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Everything posted by Snailman

  1. Just be careful, the 2013 version game does not support external dispensers. Damned bug again( Make sure to include them as built in devices and use the part as permanent attachment)
  2. Sry for the noobish questions but I never did terrain editing... This time I need a test range and many blue SAMs (and flak batteries) and I have no idea on these... - Is there a limit on how many SAM sites I can add on a map? Per side or all together? I figured out that the type of sam will be random (available at the given date) - Many times the SAM i put down within the mission editor, just do not work. Mostly those which need their network of radars. Autonomous ones engage normally... - What does the ballistic computer entry do? Does it have a max value at all? - And finally... what effect radar fire control has on accuracy (if any?) I think about networked flak guns or built in Detectsystem of ships. I noticed no difference in accuracy of smoke puffs so far... I suppose it's just a help for them to shoot beyond optical/visual range? Thanks a lot for the information!!
  3. Thanks a lot...!! I see there are many problems(( So if I want radar AAA I have to construct a "SAM site" out of static AAA and gun control dish... THEN they might use the radar? At least it puts the same set into a site with the same network type?? About spawning... I don't really understand. This applies only to those items coming from the terrain? Because ships are always placed, and targets (armies, bridges) also, to several hundreds of kilometers. I did fire Kh-22 cruise missiles on ships with hacked 250km visibility. and they used their long range SAM on me, of course uhh..
  4. Universal Translator - yep in Skype

    I wonder how skype will translate the noun "to work" onto gipsy language :lol:
  5. Wow.... very nice!!! Keep up. I'd like to try out an F-111 full quality package. Last time I flew an F-111 was on Commodore 64 playing Fighter bomber!!!
  6. try the one from the ZPU or Culcan. Stock ones. They seem to be thin enough for me But it is possible to make smaller one. it's just hardly visible tho
  7. I set up infantry as a warships, and each squad member is a gun turret, hull being an invisible "glass plate". There is an AA guy with Strela and it do fire. They are a hell when many of them huh. The turn their bodies randomly like turrets (within their designated firing arc) and it's quite lively. Too bad the legs can't be animated( There are some bugs however. In theory each of them fire only at legal targets for their weapon type.. Air AND Ground types seem to prefer air however. I have an experiment for artillery too with inf spotters in network, but in early stages. I have mortar guy, but needs help with ballistic shots (shell.ini?) I would be happy to share experience with anyone
  8. New infantry will arrive ... perhaps this year. Still need testing the mechanics, and of course better models.
  9. Complete bullshit http://combatace.com/topic/87340-turkey-shoots-down-russian-plane/ Note the Polish MiG-29 ))))
  10. No one has confirmed such. Yet another hallucination by ***** media
  11. Tupolev Tu-95MS Bear-H

    Gracie) At last a usable missile carrier for me to rework large missiles! I can make pylons for the Tu-22K-22 if we are to make that variant... ))
  12. Boeing Quiet Bird

    It reminds me of a piloted prototype of a future drone development. Like Fieseler built a piloted V-1 for testing.
  13. Sometimes the AI have problems even with ordnance it can usually drop or fire. For example they try to attack with CGRs from close range (within minimal range) like with rocket pods. laser and tv guided weapons are no-go for the AI. CGRs and ATMs are ok afaik.
  14. Recommission battleship USS Iowa: Trump

    That's the problem that they are not humans. At least that's what they believe. Gods, demigods, prophets, intouchables, superior race, chosen etc etc.. anything that gives them right to rule over the world... Too much power in their hands, that means too much money. Deprive them from their money and they will be mortals. That's our task to do. To get all the miserable SOB who pulls the strings and attach them to other type of ... suspension, that more suits them. Just a few thousand people... for our survival and peaceful future. Cruel? Inhumane? Unjust? Self righteous? May be. But think about it... remember that they have already did that to us. Sacrificed thousands and millions. Our past and future. How many innocent have died already to incite us against each other? ... for them to feel like gods. Onto the rope, all of them.
  15. Recommission battleship USS Iowa: Trump

    They have created their enemies (or collaborated with them) to appear as the good guy. Projected enemies. Old trick. We know. And staged fires/bombings... also old trick. Did by the Allies too, and ever since WW2. Well, the so called left is in fact the same as liberal. Liberalism is today's communism, a de facto anarchism in the bad meaning. In politology the term for the government type Anarchy is the a stateless free society, one of the form of direct democracies (like communism, as it was invented to be) with more or less equal people. Native tribes or motorcycle gangs are like that. Here they confuse anarchy with disorder. Very different. In fact they incite disorder, hostility and fear to rule over the chaos. They destroy nations, cultures, families, history to eliminate every possible forms of social defense or unity between people. To create a rootless, nationless, mixed, individualist mass of (preferably single) people. Why? I can't answer that question, but perhaps Mr. George Orwell could... The politicians did not fail They have succeed. If not yet completely. As you see, there is already a dictatorship. The minorities' dictatorship. Everyone who is "not normal" (for example unable or refuse to integrate in the local culture and society) demands to have privileges, extra rights, free money, extra legal protection, extra social care or even impunity for crimes. If any of these are denied, violated, revoked... criticized... they start crying loudly and yell discrimination, nazism, racism, intolerance etc etc. Positive discrimination of the few is the negative discrimination of the many. And I am certainly not speaking about helping and care for disabled or blind people here. You get it. Senseless bloodshed? What's going on in Europe is already a that. A genocide. The violence of the 21th century is not conventional war, but slow, demographic and cultural death of nations. It has started generations ago, and the IS "refugee" invasion is just the top of the iceberg.
  16. Recommission battleship USS Iowa: Trump

    I'm a soldier, I must not. Well I'm not sure I ever want... I hate politicians. Of course I do have exemplars, mainly from our history. Patriotic crusaders, eccentric innovators, freedom fighters, cunning generals and of course wise kings. None of their philosophy is alive these days... Perhaps you see why history forging is so important. I usually have good laugh when people try to categorize me and put me into boxes with labels. How frustrated they are when, in the end I do not fit into any of their boxes)) Sometimes I feel that I am the kid from the space adventure cartoon, who with his home made (inflatable, LOL) spaceship arrives on a planar disc world, on which all life is happening in 2D. The 2D contour people cannot understand what is the 3rd dimension... The heretic was brought in front of the 2D king, accused of believing in the existence of three dimensions
  17. Recommission battleship USS Iowa: Trump

    The problem is that we don't have more chance... neither the time to experiment. Have to declare, if things won't change (not only US, but Europe and M.East too) that this was the last election made "democratically" by their rules... same here in my country. Both sides of the Bipolar System have failed. In a honest election, neither of them can win without bribes and cheat. Time for the third side. Enough of financial "crisis", staged violence, projected enemies, fake terrorists, economic colonization, media brainwashing, multi-culture, holy inquisition of "political-correctness" and of course hypocrite double standards. No people should be allowed to be above the laws and governments anymore. The rat maybe larger, but finally the ants will eat it. Or, more lyrically, the ship is above, but the sea has the power.
  18. Recommission battleship USS Iowa: Trump

    These are or might be true.. partly agreed. But if he will not stop FED (JFK tried, but...), suppress the lobby autocracy and put an end to destructive and arrogant foreign politics (including economic war) ... there will no real change. He seems to be a individual who won't be a puppet... and mean enough to survive. But we have to much expectations.
  19. F-35A for DCS World

    :lol: :lol: :lol: I wonder the USAF orders it boxed or it will be download only?
  20. not the max, the idle. 0.5 idle 1.0 max. I had the same problem with the Ka-25 and is fixed now. and check all the engines, maybe the program takes a different engine to use with engine sound. stupid thing
  21. The problem is caused by the stupidity of the system... in this FM, the sound is being assigned to the jet engines... for some pervert reason... in the SH-3 Seaking it works fine. So, the jetengines have 0.10 idle and 1.00 max RPM, the difference is 9 times. make the idle about 0.5 or 0.6 and it should be fine
  22. Hi. The Engine RPM regulates the sound itself. The idle RPM is the base value I think, and the MAX RPM scales it somehow. Also it depends on the original sound file, it was recorded at a certain RPM as a base. It the default sound is already too fast, it has to be edited with a sound editor (pitch shift or such effects).
  23. Recommission battleship USS Iowa: Trump

    It's not necessarily a bad idea, since that will force them to attack civilians. They can be condemned for war crimes later on. Also, demonizing the enemy helps to boost support for war. We tend to think with a military mind, not with a politician's. Never fair, the dark side is..
  24. Matrix Games Active again

    Ah, I see. So is it a Britain only defensive campaign? Well it's still very interesting. They promised an European theater anyway, so we can have a taste of it)
  25. Matrix Games Active again

    So it's only air war? No sea or land assets? Without that it's half complete. I mean there is no main goal for the axis.

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