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Everything posted by Eagle114th

  1. Congratulation! It is great to see you never giving up and getting the mods to work in SF2. I felt the same when working on deep coding .ini for SF2 new menu / GUI project. It has been a deep learning curve for me as well. I look forward to seeing your projects expanding even more! Thank you for continuing to share your hobbies / passions in SF2 moddings with us!
  2. UPDATE: I finally managed to finish working on the pilot's record page. It was a lot of work cleaning the codes and reorganized everything while placing the new GUI into it. The feedbacks are appreciated. I always look for the ways to improve the screen. Here is the screenshot:
  3. Everyone, I FINALLY DID IT!!! After reinstalling GIMP 2, I just realized something. I had "RLE compression" enabled each time I save .tga file all along. THIS is what caused .tga files not apearing in SF2. Now that I am able to save the file while unchecking "RLE compression", my new .tga icon / shapes shows up in SF2! I am relieved now! Thank you everyone!!!
  4. UPDATE: About the hangar screen, I was looking through SF2 aircraft hangar screen. I realized one thing, it looks stretched when using it in 1920 x 1080 mode. That is a problem if I decide to apply hangar GUI over each of SF2 aircraft's hangar. It won't look good, and I don't want it to ruin SF2 new menu / GUI. Instead, I'll just use hangar as background as shown in the screenshot. That way it won't look bad. However, about the real photo, I am concerned about the copyright, so I'll use default SF2 for now. About the real photo, I decided to test it with the new hangar GUI template, it came out great! That way, if you want to use any picture, you can use it with the template. Here are the results: NOTE: You will notice a few things missing, compared to an in-game. That is because it is a background image file that will be used in SF2. The sim will have the texts and buttons appearing over it. At the same time, I noticed something interesting; I noticed inactive "FLY NOW" codes in loadout, planning, and roster screen .ini files. So if anyone wants to see "LAUNCH" button enabled in these screen, let me know. For now, I think it is practical to keep each screen clean and informative as possible.
  5. That is noted. I am going to re-install GIMP 2 completely and try again. (Crosses my fingers) That is noted as well. Wish me good luck with the reinstallation of GIMP 2 and my attempts to make a custom .tga for SF2.
  6. Roster screen is now completed. The next screens will be more interesting to work on.
  7. The planning screen is now completed. I am moving on the roster screen.
  8. UPDATE: I just realized I forgot to update 'AMMO' list, I fixed it.
  9. Hello everyone, I have the new updates about the new LOADOUT screen: Not only I used a new font, I also changed the color. That way, with the quick glance, you could grasp the different elements on the screen quickly. I also changed the color of texts when you interface with the texts. Even the re-sized / re-located SF2 icon (System menu) works well!
  10. LOLOLOL!!! That is good one! You gave me a good laugh.
  11. Thank you for the ideas! What I am going to do, which will make it easy for anyone to convert their custom hangar pictures to work with the new SF2 menu: I am going to create a template (UI). So that way, when people use any picture, can use my template to apply the UI on top of it then save it. However, since new SF2 Menu is designed in 1920 x 1080, so it must be saved in that resolution for now.
  12. Thank you! May I ask you to explain in details how you edit and save the file? I am using GIMP 2 and I may have to reinstall GIMP 2 or use another free software for .tga.
  13. I have the updates for everyone: Everything looks good so far. For now, since I am unable to make my own .tga icon / shapes for now (I posted in another thread about it. At once when I finally can make my own .tga, I'll replace SF2 with new one. At single mission screen, I managed to switch default SF2's icon so it is visible on clipboard paper's background. Everything looks good so far. The default hanger screen is now completed too. I have a lot of works to do since I need to apply a new hangar screen on all SF2's planes. The next step is the loadout screen.
  14. This is strange. I think GIMP 2 probably cause the issues. I opened one of SF2 default icon, changed the color then save it (export and overwrite). It still won't show up in SF2. I am still scratching my head over this.
  15. Understood. I appreciate your helps. I wish you a great day. Cheers!
  16. Hello everyone, here is my new single mission screen. It is still work in progress (WIP). I am currently trying to get my new designed .tga icons / shapes working in SF2. I posted a question in another thread about .tga files. For now, here is screenshots, I am still re-designing the clipboard and texts on it. For now, all main buttons (except scrollbar with new custom triangle shape. I am using a default SF2 arrow for now. As soon I finally get .tga files working, I'll replace default icons / shapes with a new one.)
  17. Thank Thank you for the video. I am still puzzled because it is still not showing up in SF2. I attached my two .tga files that replaces scrollbar upper and down arrow icon. May I ask you to check it if I am doing anything wrong with it? Menu.rar
  18. This is interesting. In order for it to work, I need an extra layer behind the shape? In other word, I will need two layers before exporting as .tga?
  19. Thank you for the advice. I did exactly that and SF2 still won't recognize my .tga files. I am still figuring out what I am doing wrong. I made sure the file name are the same as what is typed in .ini files. However, if I use .bmp or .jpg, it will show up in SF2.
  20. I did exactly that and SF2 still won't recognize my .tga files. I am still figuring out what I am doing wrong. I made sure the file name are the same as what is typed in .ini files. However, if I use .bmp or .jpg, it will show up in SF2.
  21. Don't worry. It was only an experiment for new font. I am using a new font (text) for my actual new menu / gui. As soon I am done with single player, I'll post the picture. Thank you for believing in my talents. That cheers me even more! :)
  22. Noted. That's the plan. I will try to keep it simple as possible for installing SF2 new menu / GUI mod.
  23. Good afternoon everyone, I have the questions about MENU coding. I am stuck on a few problems with my own menu projects: --------------------------------------------------------- 1) I saved buttons as .png, and it has an alpha background (transparent) NOTE: I am supposed to save it as .jpg right? It still shows a black background around it. I tried setting TransparentBackground= to TRUE, still won't work. --------------------------------------------------------- 2) I want to change between three image files. MouseOverAnimation=Animation_InstantAction1 MouseDownAnimation=Animation_InstantAction2 MouseDownAnimation=Animation_InstantAction3 These codes are from [InstantActionHotspot] in MAINSCREEN.INI [InstantActionHotspot] MenuItemType=HOTSPOT UseHotSpotImage=FALSE GenerateEventMessage=TRUE NormalAnimation=Animation_InstantAction1 MouseOverAnimation=Animation_InstantAction1 MouseDownAnimation=Animation_InstantAction1 Position=500,150 SelectedAnimation= DisabledAnimation= TextSetting= TextStringID= TextPosition= InfoTextSetting=InfoTextSetting InfoTextStringID=TXT_MENU_INSTANTACTION_INFO It won't change between three images. It still only display one image, even when I move a mouse cursor over it. Here is the code: [InstantActionHotspot] MenuItemType=HOTSPOT UseHotSpotImage=FALSE GenerateEventMessage=TRUE NormalAnimation=Animation_InstantAction1 MouseOverAnimation=Animation_InstantAction1 MouseDownAnimation=Animation_InstantAction1 Position=500,150 SelectedAnimation= DisabledAnimation= TextSetting= TextStringID= TextPosition= InfoTextSetting=InfoTextSetting InfoTextStringID=TXT_MENU_INSTANTACTION_INFO [Animation_InstantAction1] AnimationFilename=InstantAction1.jpg LoopingAnimation=TRUE NumFrames=1 TicksPerFrame=0 TransparentBackground=TRUE Width=150 Height=40 [Animation_InstantAction2] AnimationFilename=InstantAction1.jpg LoopingAnimation=TRUE NumFrames=1 TicksPerFrame=0 TransparentBackground=TRUE Width=150 Height=40 [Animation_InstantAction3] AnimationFilename=InstantAction1.jpg LoopingAnimation=TRUE NumFrames=1 TicksPerFrame=0 TransparentBackground=TRUE Width=150 Height=40 Any advice and tips are appreciated as always.
  24. This is an experiment with text for now. As I dig deeper into how the MENU, GUI, and text work in SF2, the more I realize I could customize a lot of things. This is an experimental version with a changed font. I like how it looks so far.
  25. Hello everyone, I have a big update for everyone. I want to express a big thank to Menrva, Wrench, and everyone in this community for the feedback, advice and helps with the projects. I finally managed to get a first working main menu in SF2. It was interesting challenges. I just realized that SF2 engine is not yet able to use .png nor .tga needed, in order, to implement the buttons with transparent background for animation purposes. However, I managed to figure it in alternative ways of using .bmp (without transparent background). I am pleased with the outcome. Here are screenshots: Note: Button will brighten when you move a mouse cursor over one of button. Note: When you click a button down, it will darken itself. Note: I managed to find a way to move and resize system menu icon. It feels like a big achievement for a first step. I have more to do, and I am very excited!

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