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About jhon

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  1. F-CK-1 Ching-Kuo

    Amazing aircraft!!! it's really well done, congratulations!!!
  2. SF2 Atlas Impala Mk.II by Marcfighters V2

    Amazing Aircraft mod !!!!!!!!
  3. Tornado GR1/GR4 for SF2 V4.0

    amazing !!! i love this aircraft
  4. my attempt to transform the YAK-130 into a Turkmenistan Air Force M-346FA at the end a photo of the real ones to have a "comparison"
  5. Forces Armées Zaïroises (FAZ) [when the congo was Zaire ]
  6. Mirage 5M

  7. Mig-31BM Mini Update Pack

    this update came out well, congratulations. however Russian marking and numbers is still missing !!!
  8. Su-33 SKINS and INIs

    amazing, expecialy the "j-15" skins, i love it
  9. MiG-31M & BM Foxhound SF2

    amazing mod !!! but i dont have decals file, why ?
  10. SF2 USAF F-35 redux

    amazing f-35, whaiting the C version
  11. SF2 IL-28K_Naval_Beagle

    WOW, amazing mod !!! if only you could implement the hook animation I would put 5 stars
    amazing f-16 for Dhimar !!!
    Amazing model for Paran !!!

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