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Everything posted by Sundowner

  1. seriously, your best solution is to forget whatever you did in SF1 and just start all over again with SF2.........or go back to SF1.
  2. You dont need an alpha channel for jpeg or bmp to work, even though screenshot .bmp's are saved with one.
  3. Maybe these.... https://combatace.com/forums/topic/34722-camera-as-bombsight/?tab=comments#comment-222003 https://combatace.com/forums/topic/78480-yak-28b-brewer-stand-in-cockpit/?tab=comments#comment-625861 https://combatace.com/forums/topic/70606-starys-modded-viewlist-help/?tab=comments#comment-560385
  4. In all fairness you don't need to extract anything from any cats to run the basic game, all sounds etc should work fine, like wrench said you just needed to get used to running SF2 as stock for a few days to make sure everything was working as it should be, then and only then should you try to change one thing at a time, it's easier for people to give you an answer if we have a known good starting point.......which we dont.
  5. Use Mue's cat extractor tool to extract the cats in the main SF2 directory(s), you use his lod viewer by selecting the aircraft main ini.....not data ini.
  6. If you've now go SF2 just get used to running the basic sim for a day or two, see where things are kept, dont try to run before you can walk, it will only end in fustration.
  7. This is what 1 of my modded installs looks like......
  8. Nope, ALL SF2 series lods are locked away, always have been.
  9. You dont need to extract the lod just read it. All you are after are the mesh names of the part you want to move, you will not be making any changes to the lod itself. Dont matter if its TW or 3rd party.
  10. Yep that's what I mean, I know to hide something you usually move it right out of sight of the pit itself, so I suppose to move it you would need to move the mesh by just a small ammount. I'm not 100% sure on this so please back up your stuff before you screw up your pit altogether........hopefully some of the more experienced pit guys will chip in here.
  11. Have you tried actually moving the mesh part ?
  12. No problem, Snoopy always added to the immersion of the SEA missions, just like being able to start on the ramp, 2 things that made the game more enjoyably & got cut for no sensible reason.
  13. Have you added the FAC callouts to the Missionsummary ini?....
  14. Just bear in mind that the more you ask for the less you'll get, unless someone is going to get some serious money for their efforts. Unless you model proffesionally anybody will eventually get bored of making something they have no real intrest in, to a professional moddler building a plane for an out of date pc game is less attractive than putting together a scene that could be used in a tv advert or something like. I have a friend in this very business, it's his day job so he wont do anything out of hours.....not even for me. He did once start a Sea Vixen for me then once I started saying can you change this or that he lost intrest & gave up , just because the drawings you find online look ok, once building has started things can look way off. If you want someone that will build your plane AND a pit for it.....well good luck. Making this stuff is one thing, having to go back to the moddler time and time again to get something changed to actually work in a game is a different kind of person. If a "proper" pit is a must then please dont download anything I produce as I'm just not that good. Sorry if this sounded too negative, It's just how I see things going.
  15. Just getting started on some bump & spec maps, de-icer props now spin, rocket pods are part of the aircraft model , in RL they were automatically jettisioned after use, I couldnt find a way to do it through the weapons editor, only the caps would dissapear, at least this way the whole lot goes but only works well if you fire all the rockets in one hit as the whole lot dissapears as you fire the first rocket. I would ideally like to make the caps and body as parts that could be damaged on firing and drop away as part of the damage model.........I dont even know if it could be done.......way above my head that stuff. Been putting off doing any serial numbers yet..........I hate decals, I have no problem making them, just a boring job for something 99% of folks would never know if they're real or not ( or care probably ) Pit has had another re-vamp...... The work continues.....
  16. I think they're here at CA...maybe in the KB or downloads.
  17. I might be miles off here, but is'nt there a fairly strict way in which they have to be created? There's something about it in the TW max exporter notes.
  18. Still plodding on with this....... It took just over 2 seconds to unload 58 rockets...... Yes I know the pylons were never used operationally.........but IT'S A GAME and you dont have to use them..... Pit.....probably about as good as I'm going to do...
  19. Bit the big one!

    It can be setup to only install updates on shutdown , I have Win 10 home edition and have only had this happen once, after that I went into settings/updates and changed the way updates are installed. Windows 10 is not as hard as most folks make out, it's just usually a case of "ask Google" when you get stuck.
  20. Thanks to Baffmiester..........she flies.

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