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Everything posted by Emp_Palpatine

  1. Wow. That was not in Fighters Anthology!
  2. Paris attacks - 127 reported dead

    One down, thousands to go.
  3. Viva La France...

    Nope, it's a common mistake among english speaking people, especially among Americans. I guess it's because the famous scene in Casablanca where the same mistake is pronounced. Whatever, the support is hearthwarming, not the grammar!
  4. Yep, don't think so either.
  5. Paris attacks - 127 reported dead

    Well, I got carried by my mother tongue. So, translation for the others : Murphy's said that the current situtation has nothing to do with the context back during algerian emergency as the overall conflict wasn't the same both in nature and power. My point is that we are on the contrary with a quite similar set up, espacially regarding the urban terrorism... and regarding the overall lower human cost of attacks back in the day. Sorry for the french.
  6. Viva La France...

    I have to say it my dear english-speaking french, as a french for foreigner teacher : it's VIVE la France. Thanks a lot, even if sometimes I doubt that we are desserving so much support. We are such assholes with our friends and allies...
  7. Paris attacks - 127 reported dead

    L'insurrection armée dans le Bled, c'est le plan Challes. C'est une chose. L'insurrection à Alger, Oran et les grandes villes, elle prend la forme de l'action terroriste. Des cellules hostiles cachées dans une population amicale, neutre ou hostile qui font des actes de terrorisme. Le Milk Bar, l'Otomatic, le Coq Hardi, c'est une dizaine de mort. Ce qui nous arrive aujourd'hui est bien pire. On a nettoyé Alger et Oran, on peut nettoyer nos villes si on a les tripes de le faire.
  8. Paris attacks - 127 reported dead

    Rien à voir? Des milliers de terroristes potentiels cachés en ville, ça n'a rien à voir?
  9. Paris attacks - 127 reported dead

    It's quite possible that another team is still at large (not counting other sleeper sells). So hold your breath during the following days... By the way, we are now under "State of emergency", that is the legal framework used during the Battle of Algiers when we rooted out terrorism from said city in a few months. Security services might now work correctly... If they had enough money...
  10. I've an issue. It seems that the ground is... darker wherever the camera is. Like it was under heavy shadows. When I zoom the camera out, things are clearer and normal. Any idea what's going on?
  11. I quite seldomly see 1-4 doing something useful. Be it A2G or A2A. It seems to cover 1-3 and acts when he is gone. 1-2 and 1-3 should definitely be active, though.
  12. Serbian A-A kills in Balkan campaigns?

    Shamefull war. Europe is now paying the price.
  13. Armchair Aces over Galicia updated!

    Could it be possible to make all-inclusive files? I know it's quite some work, but getting all the planes, updating them and so on is really, really a big pain. And one often ends up with broken installs or planes, because some are so much unclear...
  14. I've seen that in Sweep/migCap missions, usually, the [target] flight usually magically spawns above the "principal" waypoint when you are above it or in the vicinity. Otherwise, except off-map ones such as heavies in NA or transport, they usually take off, navigate and land.
  15. Another way is a minimal situationnal awareness and some analysis. Watch your radar (that would be the RIO's job in real life): where do the bogey comes from? Where is it going? With practice, you can easily see who's a baddy. If your are escorting to Hanoi and some blips are coming from the North or the West, they aren't friendly. Of course, that won't work as soon as close combat between two flights starts.
  16. You are indeed doing it wrong. - don't engage in turning fight. All the commies fighters are more nimble than anything in the U.S. arsenal. Well, the F-8, if properly flown, can do stuff. So can the A-4 but it's underpowered for air to air and not designed that way. - Contrary to historical reality, you don't have any RoE such as "no BVR missiles". So use your sparrows. Until 1967-68 when correct sidewinders are getting into action, they are the only real weapons for early Phantom II. So, no look-down/shot down, try to get in a proper position for a quality lock and shot. That means lower or same altitude as the target. And also check your key mapping. Set your radar to boresight when dogfighting for a quick sparrow launch (especially with latter, more agile versions). Sideminders B are pretty useless. Fire them in the ennemy's six, not against the ground nor against clouds or sun... and hope for the best. They have been really turned down and are pretty silly and unrealistic now. D, E, and latter versions are proficient in combat. Too much, IMHO. As long as you're in the 6' and in the missile's enveloppe, it should work despite a few sillies and blank ones. Remember : you don't need any radar for them. As for air to ground... Well, good luck. The sheer amount of AAA makes it clear : wether you stay high, face SAMs and hit nothing with your bombs, or you try going in the hard way. It's feasable, but : no straight line and very high speed are the key. Don't linger above targets and flew very, very low : most guns won't be able to aim properly if you are at somewhat 50ft.
  17. For those intersted: B-17 Flying Fortress The Mighty 8th Game

    It's also on GoG and quite oftenly on sale.
  18. When you come back to find your base bombed.
  19. Am I proud...

    Yeah, Battle of Britain is among my favorites.
  20. Am I proud...

    Battle of Britain is one of my favorite and most respected moment in history. I love and respect resisting bastards. (By the way, don't forget the French, Belgian, Dutch and British fighters of may-june 1940. They downed around 1000 luftwaffe bastards. 1000 planes that weren't there one month later for Battle of Britain...)
  21. Reading the french prototypes, I remembered we had bat-shit crazy engineers back then. What a bunch of retro-sci-fi planes.
  22. You can download the first versions here. They have some issues, though. Saddly, I don't think FPignon is still working or a new version.
  23. So, at current stage, both mods aren't compatible?

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