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Everything posted by NIELS

  1. Bin messing with this on and off most of the day - No good results. Happens in both FE1 & FE2? Crazy wingmen flying in close trail like bumble beez? I can't get any good results with any alt formation ini's. Even with your acft data ini's quack74...........No joy. At a loss - I'll take a crack at it another day. I think it has to do something with COMMDATA.INI, FORMATION.INI, and Acft ini's? My guess anyway. Thanks for your feedback quack74 -- appreciate it. NIELS
  2. Thanks quack74 - I'll give it a try and get back with you.......Much appreciated.
  3. I've been trying to get the cloud cover appearence to cover the total sky area. Messed with some EnvironmentSystem.ini entries with no changes. Is there a way to get the coverage more total than just above the horizon? Thanks, NIELS
  4. Thanks for the replies - I appreciate the feedback.
  5. Disreguard - its in the 'Graphics' selection via 'Options'..........
  6. Great job - Just keeps gettin better!
  7. mcas cherry point 005

    These bases are looking very promising....................Nice work - looking forward to them!
  8. SF2 Scooters! Vol.1 - Skinpack for TW A-4 Skyhawks

    Great Scooter skins.........Nice work!
  9. Outstanding work - will make the environment (tgt list) even more believable! Good job Geezer!
  10. Been waiting for this 'Beast' for quite some time.......Hope to see it soon.
  11. Nice job...........................NAVY Rhino's lookin good!
  12. Beautiful! Attention to detail at its best.......................BRAVO!
  13. There is a 'Multigargesmall' terrain object (3 door garge) in some terrain folders which is missing the roof bmp. It is named Multigargeroof.bmpin the lod file. I can not locate it anywhere in any of the terrain folder it is represented in or on any of my hard drives where I have unzipped all my SF2 files???????? Can anybody help me find this bmp or direct me to its mod file. Thank you, NIELS
  14. New Industrial Objects

    Fantastic work - Looking good!
  15. Can specific aircraft types be generated at parking spots in the airfield ini's to mimic the type flown by the simmer? For example; if I want F-86's in the fighter parking spots and maybe some A-26's for the larger, can these types be generated always for this specific airfield? Something different than the random generation process. Thanks, NIELS
  16. Appreciate the #2 vid. Much thanks.
  17. Nice job MigBuster!....... Keep em comming.
  18. Viewed part 1..............Unable 2 - Same 'Not available in the U.S.'? Good stuff -
  19. Don't know much about F-4 antennas and bumps..........Looks great though!
  20. Available at Yankee Air Pirate ie: 'YAP', 'Rising Sun', and now 'Strait Of Harmus' Only the best modders both here and at YAP keep this wonderful air combat series alive!.

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