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Everything posted by Menrva

  1. My money is on the date switch. By using it, skins would get a proper overhaul to SF2 standards IMHO. But I also reckon it's time consuming.
  2. I had the same idea time ago, but I am not much into campaign editing. Looking forward to this, it's a great what if scenario ala SF2!
  3. There is no guide, I'm afraid. I just opened .fx shaders with notepad and made my changes inside. Just look for a thread about mue's shimmering fix. He tweaked stock shaders to address a few things. I simply added my changes (new values for some constants) to such shaders. I'll include my modded water shaders in my custom terrains. I'll update the terrain packages sooner or later.
  4. Ther is no way to make water reflective as it is in SF2: North Atlantic. That terrain is LOD based and uses its own set of shaders. The other terrains do not feature reflective water but use bump maps to create water-like effects. Recently, I modded the stock shaders to improve the looks of water, so that the effect looks less repetitive and is applied further away toward the horizon. They use a custom bump map by our fellow modder Stary. Just look below:
  5. Exactly! @namedders please have a look at what mue described! That should be the solution you are looking for.
    One of, if not the greatest expansion for Strike Fighters 2!
  6. Sure thing. I am a bit busy with RL, but you can count I will look into it! This mod really needs some love.
  7. The greatest expansion for Strike Fighters 2. My thanks to everyone involved. @JonathanRL I once provided you with an updated TFD file for the Sweden terrain, fixing some minor bugs, for the older version of TSF2. My nickname was Blaze95 at the time. I can have a look at the bug you mentioned with trees over runways. It should be an easy fix.
  8. No, that is what namedders did, and he encountered the maximum limit of TOD objects being placed on a single tile. To understand what Stary did, download the Madagascar terrain for instance, or some of his other mods; you'll see that .tga files contain graphics for multiple trees and other alpha object things. That single .tga file is responsible for the entire graphics of a forest, not of a single tree as in stock SF2 terrains.
  9. My bad, mue. I was talking about alpha TOD objects, not the "solid" ones (buildings). I remember your test very well! I simply wonder how to create forests as Stary did, instead of using the single tree object offered by the Terraineditor.
  10. Happy New Year 2018

    Happy New Year everyone!
  11. I tried to contact @Stary in the past via PM (Private Message), but he rarely visits here due to Real Life. I suggest you to check his works, he created many mods for which we all are grateful. Maybe you'll find a way to recreate such things.
  12. Looks like it works if you are careful with placement and dimensions of the custom forest/tree shape. Just check custom terrains like Madagascar, Cuba, Sweden. I wish I could help you more because I really like what you're doing. However only one modder, by the name Stary, knows exactly how to create densely populated forests.
  13. Not really, Mue. They do affect the level of detail and thus the number of objects displayed, but you can't increase the maximum number of objects for a TOD. That value is hardcoded I think. Each TOD has the same limit. In order to add more trees, the only way is to use custom shapes. Instead of using the stock shape of a single tree as offered by the TerrainEditor, one must introduce custom shapes where instead of a tree you have a forest model, whose graphics are determined by a .tga file. However, I don't know how to do this in practice. If I'm not mistaken, Stary is the only modder around here who knows how to create such TODs with custom shapes.
    Great collection! Many thanks for this gift, zachtan! Wish you a happy X-mas! Ace Combat 5 was the first game that made me shed humane tears... I'll never forget it.
  14. When History Witnesses a Great Change...

    ...Razgriz reveals itself.
  15. Thoughts Endless in Flight, Day Turns to Night

    Archer: << That isn't exactly Rock 'n Roll, you know. >> Chopper: << Who cares? Hey, they wanna get along with the enemy too, right? Man, this song's got soul! >>
  16. Polish MiG-29 crashed

    Good to hear that the pilot is okay, such a relief.
  17. Unfortunately you can't. The game was built to work this way, and unless we obtain the source code of the game (which won't happen), we can't change this behaviour I'm afraid. However, you are free to engage whichever target you want that is defending the airbase, but that will count as a plus. You must destroy the given objective in order to successfully complete the mission.
  18. Ofnir (Níðhöggr)

    AFAIK, Ofnir never had its emblem reproduced in any of the Ace Combat games. This gives you freedom to create your own. And this one looks great!
    "Rot 1 to all craft. Time to hunt some wild dogs. Down them all."
  19. South China Sea 250m v 0.1 BETA

    Such an amazing project! Keep up the good work, my friend!
  20. Terrain package updated to Version 1.01; small fixes and the addition of high quality planning maps!
  21. Terrain package updated to Version 1.02; small fixes and the addition of high quality planning maps!
  22. Terrain package updated to Version 1.03; small fixes and the addition of high quality planning maps!

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