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About KaktusBonus

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  1. Folks Sorry for necroing, but a few years later since my OP, I got the itch for the Intruder again and wish to upgrade from the TK cockpit -- as I have never received a real response from Razbam (neither on FB nor via mail) I checked around on the internet anew. My search got this result this time, which I don't think I found in 2018 -- even though it's a relatively old (probably I missed it or wasn't public back then, so it didn't show up in my search results) https://www.facebook.com/RazbamSims/posts/important-announcement-razbam-closing-down-the-strike-fighter-series-production-/489436961142947/ Quite an absolute resolve. This post is from 2013 but I don't see any entry fresher for Strike Fighters -- that means my presumption from 2 years ago is seemingly correct -- i.e. their SF line is discontinued, which is baffling somewhere as they could simply sell it AS-IS with a disclaimer that there won't be any updates nor support. My luck for getting into SF2 relatively late... Sorry to beg around, but is there any way I could get the Razbam Intruder for SF now that the option for purchasing is gone (and the source files ostensibly deleted)? Thank you, KB
  2. Hello Guys, As per the title I'm searching for a way to buy Razbam's A-6 Intruder for the Third Wire series. The Razbam A-6 itself is available for purchase on their webshop, but apparently only for Microsoft Flight Simulator 9 and FSX . Am I out of luck and the SF version is discontinued and not available for purchase anymore? Hope this is not the case. Kind Regards, KB
  3. I am also very interested what is the fate of the project. I really looked forward to it. Hope it's not dead... Perhaps... it migrated to another platform?

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