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Everything posted by JosefK

  1. Just send me the images @UllyB and I'll post 'em. JosefK
  2. I honestly didn't consider the USAF getting involved as an option due to basing rights issues; but I'm sure French Guiana, the Netherlands' Antilles and a few other neighbors might be amenable to some kind of a basing deal if the person asking wasn't Donald J. Trump and if the cause was just! Problems are nobody really likes Trump and everybody remembers the messes Iraq & Libya became after "regime change" operations. Obviously the Marines would love to join in, especially if it meant they could use their F-35Bs from amphib carriers.
  3. New book, written by me.

    Congrats on the book, I should know how much time is required to put one together... Will patiently wait for the English version!
  4. Looking like some nice targets for A-10s and F-16s...
  5. img00882.JPG

    That's a lot of Brimstone - something the RAF desperately need to have at their disposal!
  6. Like how you think @Arrow. Really think if - Heaven Forbid - it gets to a shooting war on more than SF2; the US Navy will have Super Hornets racking up Flanker & Viper kills like they were over Fallon... and easy nylon letdowns. Especially as the US Navy TopGun program has used F-16s for some time...
  7. Excellent use of SF2 and screenshots to tell military aviation history @tiopilotos. Very nicely done. Mandatory screenshot:
  8. Feel up to sharing the debugs this summer please @jeanba ? I re-read VORTEX by Larry Bond about once a year... Mandatory screenshot:
  9. Wonder how this is going...
  10. I FEEL THE NEED, THE NEED FOR SPEED... Frankly when I have a really good day defending OLF Coupeville in real life, I just have this need to fire up a SF2 Tomcat and shoot MiGs down. So with that, here's the below after I just had a successful AIM-7 shot at a MiG-23 but got a wee bit too close to the trailer Flogger:
  11. I wish I had the time to make this month to learn how to fly it, so I could have financially justified preordering it when I have not one but two major trips to take this month. Your SF2 Tomcat, BTW @Caesar makes me smile.... When you're out of Tomcats... you're out of heavy metal fighters. So with that, the Fighter Pilot Podcast episode on the Tommy just dropped: With all this, time to let others talk about the Heatblur rendition of the Tomcat!
  12. Just please keep up the target set in Desert4. Especially all the artillery & rocket sites... and refineries.
  13. There's actually in the Tu-160 an optical bombsight that functions much like a CCIP below the nose - designation OPB-15T. Just like the Tu-22M3. Very nice backup...
  14. At this point, I couldn't imagine SF2 w/o it. It's like Real Environment Xtreme for SF2.
  15. SME content above which blocks the video in the USofA.... #SIGH
  16. Thanks for the T-90 & M1A2. Do think respectfully the Admiral Gorshkov-class frigates could be very useful in SF2 also. Certainly as the Russian Navy intends to have these frigates with some serious punch. From WikiPedia: Armament: 1 × 130mm Amethyst/Arsenal A-192Mnaval gun with rate of fire of 45 rds per minute [10] 16 (2 × 8) UKSK VLS cells fitted with P-800 Oniks (SS-N-26) and/or Kalibr missile system (SS-N-27) 32 (2 × 16) Redut VLS cells housing 9M96, 9M96M, 9M96D/9M96DM(M2) family of missiles and/or quad-packed 9M100 short range missiles 2 × Palash CIWS 2 × 4 330mm torpedo tubes for Paket-NKanti-torpedo/anti-submarine torpedoes 2 × 14.5mm MTPU pedestal machine guns Aircraft carried: 1 × Ka-27 series helicopter
  17. Copy thanks and keeping with your F-4 Phantom theme...
  18. a) I don't think Pakistan is going to get access to the European Meteor missile... because if they did, the Chinese that provided them the pictured JF-17 would get access to it's secrets also. b) Requisite screen-shot from deep within my archives:
  19. Continuing the Navy theme... a recent TOPGUN graduate mixes it up over 1972 North Vietnam... TEXTBOOK!
  20. I'm going to keep this brief and take questions as they come in. But due to several projects by other CombatAce members and my photography calendar I 100% doubt very seriously I will reach the 25 March release date: The new goal is 24 April - 30 additional days. There is also just too much backroom stuff - making screens, adding music, fine-tuning aircraft (e.g. the F-2A should have some TV-guided bombs, the Su-XX project or projects), checking mission times, and properly locating SAMs - to address a few hours a few evenings a week and meet my goal. Plus again, I want to add a late-model Sukhoi right now in development possibly two. Needless to say, you're going to get a download that's all-inclusive and I need to make the time to check that everything is in place for the end-users to have a good time. That said, let me assure you that you're going to get something for the price of... free that is going to make you really are fighting Putin's best:

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