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Everything posted by bazillius

  1. mmmmm... By the way. it hppens only in generated quick missions starting "on air". If you do full flight with taking off, following turn points all is okay, escort fights with air targets. in companies and manually made missions, everything is always fine. If You dont Use ALT+N
  2. yes, it's just a discouraging bug in the game. When this happens during the game, it also makes me very angry. I didn't find the reason. I would also like to find a way to solve this terrifying and depressing AI bug. And it always happens during some interesting mission. All SAMs have been cleared by you and your wingman. 5 minutes to the target! Bandits, bandits! missile launch! missile launch! And all your escort F-15s start suicidal firing cannons at Shilkas and all dies along with your bombers. And you are watching it with facepalm.
  3. Photos of Stunning Quality

    Gee! Bookmarked
  4. F-16 Ukrainian Air Force

    Interesting seeing of camo, thank you. i enhoj it in my game
  5. F-16 Ukrainian Air Force

    Thanks , guys i understand it. just thoughts aloud. i appreciate your work.
  6. Who likes books ?

    My personal bookshelf. Unexpexted its chaotic here. Most of the books are upside i decided idn't touch anything. I photographed as is. On top I have some historical literature and fiction. Favorite writer Stanislav Lem. On the middle shelf I have books on programming and 3D modeling and..... Suddenly... a collection of books about battle tanks! Below on the left are English textbooks, on the right is a collection of my music on CDs and some movies on DVD. In the right section are various car books and reference books. Most of the books are in russian language. There are rare Ukrainian coins in glass jars. I collect it. This is all my paper books but i have a lot PDFs military magazines. Mostly Soviet Kind of https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Моделист-конструктор i like oldschool stuff ;) yeeeeeeeyyyy.... i d like to read yours:
  7. F-16 Ukrainian Air Force

    Thank you. Very nice What if. But i think it woud have this camo if we got them at the beginning of 2000s years. If we get them now they will have digital gray colors or will be standart USA gray camo. But its nice anyway. thank you. This F-16 will be Joined to MY Ukrainian Air Forses in Black Sea Chrisis mod.
  8. If you change thw side you will see the same and will ask "How do I make russian fighters less effective". the realism of air battles of modern aircraft in this game is very arbitrary. It is better to fight in the period of 60-80 years
  9. TODEditor

    Thank you! ****** 6 stars! I wanted to mark it with 6 stars so i am doing it in comments :D
  10. ah this is video ram& its completely enough. i thought that you say about RAM which is RAM on board. I had problem with black thextures with 8GB i made 12 gb and it fixed it
  11. you have small RAM. Sometimes your aircraft with HD textures will apear black. So dont be shocked by this surprise. 4gb is not enough for "heavy" mods espesialy if they use *.bmp
  12. I believe that performance drops mainly due to effects. Try to delete, add effects in the effects folder. Temporarily move the Effects folder and see if performance improves. sometimes, it is a specific model of a tank or aircraft that worsens performance. Don't use this model. Try to usw ENB or other wrappers. i cure my FE performance with it
  13. B-47E by Coyote Aerospace

    Yeeey! To-o-oys!
  14. Canadair CL-13 Sabre F.Mk.6 SAAF

    Nice detailed skins. Thanks. Guys, thanks for quality work
  15. Did you know this!

    Aha! That's why the Russians emphasize supermaneuverability in their planes. So that when the raptor crawls under their wing to say knock knock! I'm here! To Defeat him in an agile dog fight. Now i got it.
  16. Oh so Sexy :) ! Oh so Sexy :) ! Lets post of Desctop pictures eacho others till admin is not see
  17. Oh, my Foxing Gosh........!!! So intimate picture of you you just sent to me... I love looking at screenshots of other people's desktops so much that I've become addicted to it. This is computer porn for me. I see you're also launching Kerbals into space! So nice picture as a gift. i am impressed. Super! Beautiful art. My desctop and games
  18. daddyairplanes, your desktop is beautiful. I'm glad I saw this. I see you make some mods but not for SF cuz its in blender. What are you modify sly old fox? Vanilla il-2? Whats the last official update? Or its BAT?
  19. the future is coming. This is just so damn nifty !!

    Demolition Ranch ! I watch this channel. Cool guys.
  20. Aha. And + to it you need "right" Kuznetsoff :)
  21. Thank you, guys, for your work. That was my favorite games at my yuth
  22. I have not tried this mod yet, but I think it is very useful. IN SUMMARY, for those who don't want to read for a long time: this mod streamlines the list of aircraft. THANK YOU.
  23. Sssssssssssuper! Very beautiful. Lets look what are you using. Edge, Firefox, Gimp, aha, Standart Microsoft Painter.... What is it "N" icon? if it s something useful? And last blue sircle? Interesting. I wait for release. Nice looking Aircraft. Firefox is updated? Still it loosing memory? i rolled back some month ago to 72.0.2 cuz of catastrophy memory loosing
  24. your progress deserves applause I believe that one day you will model us a whole war in Syria or something like that
  25. Pardo's Push

    Sounds like fantastic. thanks for story. interesting. Hard to believe

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