmen for is spotting the enemy. Their "eyes" are much keener than mine!
  2. Yeah, I got that on the first flight - problem is that the troops that get put in by the Chinooks are very well guarded by air defences, too. As soon as they start shooting, your wingie drops all his hardware leaving you to carry the can. What I didn't know was that you can get a mission success without firing a shot. As it turned out, I switched the load from rockets to a couple of tanks and 6 S-25s and just blasted the rockets into the general landing area from a safe distance. After the convoy had arrived on the scene and destroyed the two Strela SAM vehicles and the manpad-toting grunts, I went in again and hosed them down with the cannon. The convoy only lost one vehicle, fighting through on their ownsome. Was one really weird thing, though - when I told my wingman to RTB he started heading off over the mountains! Dunno where he was going (the scenic route, perhaps...) but it wasn't to either of our bases! Thankfully a "complete mission and RTB" call brought him back.
  3. Nice one! I must get this mod. When I was a wee lad, I used to read the thicker action-comic books. Don't remember if they had a series name, but anyway, my fave one ever was a story about a squadron of RAF Whirlwinds that went East to fight with the Russians. I really liked that story and you never see much about the Whirlwind anywhere - I think most people never heard of it.
  4. Hmm, no option to delete the post - so I'll just let you know that this has been resolved now - the answer was given at DCS in the files section (where the campaign file is located) by Winz, who updated the campaign for FC3. http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/358231/#postform Thanks to him for the update and the answer. So the AAR for this will be up on my website soon - now we can get on with the campaign! Great. Deployment is continuing, too (AARs also up ) and soon I'll be doing the valley campaign for the A-10A and Vergeev payware campaign for BS1 and after all of that, I intend flying Cold War Warrior in FC2 and then we'll see if I have enough energy left for Georgian Oil War in the A-10C and Black Shark. That's going to keep me busy!
  5. I backed this - though I must admit, I withdrew my backing at one point (as they were asking in a poll about what they should release) and then repledged just before the end. I personally couldn't care less about the Me-262 and I never fly German stuff from WWII anyway (I did test a Bf109 in Romania scheme once just so I could say I had tried it ) and as I'm not into dogfighting the only aircraft that will interest me is the P-47D, unless they make the Spit PR or FGR - I already have the P-51D. Am I the only one who thinks that scenery doesn't look right? It looks too much like a wishy-washy water colour painting to me. I sincerely hope that a lot more texturing will be done before release. It's a bit like FTX - people say it's so realistic, but to me it seems, well, similar to what I just described. I like UTX/GEX very much - to me, that looks great.
  6. Green Hell 3.5

    Thank you very much
  7. DH Vampire cockpit

    Ta, muchly : )
  8. F-4M Phantom[ FGR2]

    Thanks a lot
  9. Such a shame - no way will I be able to download 1.97GB of data from this site's servers. :( Anywhere else would be another matter...
  10. Sidewinder lock tone

    Good stuff - hopefully this will make things a lot clearer ;)
  11. My fave Hurricane! Ta, mate!
  12. SF2 WW2 Royal Navy Corsair Mk.1 by Mod Mafia/TMF

    So somebody gives it just one star, but doesn't leave a comment to tell us why?! Thanks for this - sure I'll enjoy flying it :)
  13. Just got a mail from JF about this: http://www.getloadedgo.com/ Excellent opportunity to get the ones you want. I've been on the fence about TOH - didn't much like the demo, but at £15 for that and Hinds, I'll deffo give it a go! Especially as I have all the ArmA 2 bits that can be used to extend the terrain etc. Nice one.
  14. Has absolutely nothing to do with any 'learning curve'.
  15. Just didn't like the handling at all, compared to other payware aircraft of a similar type ;) For example, the control was far too light - the slightest tiny movement of the stick resulted in instant and imho exaggerated reaction from the aircraft. This made them very 'finicky' or over sensitive - not like any other modern sim aircraft I've flown or the military trainers I have flown in RL. I also thought other cockpits were better, though I didn't look into this as deeply as I normally would, as the handling put me off. I did give the Skyhawk a couple of tests at a later date, tbh, but still didn't like it. Everyone has their opinion - that's mine, like it or not PS - just remembered - I wasn't overly impressed with the textures on the Skyhwaks, either - looked very much outdated compared to many of the excellent ones around these days.
  16. Sorry to say, ST0RM, that I just ever so slightly disagree with you - but it's your own opinion, and that's fine. Personally, I have two Razbam FSX models (A-7 and A-4) and I thought both were so bad, I uninstalled them within a week and haven't seen them since! On the other hand, there are some other 3rd parties, whose models I have for FSX or FC, building aircraft for DCS that do get my skin pimpling. Having siad that, I would really like to have an decent A-7 in DCS:World - if they ever get it working properly - so here's hoping...
  17. Canadair Sabre Mk.4 Pack, for SF2

    Great stuff! Thanks for this - I just recently bought the Academy 1/48 F-86E to build and convert to the 3sqn Mk.4 at Geilenkirchen. Now I can actually fly it, too! (I already served at Geilenkirchen, so that bit of the dream is complete :D ).
  18. Vulcan B2

    Thank you very much for this. I refuse to jump through hoops to get what is supposed to be freeware, so as soon as I see "download model from..." (you know where) I lose interest. Such as the Valiant I just spotted here. Short-lived excitement. Should be fun to try and get a good hit with the Vulcan : )
  19. I've been a member for a while now and I've had this issue since 3 weeks into my first paid sub month - and searched at the time for answers (as it's the only site it's ever happened on) but only found people being told it was a client side problem - so I never bought another sub until a couple of days ago, accepting this problem will occur, as it has to me twice this morning, but it's still very frustrating. Especially when you have 200mb of a 250mb file downloaded (with a 2.5meg connection) and you get this:
  20. Orange Revolution: 2004

    That's great, Baltika - thank you!
  21. Orange Revolution: 2004

    Thanks for the campaign - downloading now. Is it an 'all arms' fight or made with air to air combat in mind? Little bit of background to the campaign would be very nice Thanx
  22. Koninklijke Luchtmacht F-104G Skinpack

    Great stuff! Used to watch RNLAF F-104Gs visiting Gütersloh frequently in the '70s - brings it all back

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