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Everything posted by ForeverTomcat

  1. TMF F-14 Tomcat Superpack

    Thanks...Great Tomcat Pack...I've got a question...How to Deploy the Swing Wing...The Wing freezes at Sweep Back Position and it's not moving...Or is there any button to deploy the Swing Wing??
  2. Hello...I wanna ask something. I Have SF2...I've downloaded F-22 Alpha from page 4 of this Thread...After installing, the plane appears on the Aircraft List...but when i start a mission, the plane model not show up! So on the runway there's only Blue callsign like Python 11 but no Plane...Can anybody help me?? Thanks! :)
  3. SF2 F-22A USAF Raptors Redux 2016

    Yeah thanks!
  4. SF2 F-22A USAF Raptors Redux 2016

    Mine's Full Pack...I don't have SF2NA. F-22A.INI edited already but still not working...I try to put COCKPIT.INI files from dave's Raptor and it works!...Did you know what happen??
  5. SF2 F-22A USAF Raptors Redux 2016

    Hello...Thanks for the mod...It's Awesome! but i've got a problem...After i install this plane, The exterior of this plane is fine but the Cockpit doesn't show up So there is no cockpit. Just the HUD crosshair in the middle. Can you Help me please
  6. F/A-37A Talon

    Great Plane This Is My Favorite Plane ...But is there any UCAV EDI for WOE ??
  7. Bird of Prey

    Looks alike UCAV EDI form STEALTH movie...Cool...Great job
  8. F-35A/B/C Lightning II V 2.3

    Hello There I Need Some Help....After I Unzip Everything , When I Start Mission With This Aircraft , After Loading Until 100% The Game Suddenly Stop Working . Why Is It Happen ?? Please I Need Help With This.....

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