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Everything posted by Menrva

  1. Well, Wilches, I don't want to kill your excitement, but I highly doubt this will work. Seasons were programmed so that from season folders different textures are loaded. This shouldn't contemplate terrain configuration files, because those folders are always a child of the main one. Even if the game reads such files, you'd end up with two different terrains in any case, I think. I'm not even sure you can specify a year to the season date statements, because I don't see why TK should have taken years into account for this season function. Later I'll give it a try, but I don't have such high hopes.
  2. Nothing. I just updated the description. If the mod is updated for real, the version number would change and you'd get a change log. It's still v0.9.0 for obvious reasons.
  3. There is no manual step, the installation is automatized. Just run the installer. The installer should automatically detect your Strike Fighters 2 installation folder. Make sure that the installation path points to your Strike Fighters 2 game folder, not to a custom mod folder. The installer does not allow you to choose a custom mod folder path at this time. The mod folder will be installed automatically in the proper "X:\Users\YourName\Saved Games\ThirdWire\" path, like any other mod folder created by TW's stock Strike Fighters 2 games. After installation is over, simply run the mod by using the created Desktop and/or Start Menu links.
  4. No idea how we are supposed to help you. The problem you are having is related to your internet connection, most likely you have a limit to your bandwidth or more generally poor connection.
  5. Oh I would love to make this a mod if I could :)

    No, it shouldn't work for how radio chatter works in SF2. You cannot have more than one audio file of speech being played at the same time. One phrase (and thus a set of audio files) is played before another one begins. So, if you have a 3 minute song take place of the audio of a phrase, you'll hear 3 minutes of the song, and all of the subsequent radio chatter won't be played until the audio of the song has ended. Besides, the "Request Help" option works in SF2.
  6. Yeah, unfortunately I cannot run it as well on my laptop, the integrated GPU by Intel does not suffice. Hope you can get it to run on another system in the future. I dislike laptops for gaming, I'd always aim for purposely built desktop PCs.
  7. You're welcome. I feel sorry when people are unable to run the mod; despite all the optimizations we have done, it's still pretty heavy on resources.
  8. This is simply a design choice. We cannot create thousands of different custom hangar graphics for all aircraft and skins, it would be a waste of time, resources and space. A generic hangar screen is used instead. Unfortunately, no. The issues you described are mostly due to your system going out of memory or your system does not meet some of the minimum requirements (including owning the mentioned SF2 titles by TW). The terrain and campaign data (which usually are a source of crashes) have no visible bugs in the mod, they were checked with third-party tools to ensure their integrity. The ODS mod is not stock SF2; it features tons of higher quality 3d models, 2k textures and so on. You need a more powerful PC to experience it. Nothing we can do about crashes on low-end systems, the game engine is really dated and performs worse when objects differ in quality detail and size.
  9. Weird. When you can, feel free to send me a PM with details about this, I'd like to check and improve the installer if possible, to take into account rare instances such as yours.
  10. I don't know what to tell you, nobody has ever reported such an issue. I'd say something went wrong with installation on your end; the installer is simple, it installs the OperationDesertStorm executable and custom initialization screen in your SF2 game folder, and the relative mod folder in the usual "Saved Games/ThirdWire" directory.
  11. You simply cannot do what you mentioned. Stock aircraft skins are read as long as you use the same folder name, because in the .cat archive such skin is inside a folder with such name. The only thing you can try is to place .bmp skins in the main aircraft folder, but that is advisable when a skin is used by multiple skin folders with just different decals. Otherwise, you can convert stock bmp files to jpg and add them to your custom skin folder. It's one or the other.
  12. @strahi please, write with normal font, there's no need to shout and write all in big letters! I am the author of the campaign files, among other things. The infantry models were made by guuruu.
  13. @crisisloaner None of the above replies applies in this case. I had this issue while working for ODS, and it was never mentioned so far. For some reason, the game stopped reading some of the custom aircraft even if the entire files are there! It was crazy. The only solution was to copy them over from a backup folder I had. I suggest to recreate the mod folder, by simply renaming it and fixing the path in the Options.ini file, as well as renaming the executable that is used accordingly. It's a real mess IMHO. I have a huge install spanning from 1948 to 2018, I probably gathered all possible aircraft (no fictional ones, but many prototypes are in it). I count slightly more than 1,500 aircraft folders. I did a lot of work to unify many aircraft folders and remove any duplicates (there's no need to feature both stock aircraft and their third-party replacements, as well as there is no need for many different aircraft folders if the only thing that is different in them is the skin).
  14. That was fixed a while ago in my huge overhaul project (WIP), but with the 60% size it sucks anyway: https://combatace.com/forums/topic/94432-myth-of-north-vietnam-abs-info-needed/
  15. A.M.I. F-104 Starfighter "Storia di un mito"

    @whiteknight06604 I am afraid this won't be coming soon, as I have to finalize much of the tiling manually, and it's a very time consuming job. Not to mention that we're still busy working on ODS, so much to improve upon. Also, I don't want to release a half assed terrain. Target area wise, it's filled with all possible bases and real SAM site locations. All river courses and lakes have been reproduced very accurately! This would be the perfect companion to the stock GermanyCE terrain. A specific version for the 90s and beyond will be made afterwards.
  16. Human Transport by Fighter Planes, EXINT POD!

    Such pods would only make sense for very black operations. Only a mentally strong operative can keep his/her cool in it. To use them for carrying wounded is plainly stupid. Med evac helicopters are meant to be flying ambulances, where the wounded can still be treated on the way to a hospital. With the pods, that wouldn't be possible. Civilian hostages, I doubt they would like this experience after the traumatic one they have experienced before. Thanks to @GKABS for posting this, nonetheless. It's an interesting concept I've never heard of, something to remember in the history of military aviation, with the likes of circular runways and other such ideas.
  17. The crashes at 80% are a well known issue of the game engine. When there are many different third-party objects, the game is overloaded. Try reducing graphics settings (due to the highly detailed aircraft and textures, avoid Unlimited for all options as a safe approach), it should help. The campaign is pretty heavy since it contains hundreds of different aircraft and ground units, and the terrain is filled with target objects. The cockpit of the MiG-25 actually is an unfinished 3d model, hence it may have issues. Until something better comes, live with it. The other issues have been noted. Thanks for reporting them!
  18. Don't worry, I did not take it that way. I really want to portray the helicopters in the campaigns at least for the AI, but the AI does have trouble with them as well, not to mention that you need fake runways from which they can take-off. As long as they are treated like normal aircraft, they'll remain as additional objects for mission creators. If you wish to make them flyable, you can. Most helos and cargo aircraft already contain proper cockpit files. Just keep in mind that I don't offer any support for them at this time. I hope TW gets back into the game and unlocks the hidden potential of the SF2 series, but until then we're limited to what the game can do. @Viggen The issue you mentioned has been fixed, it will be included in a future re-release. Hopefully only a handful of bugs remain. The massive amount of content implies that more bugs can happen. Despite that, the team has done its best to reduce them to a minimum. With time we can only polish the product even further.
  19. Nations are restricted to Desert Storm participants and to ones proper for the theater of operation; I don't see a reason to be able to fly for a wrong nation in the Iraqi theater, not to mention that each of the visible nations in the mod use custom made national counters for the planning map. It would have been a waste of time and resources to create 200 different national counters which would be mostly unused. Cargo aircraft are not flyable because they are not supported with proper user-playable missions, they are meant for the AI. Heavy bombers have issues when are used by the player, there are instances where they would crash the game to desktop, and overall they are never meant to be used by the player in stock SF2. Other aircraft missing proper cockpits have been left out for quality consistency. Helicopters currently exist as additional AI-only aircraft for custom made missions, they are not properly supported by the SF2 game engine (too many issues and limitations in regards to missions, flight models, usage of weaponry etc., for proper helo behaviour).
  20. Just lower your graphics settings. This mod has a much higher quality fidelity than the stock SF2 games, with many high-res skins and high-poly 3d models, so you need a more powerful PC for it. Unlimited graphics settings are not recommended. Also, the Persian Gulf War campaign is much more complex than any other campaign ever made for SF2. It contains hundreds of different aircraft and ground units, so the game engine will have trouble to deal with so many of them at the highest graphics settings.
  21. @mono27 It was a mistake on my part. A 6 month plan is the minimum. By mistake I referred to it as the 1 month plan. The description at the announcement page has been fixed. My apologies for the misunderstanding I caused. I was told by Erik that the download is meant to work also with 1 month subscription plans, as originally established. So I must correct myself again. The issue should have been fixed; should anyone encounter problems, let us know.
  22. @DoctorQuest We agreed on a 1 month minimum. I was told the download requests 6 by mistake. I will notify the admins about it.
  23. Thanks! Is the CK-2 coming anytime soon? It'd be needed...

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