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  1. @citizen67 @bazillius I was able to get JDAMs on target, both the regular and the dual GPS/laser guided ones. The main learning was that I needed to fly higher and release closer to the target. They kind of have to free fall before the guidance system takes over and points the bomb toward the target. They don’t seem as maneuverable as the other GBUs, which I guess makes sense. Just don’t seem as safe as standoff precision munitions, since with these JDAMs I’m flying over the target.
  2. @bazillius @Wrench Lolol I’ve been modding the game by going into individual ini files to change those dates and other values using notepad. You’re telling me there are editor programs that will do this at scale for me?? Okay I need to check that out. What I’m not clear from the responses though is if I can modify the single mission parameters in the way I described in the OP. Do I need to use that CATExtractor to get at that? @citizen67 @bazillius maybe I’m just dropping the JDAMs from too far. I will try again.
  3. @mods, my server connection was all messed up and I ended up posting this same topic multiple times. I’m so sorry. Can you kill all but one of the posts? The text is all the same.
  4. Two questions for the experts. I’m playing SF2 Israel, with quite a few aircraft and weapon mods. 1. JDAMs I’ve never been able to land a JDAM on target. Whenever I release, the bomb tends to sail right past the target. Is there a pod or other feature a plane needs to enable the GPS guidance, like a satellite uplink or something? I feel like I’m within range (usually dropping around 10-15 nm) and take care to fly level. Any tips? I’m flying the F-16I Sufa and F-15I Ra’am when carrying JDAMs. 2. Ground vehicles in Single Mission Is it possible to edit what types of ground vehicles spawn in Single Missions? I’m looking to have more influence over what vehicles spawn, for friendlies and enemies. Quick background, I was flying single missions set in the late 2020s and noticed how bare the ground was (no friendly ground targets to select). Updated multiple ground object ini files by extending the availability dates, and that did the trick…partly. Now the map is covered in Hardened Stinger Sites, with half a dozen or more around each friendly airfield. That’s cool and all, but that’s the only ground object that is now spawning that I can actually select and view. I can see trucks and stuff but they aren’t targetable. Even if I put the stingers’ availability on Very_Rare, the same number still spawn and there aren’t other targetable objects. I was hoping for some hawk batteries, trucks, tanks, APCs, and other friendly ground objects to help provide more of a sense of defended borders and such. If I’m flying a CAS mission I do see friendly vehicles spawn at the primary objective waypoint. But in those scenarios, I’ll have something like enemy BMP-2s rushing a line of Merkava 3 tanks, and I’d rather see something like T-72s or T-55s than BMP-2s doing that, ya know? I can’t find any ini files that look like they’d control this kind of thing. Any thoughts?
  5. That worked @logan4! Removed the AHMs from 18 and 19 and that did the trick. Side note: Fixed the loadlimits on those Side note 2: I had deleted 8 and 9 during some experimentation. Thanks for the reminder, I added them back. And I agree, I'm for orderly/syntax in mods. I didn't create this one, it's just being modified by me. :) Thanks all for helping me take a look at this.
  6. Here they are. I have made modifications in both of these files. The issues I'm seeing are with the air-to-air configurations, but that's probably because I don't have AMRAAMs on most of the other loadouts (or I don't play the other types of missions much). I forgot to add, my air-to-air loadouts don't load the 370 gallon wing fuel tanks either. F-16I_Sufa_LOADOUT.INI F-16I_Sufa_Data.INI Edit: Nevermind on the fuel tanks...they are working fine. I'm just dumb (which is probably why I'm making a mistake somewhere with the AMRAAMs on the outer pylons). So basically it's just my long range air-to-air loadout that isn't working correctly, as it won't load the AMRAAMs on those outer pylons (and always shows an option of 4 missiles instead of 2 when in the in-game loadout screen).
  7. I’m flying an F-16I Sufa mod for Strike Fighters 2 Israel. I’ve modified the loadout ini file in an attempt to change the missile types and positions on the pylons. I’m having a consistent issue with the outer pylons (not the wingtip mounts, but the furthest pylons from the fuselage under the wings). I want these to carry one AMRAAM each, and as far as I can tell I have modified the loadout ini, the related missile object inis, and aircraft ini to be able to accommodate this. However, when I go to a single mission in-game and access the loadout screen, those outer pylons are always empty (no missiles). When I go to add missiles manually to these pylons, all AMRAAM types only are available in “4s” and not “2s.” So in other words it’s trying to mount 2 AMRAAMs on each pylon, which shouldn’t be possible (realistically), as these are set up for single missiles only. The F-16I ini file does have a relatively complex series of pylon rules, but I believe I have it set up to be able to mount AMRAAMs on these pylons, and I can’t find any setting in any file that would allow me to indicate there should only be the option to mount one missile per pylon in the loadout screen in game. I suspect a setting related to this “4 missiles” issue is preventing my loadout ini file from operating correctly and defaulting my vipers to have AMRAAMs on those pylons. Any thoughts on a setting I am missing here?
  8. You can disregard. I located the syntax and was able to get the ordnance that I wanted into the campaign.
  9. @eburger68 This mod is awesome. One thing I noticed is that the weapon selection is different, at least for the F-16A in the Lebanon campaign. Looks like no laser guided bombs (paveways) and CBU cluster bombs, for example. I found the game file where you can edit the available weapons and weapon counts in the Campaigns folder. But what I’m not sure how to find is a complete list of all ordnance naming conventions for this file. For example, if I want to add in GBU-10s for the F-16, what syntax do I use? And do you know if you can get crazy and go beyond what the vanilla game enables? For example could I add the Sparrow to the F-16 arsenal? (Vanilla game doesn’t have sparrows available for F-16.)
  10. Nice thanks! I will give this stuff a try.
  11. That's helpful, thanks. Sounds like generally ground targets are not targetable with radar. Any thoughts on the other questions? Visually targeting friendlies and ammo counter on the f-16?
  12. No idea why, but my original topic seems to have been removed or deleted or errored out or something. It's vanished from the forum. Anyway, a few SF2 questions from a newb to the series: 1. Was wondering if there is a way to see a gun ammo counter. @Fubar512 responded with the following: Only certain aircraft have ammo counters, as they do in real life. Of the stock aircraft in the series, only the F-16 and F-14A has a stores display (either on an MFD or ton he HUD, respectively), again, as they did in real life. Third-party models with their own dedicated cockpits also have stores displays (such as the F-18 series). Thanks that's helpful. Can you point me to where to find the gun ammo counter on the F-16? I can't find the counter anywhere, at least in Strike Fighters 2 Israel. It's an F-16A (so early model F-16) in case that matters. 2. I'm wondering how to visually target friendly ground units. This would help with situational awareness when flying CAS missions (supporting friendly ground units). @Snailman responded with the following: You can cycle them in the view and select them with "target closest to center". Also you can select them from external view with the same method. Also super helpful. Thank you! That seems to be the only way to target friendly ground units. Is there any other way to do so? I was hoping to be able to target them similar to how you can cycle through enemy ground targets using the E key. Is it possible to use the custom animation keys (miscellaneous commands) or something? Also @Snailman, what do you mean by "can select them from the external view?" Finally, one more piggyback question: Aircraft don't seem to be able target ground units using the radar. I'm assuming that's normal as a realistic feature.

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