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Everything posted by JosefK

  1. OK, here's what I did: Removed the specific station code. It's really unnecessary as for the sake of the mission pak, I will be programming in specific ordnance loads for the Russian jets. If I do a Russian side of the story, maybe I'll regret that decision. Changed the NavalAviationIntercept to something shorter with a bit more data: Then did some, er, operational testing on JASDF aggressor F-15DJs & F-2As. End results: Thank you @Crusader for your help. I never woulda thought of that specific pylon code... until probably 1 AM local time!
  2. Thanks, I will look for this code in the AA6 and MiG-25, then report back. Yup, I gotta fix that. @Crusader give me a couple of hours max and we'll see where I am. @JosefK
  3. Going to need some help bringing this to full fruition - see But enjoy the teasers:
  4. Having some serious game-stopping difficulties here. For a slice of them - go here: For now, enjoy a screenshot of a new mission that I've pretty much got to work:
  5. I am having some real problems though in grafting the AA-6Ds onto the MiG-31BM. First, here's why this effort from the latest Air Forces Monthly: Second, here is the in-game MiG-25 version of the Acrid: Third, even though the weapon is clearly programmed into the MiG-31BM I never get it: To make this even worse, I now don't have AA-9 Amos missiles either this morning: So I'm going to attach the 12 PM 18 May 2019 Pacific versions of the weapons data files also... AA-6D_data.INI AA-9_data.INI AA-9B_data.INI Also for the record here is the MiG-31BM data file and loadout files: MiG-31BM_DATA.INI MiG-31BM_LOADOUT.INI Note the "NavalAviationIntercept" and "NavalAviationInterceptLongRange". Now here's my test mission: MiG-31BM Foxhound Intercept 1.MSN Just two MiG-31BMs against F-2As. I'm going to keep plugging away at this but would appreciate any help from the CombatAce community please.
  6. Is there a "how to install" or a readme somewhere that I missed?
  7. Really like all you are doing @10107 but have some feedback for you: #1. Please release your decals file/files. They are really nice. #2. I just read the most recent Air Forces Monthly that had a piece on the Russian Naval Aviation MiG-31s based in Kamchatka. They are still using the AA-6D IR missiles on the wings and the AA-9 Radar missiles under the jet - no R-77s. You can get the AA-6D from the MiG-25P-PD-PDS-PDX 2.0 pak by @paulopanz. #3. The Russian Naval Aviation MiG-31s pictured used exclusively blue nose decals for numbers. #4. For my Nihon Hitori campaign at the least going to incorporate #2. More later...
  8. DCS Weekend News: 17 May 2019

    Also, the A-5 is part of Flying Heritage & Combat Armor Museum's flying collection: http://flyingheritage.org/Explore/The-Collection/Germany/Focke-Wulf-Fw-190-A-5.aspx A lot easier to simulate something that's actually flying with real maintenance & aircrew to talk to!
  9. I really think additional air defenses would be realistic. Otherwise, looks great.
  10. THIS is what shoulda been. Nothing against the Super Hornet. It's an awesome airplane and done quite well actually - got a Su-22 Fitter kill, dropped a lot of bombs, serves as a tanker and performs beautifully at airshows. Frankly, F/A-18E > F-15J > F-2A of planes I like to fly now... The Joint Strike Fighter - well I'll hold off my opinion until I see a full F-35 demo this fall (I hope at Oregon International Airshow). But if the shooting starts; I'd want stealth, at least 6 AIM-120s, a gun on each mission, and swing wings. Oh and fly for VFA-41 Black Aces!
  11. Nice to know others are having problems with decals also...
  12. I just noticed the same thing - so thankful for CombatAce forums to point me to exactly why the Il-38N wasn't showing up in my Nihon Hitori 2020 beta...
  13. Mercenary pilots in Libya

    I'm not surprised mercenary pilots are popping up. Takes a lot of skill to fly a combat aircraft, and frankly the Libyans don't have the training facilities to train aircrew. Really like how SF2 has a separate nation called "Mercenary". Wouldn't be too surprised to see 3rd & 4th gen fighters like Frogfoots and Mirage F.1s and possibly Fulcrums end up in the hands of such...
  14. Sukhoi Sunday... I love that. Even when they aren't blowing up... I don't think Sukhoi coulda done much better with a non-stealth fighter than the Flanker. Lots of hardpoints, lots of range, decent speed, and good maneuverability all at the absolute sacrifice of stealth.
  15. I believe it probably happened. MiG-31 aircrew have had an entire section - yes, an entire section of four (4) Foxhounds - stranded in Siberia for a while due to piss-poor fuel management. Seems to me in the pilot hierarchy of the Russian Air Force, flying the MiG-31 is for a lower percentile than say... Su-34 or Su-30 or Su-35!
  16. You are certainly welcome.... I hope you're right and it looks likely the Russians will be stuck trying to figure out how to sell opponents of my America very unstealthy Flankers and Fulcrums to go up against F-35 "Panthers"...
  17. From The Drive... and clearly should give @kblomkvist ideas: The Drive: F-35 Aggressor Squadron To Be Activated At Nellis Air Force Base The whole article is worth a read. The plan is to seriously retrofit early F-35As that could never see combat.
  18. 4 MiG-31 run out of fuel

    Frankly, the entire MiG-31 force has one big whopping flaw.... THE TRAINING OF THE AIRCREW IS INSUFFICIENT. The Russians ought to be training hard in simulators first and how to fly as a section, then and only then flying as a section. Didn't these guys learn the importance of keeping a healthy fuel reserve? Didn't the Russian Air Force learn the importance - and dramatic cost-savings - of good flight simulation?
  19. Interview with an Su-15 pilot

    Thanks for sharing. I thought about creating a reserve squadron of Su-15s towards the end of Nihon Hitori 2020 but the Su-15's longest range missile the K-8 is a measly... fourteen miles/twenty-three kilometers. All the Su-15s would be in a 2020 air war would be... targets or drones. They might have stood a decent chance against unescorted B-52s and recon planes though. Maybe a B-1B if incredibly lucky... since the USAF doesn't believe in arming its penetrating bombers with even tail guns anymore, much less the AIM-120s they arguably need.
  20. I love the Hawk, but so want to see F-15Js trade fire with PAK FAs defending Hokkaido...
  21. Requesting please somebody make an AGM-88G AARGM-ER. Recently profiled in The War Zone and also coming with a Northrup Grumman fact sheet, the AGM-88G will fit inside a F-35A or F-35C weapons bay.
  22. Hey @sukhoy34you have to tell us how you got that great gloss on the Fulcrum trainer.... For now, a requisite screenie and I was in the SAAF Gripen:
  23. Well I sure think the F-14 was the best fighter-interceptor out there due to the AGM-54 Phoenix, it's long range, it's eventual ability to provide precision bombing that made it a dream Forward Air Controller-Airborne platform, and its incredible maneuverability - the Japanese and Brits and Aussies shoulda bought 'em. I might be a sucker for Eagles, but it's to substitute for the Tomcat. Also don't you think a F-14 would make a good Wild Weasel platform with two ASRAAMs or AIM-9s, two ALARMs and a good load of Brimstones to take out the AAA, support vehicles & launchers?
  24. What plane is that @angelp? Looks cool. Required screenie:

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