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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

  2. Westland Wessex HU5/HC2 (DAT)

    Great Skins! If we only had a better model...
  3. Doing from Scratch would be too much for me, but if a Basic temp is done, i can help painting...
  4. Going out for a round over the Desert
  5. Cockpit has been original from F-5B by fastcargo
  6. View File NF-5B Freedom Fighter NF-5B Freedom Fighter for SF2 This is the Canadair NF-5B WHAT´S IN: 1 aircraft with 20 brand new skins (only KLU) CREDITS: - FastCargo - 3D modeler of the original F-5B - yakarov79 - heavy 3D work on the specific NF-5B (Thank you so much mate!) - 331killerbee - sea camo template - Soulfreak - paintwork, decals, ini dance, screens etc. - Pilot is a reworked one from Volker´s German Pilot Special thanks to: Luuk Boerman from www.dutchdecal.nl who provided me great references. TO INSTALL: - extract NF-5B.7z into your mod folder if asked, let overwrite old files. Schapen, March 7th 2020 Carlo "Soulfreak" Vecchi Submitter Soulfreak Submitted 03/07/2020 Category F-5  
  7. Looks very nice! But as Bob wrote, it would be nice to have the regular versions of the Blackhawk.
  8. Bob, is the 2 seat Version based on Foxmentors MB-326?
  9. Hmm, pretty sure they were not there... Anyway thank you Bob!
  10. What´s going on here? Just wanted to redownload, cause i installed SF2 complete pack, but didn´t backed up those Skins. Skins are no more available?
  11. NF-5B Freedom Fighter

    Version 1.0.0


    NF-5B Freedom Fighter for SF2 This is the Canadair NF-5B WHAT´S IN: 1 aircraft with 20 brand new skins (only KLU) CREDITS: - FastCargo - 3D modeler of the original F-5B - yakarov79 - heavy 3D work on the specific NF-5B (Thank you so much mate!) - 331killerbee - sea camo template - Soulfreak - paintwork, decals, ini dance, screens etc. - Pilot is a reworked one from Volker´s German Pilot Special thanks to: Luuk Boerman from www.dutchdecal.nl who provided me great references. TO INSTALL: - extract NF-5B.7z into your mod folder if asked, let overwrite old files. Schapen, March 7th 2020 Carlo "Soulfreak" Vecchi
  12. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    BTW, I´m currently reworking the MB-339A
  13. Volker did the UZR-60... But i guess it is not yet released...
  14. Hope you´ll be back in Business soon mate! BTW, i got good references regarding NF-5s. If you are in Need of them, let me know. ;-)

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