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Everything posted by bazillius

  1. MirageIIIV Minor update.

    [LeftGun] ... MuzzlePosition=-0.788,1.42,-0.83 LightPosition=-0.788,1.42,-0.83 ... [RightGun] ... MuzzlePosition=0.788,1.42,-0.83 LightPosition=0.788,1.42,-0.83 ....
  2. MirageIIIV Minor update.

    thnx 2 u 2
  3. MirageIIIV Minor update.

    No no, you did well. It would just be logical to add to Main Engine. but that works too. I understand your reason. Do not modify the main engine. All the same, at full throttle, it is set on fire, even so, even in your modification. Well, it's a convention. Just do not need to give full throttle when taking off. If we talk about what I change for myself, then I returned AvionicsDataFilename=SHAHAK_AVIONICS.INI and changed in SHAHAK_COCKPIT.INI [CockpitSeat001] ModelName=Mirage_III_CJ_pit.LOD offset=0.0,0.0,0.0 Position=0.0,3.45,0.53 ViewAngles=0.0,-0.9,0.0 this made it possible to combine the explosions from the cannons with the sight marker when attacking ground targets. You did well. Well done. I will use your version. in [AircraftData] DestroyedModel=Mirage_Destroyed.LOD DestroyedEffect=VehicleFireEffect
  4. MirageIIIV Minor update.

    In 2 words and in nutshells what for added the fake engine pls
  5. Seven days in the arctic

    Heroic! good srory and nice pic. pity its too small to see details
  6. They always was in skin section https://combatace.com/files/category/442-skin-templates/
  7. the plane got smallpox. it happened because he had not been vaccinated. warning to all antivaxers
  8. A Bitter truth

    Black aircrafts? Not enough RAM. My problem gone after i add 4GB to my 8GB. 12 GB is enoug for any mod.
  9. 23d Wing Pope AFB 1994

    Great version numbering! Not clear, but very good. Thanks for the pack.
  10. Yes, not bad reading. I do not say that R-37 is a bad missile. I say 200 kilometers it is a lie. I listen Ukrainian pilots and they say 100 kilometers it id maximum. Sure Ukraine have no even AA 100 km missiles i am not argue with it. Also read Indian articles about air combat between a pair of Su-30MKIs and a pair of Pakistani F-16s. Pakistani planes were able to locate and lock both Indian planes and the Indians were forced to retreat in panic. Although according to the documents, the R-77 missile is superior to AMRAAM. But in the game and on paper R-77 better. The Russians always say the maximum range of their weapons and the United States the maximum effective range. The same with, for example, to the Kh-22 missiles. The maximum range is 600 kilometers (on paper) and the real is 300 kilometers.
  11. it's all clear and obvious. I just want to say that a range of 120 kilometers and even more so of 200 kilometers is a Russian lie. official Russian sources lied about the range of this missile, and the one who modeled this missile in the game took Russian lies as a basis. because of this, it is not interesting to play, because the rocket flies from the far far opposite end of the map and you don’t even know about it. which in reality does not correspond to this at all if to see at real battle experience.
  12. MiG 25 Series Cockpits Small Upgrade

    MiG-25PD Cockpit is present in Operation Desert Storm: 30th Anniversary Edition Thanks anyway.
    I Installed it some days ago and play. MONUMENTAL WORK. Best mod. The only modification that I did not edit after installation, but just play right away and have fun.
  13. Yes. but it's more safe to place them exactly in folder with your.exe file you want to run (i never played SF1 i just tell my experience in other games). In this case the dll will be used ONLY this program not with others. So sometimes this is not very desirable globally.
  14. Joseph foxing cross! Thats, damp, realy ugly ! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sukhoi_Su-15_(1949)
  15. ahhh .... well, everything is clear. The Americans stole secret technologies of the 50s from Russia and were able to implement them only in 2000.
  16. Su-15TM Cockpit upgrade.

    For a good airplane, a neat cockpit. There are a lot of good cockpits here that need a little fixing. It's good that someone finally have ability and time to do it to it. Go on, don't stop yourself.
  17. Su-15TM Cockpit upgrade.

    Thank you. This community has long needed a philologist and a radioelectronics technician to check the inscriptions and adjust the instruments. It is very good that the community has found such an expert, and in one person! It would help to save on salaries. Although there are no salaries here at all, but anyway! Thanks for sharing.
  18. Your First Sim

    It Runs perfect on Dosbox, and Win 95 version runs with wraper, tuned for modern PCs. At least it works on Win 7 x64. If you will use wrapper than graphics will be even better than DCS Word. If you dont believe me look youself
  19. This Theater right? I played it some years ago i think. and it is completely working. I havent eaven read how to install just did an standart mod installation. As i told before. I dont know why its not work in your case than. I play on Windows 7 x64 and Windows 10 x64. Both Home edition. I dont know what to advice than. Try to run as Administrator or try to turn off UAC or defender (dont forget to turn it on back). Or wait till our Europe friends from this forum wake up and write their thought. I surrender. All i can say the Theater is playable and good made
  20. Do you have full game? Up to date? May be you are using old game of 2009? i always rename StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic.exe file. May be you want to edit file kinda StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic.ini?? No need. This file is outdated. It doesn't need to be edited. If you have a game with the latest update, of course. You want to change this string "DefaultTerrainData=" do you? Date you can change in Options.ini [SingleMission] .... MissionDate=1979 StartYear=1950 EndYear=2040 But if you have old game try to copy rename your ini file the same way.
  21. Hmmm.. I dont understand what you are doing.My main the game folder is on the right and modded folder at the left. i opened Iran-Iraq as an example. Newermind on crossed with red, this program no need for you. I always do changes at the left side and never touch anything at the right side. As you see the dates of files are not touched since 2013. So the game since 2013 looks like on the right. I do only copy rename exe on the right. Do not watch the folders data, it changes ecverytime i move from HDD to HDD to save place from time to time. I dont know, may be Korean Theater is diferent to instal. My mods all installed by standart way. Copy rename -> run -> Exit -> Option.ini -> extract mod to mod folder I change nothing from the right cide.
  22. Because you played SF1 the game or SF2 which was very old version not updated. Many, many years game require modification in a MOD folder but not in the game itself.
  23. You need only the file Options.ini its for ecample here C:\Users\!!!!!!!!!!!!!YOURNAME!!!!!!!!!!!!\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Korea\ no other ini files editing needed. PS you ned at least at once run exe file to Options.ini apears

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