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Everything posted by JosefK

  1. When I have fun flights, I kinda like jumping into the US jets (and Tornadoes) of the Cold War. Not too happy with the lack of a CCIP in the @FastCargo & @viper63a F-111s so I have crafted my own. Here are a few pictures of the end result: It's not perfect and I don't terribly like the reticle. But at least this lets me simulate radar bombing with CBUs and slicks. Yes, back before the modern "smart weapon" era where it's click-point-shoot-boom. Here's the current code that works in the F-111s' Avionics.INI and I put it at the very bottom: // F-111 avionics 1.1 by MJ with JosefK CCIP add-on 2020-02-09 [HUD] HUDMaterial=HUDMaterial HUDColor=0.18,1.0,0.48,0.80 BoresightOffset=0.0,0.0 ViewportTopLeft=-0.105,-0.105 ViewportBottomRight=0.105,0.155 [HUDMaterial] EffectShaderName=fltHUD.fx DepthBufferCheck=FALSE DepthBufferWrite=FALSE RenderedInOrder=FALSE AlphaTestEnabled=TRUE CullMode=NO_CULL LightEnabled=FALSE UseLightLevel=FALSE SpecularEnabled=FALSE EmissiveEnabled=FALSE FogEnabled=FALSE AmbientColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 DiffuseColor=1.000000,1.000000,1.000000,1.000000 ZBufferOffset=0 PriorityLevel=1 BlendOp=BLEND_SRC_ALPHA NumTextureStages=1 TextureStage[01].TextureName= TextureStage[01].MipMap=FALSE TextureStage[01].FilterEnabled=TRUE TextureStage[01].StageColorOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE TextureStage[01].StageAlphaOp=TEXTURE_MODULATE_DIFFUSE [HUDFont] TextFontName=Arial TextSize=9 TextBold=TRUE [HUDModeNav] Symbol[01]=HUD_CASText Symbol[02]=HUD_AttitudeBars Symbol[03]= Symbol[04]=HUD_AirspeedScale Symbol[05]=HUD_AltitudeScale Symbol[06]=HUD_RADText Symbol[07]= Symbol[08]= Symbol[09]=HUD_waterline Symbol[10]=HUD_TD Symbol[11]= [HUDModeAA] Symbol[01]=HUD_CASText Symbol[02]=HUD_AttitudeBars Symbol[03]= Symbol[04]=HUD_AirspeedScale Symbol[05]=HUD_AltitudeScale Symbol[06]=HUD_LCOS Symbol[07]=HUD_TD Symbol[08]=HUD_SRM Symbol[09]=HUD_RADText Symbol[10]= Symbol[11]= Symbol[12]= Symbol[13]=HUD_RadarRange Symbol[14]=HUD_ASE_SRM Symbol[15]=HUD_ASE_MRM Symbol[16]=HUD_guncross [HUDModeAG] Symbol[01]=HUD_CASText Symbol[02]=HUD_AttitudeBars Symbol[03]= Symbol[04]=HUD_AirspeedScale Symbol[05]=HUD_AltitudeScale Symbol[06]=HUD_CCIP Symbol[07]=HUD_RADText Symbol[08]=HUD_LaserTarget Symbol[09]=HUD_guncross [HUD_CASText] SymbolType=TEXT Text=CAS TextPosition=-0.070,0.120 HorizontalAlignment=RIGHT VerticalAlignment=CENTER [HUD_RADText] SymbolType=TEXT Text=RAD TextPosition=0.069,0.120 HorizontalAlignment=LEFT VerticalAlignment=CENTER [HUD_AttitudeBars] SymbolType=ATTITUDE_BARS ImageFilename=cockpit\Harrier1_attitude_bars%d.tga ImagePosition=0.0,0.00 ImageSize=0.150 StepInterval=30 StepHeight=0.25 [HUD_AirspeedScale] SymbolType=AIRSPEED_SCALE ImageFilename=cockpit\F-16A_vel_scale_caret.tga ImagePosition=-0.065,0.023 ImageSize=0.0125 ScaleImageFilename=cockpit\F-15A_vel_scale.tga ScaleImagePosition=-0.080,0.023 ScaleImageSize=0.125 Scale=160.0 MaxValue=999 MinValue=60 HorizontalAlignment=RIGHT VerticalAlignment=CENTER ScaleTextInterval=50 ScaleTextUnit=1 ScaleTextPosition=-0.079,0.023 ScaleTextFormat=%0.0f DisplayUnit=KNOTS [HUD_AltitudeScale] SymbolType=ALTITUDE_SCALE ImageFilename=cockpit\F-16A_alt_scale_caret.tga ImagePosition=0.062,0.023 ImageSize=0.0125 ScaleImageFilename=cockpit\F-15A_alt_scale.tga ScaleImagePosition=0.077,0.023 ScaleImageSize=0.125 Scale=1600.0 MaxValue=99000 MinValue=0 HorizontalAlignment=LEFT VerticalAlignment=CENTER ScaleTextInterval=500 ScaleTextUnit=1 ScaleTextPosition=0.076,0.023 ScaleTextFormat=%0.0f DisplayUnit=FEET [HUD_LCOS] SymbolType=LCOS [HUD_CCIP] SymbolType=CCIP FallLineImage=cockpit\F-15A_FallLine.tga ImageSize=0.100 [HUD_TD] SymbolType=TD_RADAR ImageFilename=cockpit\F-15A_TD_radar.tga ImageSize=0.050 StayOnHUD=TRUE [HUD_SRM] SymbolType=TD_HEAT ImageFilename=cockpit\F-15A_srm_seeker.tga ImageSize=0.050 ImagePosition=0.00,0.023 [HUD_waterline] SymbolType=IMAGE ImageFilename=cockpit\F-15A_waterline.tga ImageSize=0.025 [HUD_guncross] SymbolType=IMAGE ImageFilename=cockpit\F-15A_guncross.tga ImageSize=0.025 [HUD_RadarRange] SymbolType=RADAR_RANGE_TEXT TextPosition=0.074,0.120 HorizontalAlignment=LEFT VerticalAlignment=CENTER TextFormat=%0.1f DisplayUnit=NM [HUD_ASE_SRM] SymbolType=ASE_HEAT ImageFilename=cockpit\F-15A_ase_srm.tga ImageSize=0.100 ImagePosition=0.00,0.023 [HUD_ASE_MRM] SymbolType=ASE_RADAR ImageFilename=cockpit\F-15A_ase_mrm.tga ImageSize=0.200 ImagePosition=0.00,0.023 [HUD_LaserTarget] SymbolType=TD_LASER ImageFilename=cockpit\F-15A_laser_target.tga ImageSize=0.025 Once I get something I'm 100% happy and not 80% with, hope it's okay to upload the details here for grins. Already operationally tested this with cluster bombs and MK 82s as well as a LGB before posting here. Thoughtfully; @JosefK
  2. Just made another screen... but I might change the screenshot as the F-15J probably would drop the tanks in RL before firing off IR missiles.


  3. They thought you would get a mutual kill with active radar missiles but nobody considered an Archer from a Su-27 hitting a F-15J shooting back with a 20mm...
  4. Think I figured out how to make a main screen that looks more appropriate!


  5. Spending what's left of the morning working on some administrative Nihon Hitori 2020 stuff... stuff like adding background sounds and menu screens.  Somehow, a USAF F-4 Phantom doesn't fit well with a 2020 JASDF vs. Russia campaign.

  6. Just submitted my first file to CombatAce.  It's just a simple avionics file for fellow F-111 fans but...


  7. Version 0.9.0


    Here is a wad of avionics.ini mods for the SF2 F-111s by @FastCargo. Now granted I recommend @viper63a's F-111 add-ons to graft on top of 'em you can get here: https://combatace.com/files/category/630-f-111/ Basically what I've done is add a CCIP or Continuously Calculated Impact Point to the HUD. The intent is to give you the chance to be a lot more accurate droping Mk 80-series dumb bombs in the F-111. Especially since there is no feedback when bombing from the Weapons System Operator/WSO in SF2. Now I realize this isn't realistic for the days of the F-111 when there was absolutely NO helmet-mounted display that could project on top of a cockpit like now in 2020 with the Lightning IIs, Flankers, Fulcrums and arguably other front-line jets like the Super Hornet & Typhoon. Frankly from the research I've done most of the F-111 variants with the exception of the D likely never got a CCIP. The fact later models got a PAVE TACK to drop laser-guided bombs was a factor and of course, the F-111 had the Lead Computing Optical Sight that one can't program in SF2. So this copy-paste job of mine could very well be the next best thing with at least a realistic icon big enough to have some decent risk of circular error. Maybe there is better, hence this being an open beta. I would also like to incorporate terrain following into a bigger avionics upgrade... ;-).
  8. 1989 A-4K KAHU RNZAF Skyhawk Aircraft upgrade

    Sure think the Kiwis after 9/11 if they are honest with themselves had wished they kept a minor force-in-being air superiority jet force... you know, just in case. Also at least the F-16 in 1992 got the AIM-120 AMRAAM. The A-4K? Nope.
  9. Got the first episode of Air Combat Sim playing while I check some things out on the F-111...


    At least I know as much as the damn LCOS is a sick joke on the SF2 version, I can still guesstimate where to park a stick of Mk82s worth a damn!  Just wait until CCIP is on these birds!


  10. Got Fighter Pilot Podcast on the F117 playing... while getting the files set up to upgrade the F111 HUDs.


  11. Terrain following F-111A

    Two questions: 1) I admit I'm late to the SF2 modding game but I don't have a flight / missioncontrol.ini in my SF2... where does one get it? 2) How would you @guuruu recommend I port over your TFW mods to the other F-111 variants? Many thanks!
  12. AI MiG-27 Floggers going after some German Army forces...
  13. There is also a somewhat smaller Vietnam People's Air Force nowadays... mostly Flanker variants with some Su-22 Fitters for frontline fighters.
  14. My file library of SF2 files alone is 332 GB, my primary SFNA build is 44.3~ GB, my secondary SFNA Build for Nihon Hitori 2020 is 5.83 GB, and the root SF2 is 10.5 GB so 393~ GB.
  15. Two two-seater Varks getting out of East Germany... and on to the secondary target of T-72s:
  16. A Su-25 Frogfoot finding itself in a dogfight...
  17. F-111F bombing the hell out of a Soviet airfield in East Germany and reattacking to get the third Blinder bomber.
  18. Ought to as well post a quick screenie here...
  19. But ED won't have flyable jets like the... F-15J F-2A F-35 That's just for starters....... nor the ability to make additional terrains. Sorry not sorry I prefer SF2, what Jane's Fighter Anthology should have been.
  20. I appreciate an update to the game engine, just hope current CA SF2 files/addons can transfer right on over.
  21. Real Life/RL is really filling my schedule this week... would like to apologize that the F-111 HUD update program probably isn't coming to CA until next week.

  22. Su-30SMs on patrol over the Senkaku Islands...

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