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Everything posted by Stary

  1. Falcon you did set the ObjectsFade=FALSE in options.ini? They have to be set to false for the extra fading shaders actually do their work
  2. I'd join Wrench and say with 99% certainity it's hard coded things to look up whould be EjectView=EjectView in flightengine.ini sets the default view after ejection then [EndGame] EndGameTimer=5.0 EndGameView=DeathView AutoEndGame=FALSE that one is after pilot's death, then we have the action camera introduced in 2012 or so; maybe setting this to MovingMap would help? But MovingMap is in fact type of cockpit instrument/display alas I can't see how that would be working given pilot's plane is listed as destroyed. Remember that when player's plane gets destroyed status you can't even go back into cockpit so it is sort of removed from the game (apart from smoking wreckage still visible and observable via external views)
  3. and as soon as I finished reading you explanation my head exploded from mere trying to understand...
  4. sure, and yes I noticed some files indeed, I misred it as Ithought it meant it's everything included and wanted to give heads-up. Anyway, excellent work on this one
  5. Do335 I am sadly one of the poor modder that have no time to ACTUALLY PLAY the excellent mods we have here, so given I was able to install this one today -and Spectre's Modern Warfare series- I am in love :yes: yes, the sounds alone are must hve for any installation! First the thing I have to point out I see none of the WW2/Korea fx test effects of mine you mention as added; no biggie though as these are just "so so" in my own opinion.
  6. The first bundle makes much more sense to me, the A-10 one not so
  7. umm yeah I have tons of unread topics sorry! OH.MY!!!! THAT was awesome work Snailman
  8. img00073

  9. Steve, first please check your email, I have found something you asked me of ages ago second, I think it's the simple answer I am affraid -engine limitation -it doesn't seem to do checks on collisions/bounding boxes between non-aircraft objects, so you can have literally ships moving through hangars with no effect seen it myself on badly set up Cuba terrain; alas "we have to live with it" as for the objects the most obvious answer is remodel them the way you want in Max; if you do not have acess to core max file (say it's stock models) then I can't think of any way to solve it @Wrench: Oh man, FA stacking was awesome!
  10. that is also unchanged since 2002 or so so still flawed in drag etc that siad we have sort of working Katyushas, at least I remember observing them firing ages ago, so maybe that would be some way to implement it? Rockets faked into shells instead of basically huge ass bullets?
  11. Composite 12

    ohhh my ohhh my
  12. The 10 Worst US Aircraft

    Interesting read, thanks MiGBuster
  13. Independence Day

    No I do not ofc punk was reference to that adorable lad on the picture
  14. Independence Day

    No, you punk
  15. Composite 7

    top quality!
  16. might be another SF2 development breakthrough is few hours of work and ingame confirmation of format governing rules away... and yeah this one is the SF2NA LOD_BASED version so goal is to have this work with reflective moving water and three things: 1) I scrapped the old format tests I posted yesterday -too many issues, instead focused on making test map in SF2NA LOD format 2) I am aware right now it looks more like 2001 era USAF graphics -I will try to add specularity and possibly normalmapping :yes: 3) I'll post more when and if I do more testing and confirm some suspicions. Hard to do with locked LODs and shaders
  17. Missed me much you old farts? Satellite coverage proof of concept in the TFD/HFD format because when I got no reply from TK regarding the new terrain engine format I mumbled to myself "why not the other way" as almost nothing prevents us to have TFD from one map and HFD from the other in the same terrain
  18. continuing for a bit..

    go buy it guys, it's what it is now but I have strong believ it will grow into something bigger
  19. Combat Air Patrol 2 v804 live

    and there I was on previous version scretching my head how to set up wheel zoom... good they added it now
  20. I really want this one to grow up into something bigger guys so yeah Erik, let's invite them it say I! It's interesting to say the least at the current EA iteration; I DO like the feel of flying it has, lots of that comes from unusal -but very working for me- camera transitions, head movement, novelty view system. Water looks gorgeous, the way it shines, some really neat work on specularity there as for AA/AG modes it's now more like SF on easy than FC2 but I think the guy's main priority is upping it a bit -also interestingly he seem not to want to poor DCS impostor but more lite sim -which is fantastic for me as I have not touched DCS and the modules (I spend upwards 250 bucks on by now) in ages for reasons that have alot with the fact fying 50s Migs over modern Georgia va A-10s ain't fun and not the fact I never landed my 21Bis in one piece, like totally guys
  21. ohhh my ohh my that looks good and helpful! TY Gerwin for continuos work; you and Mue clearly might be up to something with improving the series editing

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