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Everything posted by JosefK

  1. Interesting concept... but I'm sure the JASDF would have gladly retired them in the 1980s for more F-15Js.
  2. Here's a clip I saw on Twitter of the Russian Navy carrier Kuznetsov (sp?) firing off its self-defense armament: Of course, here's the SF2 version:
  3. RCAF Snowbird plane crashed in Kamloops, BC

    The worst has happened. It's confirmed. Not just from a journalist but a former colleague. Plz don't share any crash photos here. Please don't. I knew Jenn, from better days:
  4. Thanks for the note and the revival of this thread! Yes, several anti-ship missions for sure. I am working on increasing the MAX visibility distance - currently at 50-60 NM to lob ASM-3s in one case, ASM-2s in others. Your targets will range from patrol boats to Udaloys as you see below to a Slava.
  5. The current D cockpit is so not a D 'pit...
  6. Sorry not sorry Greta Thunberg but when Indonesians decide to attack Australian allies... gotta smack 'em down:
  7. Speaking of Tomcat, I have a bit of news and I think this is the thread to do it. Tomorrow - Saturday in the US - there is a livestream all day about the F-14. Details: https://fightson.net/tomcat/ Long, long list of guests and door prizes!
  8. Now the question becomes would there have been a Tornado with the RAF having the A-6. Remember the A-6 grew up into the A-6E, capable of dropping a lot of precision bombs. Plus there was the A-6B that was a Wild Weasel or Tornado ECR of sorts. Imagine a modernized A-6 with precision capability and long loiter time...
  9. Yes folks, the LRASM can be shot down.... just as much as the ASM-3 hypersonic missiles. From a Nihon Hitori 2020 anti-ship mission with some LRASMs as a test:
  10. 14 hits sounds about right.... That reminds me, I need to code this guy to pack LRASMs.... and it won't take 14 of those to sink a carrier.
  11. Like that nice, matte green finish on the rockets!
  12. Graphics too old for me. I so prefer SF2 and @guuruu's Tornadoes + Menrva's realSKY.
  13. Apparently it's TopGun day

    a) I swear seeing an IDF TopGun movie would rock.... b) Also hope TopGun: Maverick doesn't have four missiles off of one pylon but the same rocking music and timeless quotes!
  14. I'm working on something that could sink this monstrosity...
  15. @Gepard, your picture works perfectly. The People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) didn't do much to the carrier and frankly what they did to upgrade the design with the Shandong follow-on carrier isn't what I'd call significant for the purposes of SF2.
  16. Not exactly what you think of when you think of 2-seater Tuesdays but...
  17. What Are Your Thoughts About The E/A-18 Growler

    Oh where do I begin? I love the afterburners, the vapes, the precision flying at OLF Coupeville, the fact I'm a civilian that gets to see a slice of the history of this platform play out. See all my 1,528 EA-18G pictures here: Me, I think the EA-18G Growler makes modern war impossible. Remember modern war is so dependent on unhindered access to the electromagnetic spectrum for everything from triggering IEDs to radio communications to call in kinetic force to radars that see... in fact the Australians and likely Luftwaffe are buying Growlers. The People's Republic of China is modifying a 2-seat Flanker to have EW capability. Eurofighter is offering an EW version of their Typhoon with jammer pods & anti-radiation missiles. That's how inspirational and landmark the Growler is. Granted its predecessors the EA-6B Prowler, EF-111 "Sparkvark", & EA-3 Skywarrior are all remarkable. But none of these jets got exported or imitated, plus all of them had drawbacks. Remember the F-15 & F-16 families inspired at least the Su-27 family, the MiG-29 family, the J-10 - which came from the Lavi which was based on the F-16, the JASDF F-2A spinoff of the F-16. That seems to be the benchmark of how good a combat aircraft design is. The EA-18G Growler is a doggone good fusion of computers, pods and airframe - the airframe being the F/A-18F Super Hornet. Although the pods on the Growler are still canted out like the F/A-18F that creates substantial airframe drag issues the jet still has good range and will be getting conformal fuel tanks. I also like the Growler self-escorts with two AIM-120 AMRAAMs, not just packs jammer pods and the occasional AGM-88 HARM. Might look odd but certainly not ugly.
  18. Sure looks nice. Although there is a PAC-3 in the @eburger68 2012 SAM pack, this sure looks nice. Might want to note the Japanese PAC-3 units go with a matte green paint scheme: I think regulars know why I did a search on the JGSDF.... 1) My attempt at a JGSDF in-game PAC-3 site: 2) The same SAM site on Hokkaido is off my starboard wing dealing with leakers during a Nihon Hitori 2020 mission:
  19. The Cold War Has Gone Hot...... A US mechanized infantry unit has survived and been enveloped. LSK (East German Air Forces) jets are being scrambled for a dawn attack... F-16C Block 30s are racing to help the surrounded unit under @Menrva's real sky. A F-16 fires off an AIM-9 to fend off the LSK jets. A LSK Su-22's flares didn't get the job done. LSK MiG-23BNs lob rockets at the mechanized unit, not realizing a F-16C is on its tail.... The F-16C goes to guns on the MiG-23 and then gets to work pounding the ground element: F-111Ds are inbound to whack an airfield the LSK launched from: Only to have MiG-21s launch: Ignorant of the new Fishbed threat, the F-16s carry out more low-level attacks on the ground element: But the BTR-50s and T-62s are still able to close with the mechanized infantry & supports: But with only four F-16s for CAS and lacking IR pods - it's 1989 after all, the outcome is almost certain:
  20. Images work when I click on them. I use Google Chrome.
  21. I'd be more than happy to beta test this one...
  22. Wonder if we can get a Liaoning out of it please and how many LRASM hits can that carrier take on:
  23. LSK (East German) MiG-23BN.... attacking a US position of mostly mechanized infantry behind the lines:
  24. BTR-40_RU.7z

    Works perfectly.
  25. East German Su-7 Fitter trying to find targets with @Menrva's realSKY making it hard...

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