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Everything posted by JosefK

  1. Sunset Patrol Over the Kurils...
  2. Been doing some test flying and noticed no working cannon. Otherwise this is a fun bird to reenact OPERATION DESERT STORM with...
  3. Remembering "The Fin" one year post-RAF retirement...
  4. Just playing out a fantasy. I've gone ahead and attached the mission file in case any of you like the idea of supporting a British armored unit with @guuruu's GR.1 and have the SAM & Tanks bundles... plus Jaguars... plus Fitters. FOX TWO! One Fitter down and that's a Jaguar trying to help the British Empire hold the line. Doing some CAS dangerously low... Tornado GR.1 batch 3_4 (guuruu) Close Air Support 1.MSN
  5. Sikorsky AH-60L BattleHawk

  6. That's the idea. The real F-111s had a bombardier and a way better radar to help with aiming.
  7. 0.9 OPEN BETA FOR F-111 CCIP BY JOSEFK View File Here is a wad of avionics.ini mods for the SF2 F-111s by @FastCargo. Now granted I recommend @viper63a's F-111 add-ons to graft on top of 'em you can get here: https://combatace.com/files/category/630-f-111/ Basically what I've done is add a CCIP or Continuously Calculated Impact Point to the HUD. The intent is to give you the chance to be a lot more accurate droping Mk 80-series dumb bombs in the F-111. Especially since there is no feedback when bombing from the Weapons System Operator/WSO in SF2. Now I realize this isn't realistic for the days of the F-111 when there was absolutely NO helmet-mounted display that could project on top of a cockpit like now in 2020 with the Lightning IIs, Flankers, Fulcrums and arguably other front-line jets like the Super Hornet & Typhoon. Frankly from the research I've done most of the F-111 variants with the exception of the D likely never got a CCIP. The fact later models got a PAVE TACK to drop laser-guided bombs was a factor and of course, the F-111 had the Lead Computing Optical Sight that one can't program in SF2. So this copy-paste job of mine could very well be the next best thing with at least a realistic icon big enough to have some decent risk of circular error. Maybe there is better, hence this being an open beta. I would also like to incorporate terrain following into a bigger avionics upgrade... ;-). Submitter JosefK Submitted 02/23/2020 Category Avionics  
  8. Thanks Menrva. Just to reassure you and everybody else here that my people are locking down everything here in Washington State. First requesting businesses work remotely, then all big events like sporting events & auto shows closed down, and now the schools. It's hard to do, but a lot easier when we see what's happening in Italy. It's either this or Italia for republican democracies, I tell ya. At least I just got off a couple hour agos a big RealWorld response to a lawfare crisis around OLF Coupeville for the good guys. It'll be public by Tuesday. So I can finally tend to my flightsim hobby... says someone who might have a bit of a fever who decided 11/2019 was the time to start taking flu shots.
  9. Sikorsky AH-60L BattleHawk

    Do you have to have a cockpit to use this as AI?
  10. "New" users like me. Now I have several copies of the Su-57 model for a mod I am occasionally polishing off. Is there a way to check which model is pirated and which isn't?
  11. I got a copy and making repaints are in my WIP list, this is at the very top.
  12. Maybe I'll add this to my WIP list.... problem is RL is going to get in the way into April.
  13. I should note at some point only one RAF Squadron has been provided with the current GR.1 build: 27 Squadron. Worth noting there were quite a few GR.1 squadrons in real-life like the 31 Squadron Goldstars... not too sure if somebody has figured out how to add them to @guuruu's great Tornado. Thanks!
  14. Time for some MiG-23 action... trying to find British Tornadoes going after a runway:
  15. A good start for an anti-ISIS campaign. Also for a lotta Israeli fighter jet action!
  16. The Cold War turns hot for the Brits... and a Czech Warsaw Pact unit is very much on the attack! Czech Fitters try to provide backup... But as you see the Tornadoes called in to provide CAS have a response: The threat is soon eliminated: Now the Tornadoes can get to work: Eventually Mission Control considers the T-62s depleted enough for the ground guys to finish business:
  17. Humpday Heavies

    Some Russian's Hump Day is about to be worse than a Mayday...
  18. Thanks for doing this work, but in the future can you please upload all the files bundled up in a .Zip or preferably .7z file? Thanks again!
  19. MiG-27 Floggers doing what Floggers do...
  20. Sorry this thread's been dead for so long. Work has continued on an "as able" basis. Although I admit playing around with the F-111 is a bit more fun than backroom stuff. Backroom Stuff Backroom stuff? Just made these two screens today: Granted, I'm probably going to replace the top one in the near future. But at least now when I boot this build up, it looks like a JASDF 2020 SF2 sim and not a Vietnam War sim! Working on background music as well. Hit a brick wall this morning importing this very JASDF song so went to this instead. GOT SOME NEW JETS... You'll have to pay close attention to see all of the new red jets coming. But the new MiG-31 is going to be a big hit. Also the Su-30SM with a more realistic/timely skin will be a but not the primary adversary for the F-15Js. Below are a couple preview shots: Finally, one more red jet announcement: You will be splashing Il-72s also. Yet you'll also be flying sorties in the JASDF F-35A & F-2A. Stealth will be important with the big radars of big jets you'll be up against, but also you'll be leading the grand finale maritime strike needing both ASM-3s and IR bombs. "WHAT IF" Also I've had some ideas of some "What If" scenarios that will be uploaded separately. Scenarios like: What if there was a JMSDF AEGIS destroyer helping cover the cargo ships getting away from the Kurils? What if that same JMSDF Aegis Destroyer was returning when the Russians mounted their alpha strike? What if a JASDF F-4 Phantom attempted a photo recon run of Russian ships? How close could it get before getting shot down, even with say... F-2A and/or F-15J escort? What if the JASDF bought from the RAAF as an interim strike-fighter the... RAAF F-111. To keep the F-111 airworthy for 10-15 years until sufficient F-35As would come online, the F-111 would be only for maritime strike and maritime reconnaissance with a Japanese F-2A radar & such to support the latest JASDF weapons. Rarely flown as the F-111s serve as JASDF's "big stick" against invasion attempts of its outlying islands to replace the F-1 + F-4 + a significant number of F-2Bs destroyed in the 2011 tsunami at a bargain basement cost. Figure this update should whet our shared appetites.
  21. My open beta: Let me know what you think please.

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